Title IX Committee Meeting

Minutes –September 22, 2016

11:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.Building 58W, Student Union, Room 3805

Present:Ms. Donna R. Kirk, Senior Associate Athletic Director for Compliance/Senior Woman Administrator, Intercollegiate Athletics Title IX Coordinator; Dr. Jennifer Kane, Faculty Association;Mr. Tom Van Schoor, Dean of Students/Student Affairs Title IX Coordinator; Mr.Marc Snow, Senior Associate General Counsel; Deputy Chief William Strudel, Associate Director Safety Security, University Police Department;Mr. Albert Colom,Associate Vice President for Enrollment Services; and Committee Chair Cheryl Gonzalez, University Title IX Administrator.

Staff: Kameelah Spence, Coordinator, Equal Opportunity and Diversity;Ms. Katie Haft, Equal Opportunity and Diversity Specialist

Absent: Dr. Joann N. Campbell, Vice Chair, Associate Vice President/Compliance Officer; Dr. Karen Patterson, Associate Provost for Academic Programs/Academic Affairs, Title IX Coordinator; Ms. Felicia George, Director, Classification and Compensation, Office of Human Resources; Ms.Rocelia Gonzalez, Director, ADA Compliance, Administration & Finance Title IX Coordinator, Mr.Cole Poppell, Student Advocate, SGA

Guests: Dr. Tom Serwatka, Vice President/Chief of Staff;

  1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 11:06a.m. by Chair Cheryl Gonzalez, Title IX Administrator.

She welcomed everyone. A quorum was verified. A review of the August 4th meeting minutes took place.

  1. Welcome/Commentary

Chair Gonzalez againwelcomed everyone to the meeting and discussed the agenda.

  1. Adoption of Agenda

Dr. Tom Serwatkamade a motion to accept the Agenda as is, which was seconded by Dr. Jennifer Kane. A vote was called and the measure was unanimously passed.

  1. Approval of Minutes of August 4, 2016

A motion was made by Dr. Jennifer Kane to approve the Minutes with any corrections, which was seconded by Dean Tom Van Schoor. A vote was called, and the measure was unanimously approved.

  1. Old Business
  1. Title IX Training for Faculty and Staff Update

Mr. Marc Snow discussed online Title IX Compliance training, located on UNF’s Compliance site and recommended link to EOD. Discussion about data tracking and finding ways to encourage faculty/staff participation, and collaboration with Kelly Harrison to track participation in CPDT system. Dr. Tom Serwatka noted the need for integrated tracking if data is posted in multiple places. Chair Cheryl Gonzalez discussed tracking of trainings on the N drive, accessible for all to reference. Ms. Donna Kirk asked about tracking of Active Shooter trainings.

  1. Title IX Implementation Plan Review Update

Chair Cheryl Gonzalez discussed status of TIP, indicating the need to probably include a summary sheet and supporting documents/exhibits in order to document what is taking place in various areas. A MOU with UPD and JSO is still needed and could possibly be assessed by committee. Mr. Tom Van Schoor suggested a draft be sent to the Title IX Committee for feedback. Mr.Bill Strudel to send out existing example. Chair Cheryl Gonzalez commented on the need to also incorporate a chart for Title IX Complaint flow. Ms. Donna Kirk asked about intake forms with regard to Maxient’s role. Mr. Tom Van Schoor shared about Maxient meeting update. Presently determining what is needed from the program and close to having an assessment tool to examine the Maxient demos. Further discussion regarding adding training links to homepage and employee portal, as well as including hotline information in the Title IX Improvement Plan

  1. New Business
  1. Updates from Title IX Coordinators
  1. Mr. Tom Van Schoor – Announced the review of the code of conduct, which is also noted in the TIP. He shared that an attorney has been hired to handle sexual misconduct cases and is currently handling 3 such cases. Also reported that they are working with the organization One Love who will conduct trainings.
  1. Ms. Donna Kirk – Reported that Karen Stone is sponsoring Title IX review for Athletics. With regard to Cleary Committee – Campus Security Authority (CSA) designation is being expanded to all positions in Athletics with the exception of grounds crew. Positions Descriptions are being updated to include CSA language. She also reported that Athletics is also involved with One Love in training certain student athletes to be facilitators.
  1. Other Reports

Dr. Tom Serwatka – Reported that Title IX protections for transgender communications will be distributed. Currently in the approval process.

  1. Captivation.com

Chair Cheryl Gonzalez discussed information received from the developers of Captivation. They have produced an App for free usage by universities. It is stated to interact/integrate with UNF’s App. Discussion ensued about vetting through IT and needing to understand how Capptivation handles Student data to ensure compliance with FERPA.

  1. One Love: Courageous Conversations; Sexual Misconduct and Dating Violence

Chair Cheryl Gonzalez reported a very successful event which was broadly disseminated and widely sponsored. Annie from One Love to follow up with Alison Cruess

  1. Non-Member Commentary

No commentary.

  1. Announcements

No announcements.

IX. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at approximately 12:03p.m.

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Title IX Committee Meeting Minutes of September 22, 2016