Andrew Robinson Elementary School

Extended Day Program

PAYMENT SCHEDULE Option B 2017-2018

Tax ID Number: 59-6000589

AM (7-8:30) $52 PM (3-6, includes early release) $100 AM/PM $152

Please make checks payable to: Andrew Robinson Elementary. Include your child’s name on the check.

If you are paying in cash, please make sure you have the exact amount as we do not have change available. Also remain to pick up your receipt.

As per county policy, all checks must have pre-printed current address and telephone number to be accepted.

If sending in money with your child please place it in an envelope and clearly mark it with your child’s name and grade. The child will receive the envelope back with your receipt on the date payment was made.

A late fee of $15 is assessed if payment is not received prior to late fee charged date. See payment schedule.

If payment is not received within the validity period, your child will be removed from the program for non-payment. Please let us know in advance if there are monetary concerns so we may assist, if possible.

The days you are paying for do not include holidays or days that school is not in session. Early release days are included in the cost. The last day of school is a half-day so you do not pay for that afternoon.

We do not issue year-end statements. Please retain this schedule and your receipts for your records.

Absences are not grounds for refunding of a payment or crediting a payment to another session.

Aug 7- Aug 14 / AUGUST 14 – SEPTEMBER 11 / $52 / $50 / $102
September 1 / SEPTEMBER 12 – OCTOBER 9 / $52 / NA / NA / September 12
October 2 / OCTOBER 10 – NOVEMBER 7 / $52 / NA / NA / October 10
November 3 / NOVEMBER 8 – DECEMBER 11 / $52 / NA / NA / November 14
December 8 / DECEMBER 12 – JANUARY 26 / $52 / NA / NA / December 18
January 9 / JANUARY 29 – FEBRUARY 27 / $52 / NA / NA / January 17
February 9 / FEBRUARY 28 – APRIL 5 / $52 / NA / NA / February 20
March 9 / APRIL 6 – MAY 3 / $52 / NA / NA / March 15
April 9 / MAY 4 – JUNE 1 / $52 / $75 / $127 / April 17

Andrew Robinson Elementary School

Extended Day ProgramEnrollment Form

Student’s Name______Date of Birth______

Grade______Age _____Sex _____Teacher______

AM (7:00 – 8:30) _____PM (4:00 – 6:00) ______AM/PM (7:00 – 8:00/4:00 – 6:00) ______

Enroll Date______Withdrawal Date______Re-Enroll Date______

Mother’s Name______Place of Employment______

Employer Address______

Home Address______


Home Phone #______Work Phone #______Beeper/Cell #______

Email Address:______

Father’s Name______Place of Employment______

Employer Address______

Home Address______


Home Phone #______Work Phone #______Beeper/Cell #______

Email Address:______

Persons permitted to remove child: Mother _____yes ____no Father _____yes _____no

If no, documentation required.Step-Mother ____yes ____no Step-Father ____yes _____no

Child’s Physician ______Address______Phone ______

Other persons to be notified in case of illness or accident and permitted to remove child:





Special Medical or other needs that will help us to better serve your children: ______



In the case of accident or serious illness, and the school is unable to reach me, I hereby authorize the school to contact the physician indicated and to follow the instructions. If it is impossible to contact this physician, the school may make whatever arrangements necessary to provide care and treatment for my child.

In the case of accident or serious illness where immediate treatment of my child is indicated but where he/she is unable to remain at school, the school will contact me to arrange transportation for my child. If the school is unable to reach me, I authorize the school to contact one of the persons listed on the Extended Day Enrollment Form and request them to come to the school to transport my child home.




The undersigned hereby releases and forever discharges Community Education/Extended Day, the Duval County School Board and the City of Jacksonville, their officers, servants, agents, and employees from all claims and demands, rights and causes of action of any kind the undersigned now has and hereafter may have an account of or in any way arising from personal injuries known or unknown to the undersigned at the present time and property damage resulting or that results from any occurrence which may happen to ______during Andrew Robinson Extended Day Program.





A policy has been established in DuvalCounty to govern the administration of medicine to students in public school. The policy states that before medicine can be administered in the school, a statement from the physician concerning the medicine must be on file at the school. Directions taken from the prescription bottle or box will not suffice. Only a written statement from the physician is acceptable. Also, a Medication Release Form, which should be on file at your school. If none is in student file then have them complete the standard DCPS form.


I request that my child, (or legal ward), ______be given external and/or internal medication as needed during school hours; I will provide the medication. I understand that such medication will be given only according to directions of a licensed Medical Doctor or Dentist, and a copy of the directions is on file in the school office. Further, I agree to waive any claims or liability that may arise against any school personnel relative to the administration of medication to my child, (legal ward), regardless of the circumstances.



Extended Day Policy

Payment:Payments are due scheduled prior to 6:00 pm. A late fee of $15.00 will be added to payment received after the due date. Payment can only be made by cash, cashier’s check or money order(NO CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED FOR PAYMENT). Payment must be made for the exact amount. District Policy is that the student(s) may not remain in the Extended Day Program unless their account balances are paid on a current basis.

Note:Programs approved through the Duval County Public Schools are required to receive payment prior to services being rendered. Continual problems with late payments will result in your child not being allowed to return to the Extended Day Program.

Hours:Students must not arrive earlier than 7:00 am, and must be picked up by 6:00 pm. Continuous non-compliance with this policy will result in a late pick up fee and/or dismissal from the program.

Discipline:Citizenship warnings will be given to students as follows: First warning; must be signed and returned, Second warning; must be signed and returned, Third warning; must be signed and returned and student will have one week suspension from the program. Payment must still be made for this time to hold a vacancy in the program, Fourth warning; student will not be allowed to return to the Extended Day Program. All refunds are at the discretion of the principal. Failure to comply with the above standards withier by parent or child will result in the dismissal off the student from the Extended Day Program.

Property:Students are responsible for their own belongings. Please write names on all coats and lunch boxes.

Pick-Up:Students will be allowed to leave with persons who have written consent from the parents only. We will not accept notification by telephone. Please be sure to have designated persons listed on application. Adults/parents must have picture identification to pick up child.

Students picked up after the 6:00 pm dismissal time will be charged a late fee of $1.00 foreach minute after 6:00 pm per child that you are late. Failure to comply with these policies will result in the student being dismissed from the Extended Day Program.

I have read and agree to abide by the above policies.



Andrew Robinson Elementary

Extended Day Program Video Policy

Most children’s videos are now rated PG. Therefore, please indicate below whether you want your child to watch these types of videos.

My child (ren), ______, may watch movies that are rated PG.

Please do not allow my child (ren), ______, to watch any movies that are rated PG.


Parent SignatureDate


Citizenship warning will be given to children as follows:

First Warning: Must be signed by parent and returned to Extended Day Director.

Second Warning:Must be signed by parent and returned to Extended Day Director.

Third Warning:Must be signed by parent and returned to Extended Day Director. Child will have a one week suspension from the Extended Day Program. Payment must still be made for this time to hold the vacancy in the program.

Fourth Warning:Child will not be allowed to return to the Extended Day Program. All refunds are at the discretion of the principal.

Failure to comply with the above standards either by parent or child will result in the dismissal of the child from the Extended Day Program.
