Commerce Park Commission Meeting Minutes – June 20, 2011




Monday June 20, 2011


PRESENT: Ron Moran (Chairman), Peter Kantz (Liaison), Ron Baker, John Raithel (late arrival @ 7:30p), Walter Stoll

EXCUSED: Chris Manns, Vacant (Vice Chairman)

ALSO PRESENT: Derek Thiel (Airfield/Commerce Park Manager), Al Anderson (AAC Chairman), Carl Rigg (AAC member)

1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Call to Order:

Moran called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Grosse Ile Township Hall, 2nd Floor Board Room.

3.  Approval of Agenda – additions/deletions:

Baker motioned to approve the agenda with support from Stoll. All Ayes. Motion Carried.

4. Approval/Correction to Minutes:

Kantz motioned to approve the minutes of May 16, 2011 with support from Baker. All Ayes. Motion Carried.

5.  Financial Reports:

May 2011

Thiel: Discusses financials

Motion made by Kantz with support from Baker to receive and place on file the May 2011 financial report as submitted. All ayes. Motion carried.

6.  Manager’s Report:

a. Broker Agreement

Thiel: The current agreement for buildings 61, 62, & 63 expired June 1st. I see no real benefit from staying with this organization. Both tenets for those buildings have come from our own work. My recommendation is to not continue with them.

Moran: are there any future tenets that we would have to pay a commission on should they sign a lease?

Thiel: no.

Moran: My recommendation is to not continue.

Kantz: I agree.

Thiel: I have never seen proof of advertisements that they have done for us.

Moran: We should request proof that they actually did do advertising for us as it was part of the contract.

b. Commission Vacancy Update

Thiel: The expiration date for accepting applications has been published as July 1st. To date, there are 5 applications received.

Moran: Am I correct in saying that, the Township Board is not making much progress with a formal selection process.

Thiel: It would appear that way, but I am not wholly knowledgeable of the situation.

c. Runway Joint Installation Issues

Thiel: An expansion joint on runway 17/35 that was completed last year has begun to degrade over the past few weeks. The old engineers have suggested a few solutions. Our new engineering firm (C&S) is also looking at this problem. We have a temporary fix in place, but it will need to be addressed long term. The State of MI has advised to wait and see what the C&S report comes back with and see if the problem is a result of poor engineering by fault of URS.

Moran: Is there a written recommendation when this was fixed the first time by URS.

Thiel: Yes. The State of MI paid $10,000 for the process. There is a written report that states the problem and their solution(s).

Anderson (AAC Chairman): When you take management responsibility of a project, you take responsibility of the problems that may arise. It is my opinion that URS should bear the responsibility for this problem. We are getting negative feedback about our runway being closed for 20+ days now.

Moran: Am I correct in saying that we have proof of URS’s liability insurance.

Thiel: Yes. The job was bonded. I agree that we should get C&S’s report on the issue.

Rigg (AAC member): This project was not handled properly.

Raithel: Why is the old and new concrete both reacting? Is it a concrete or joint issue?

Anderson: It does not matter. URS engineered this project. It is not our responsibility to fix this problem.

d. Runway 17/35 Approach

Thiel: The recent survey for a GPS approach with 17/35. There is a crackdown on objects encroaching on RPZ’s. The FAA is requesting that the fence along Rio Rd. We are looking at receiving a waiver for the fence as the fence and road have been there for a long time. This involves a few red lights along the fence. This is my recommendation.

Moran: What happens if we install the lights and not move towards an easement?

Thiel: They will want us to move towards the easement.

Anderson: I don’t think that we need to be pursuing a GPS approach if all it is going to do is cause GIMA problems.

Rigg: The RPZ is getting larger regardless of the GPS approach.

Raithel: I make the recommendation that GPS not come up in this process.

7.  Action Items:

a.  Engineering design Contract recommendation (2011) Project

Motion made by Kantz with support from Stoll to recommend to the Grosse Ile Township Board the approval of an engineering contract between C&S Engineers Inc. and Grosse Ile Township to perform engineering services for the design and engineering of Grosse Ile Municipal Airport Lighting Rehabilitation, Drainage Improvements and Shoulder Construction, and Taxiway C Hold Bay Construction for fiscal year 2011-12 to not exceed $71,000. All Ayes. Motion carried.

Kantz: If we get $150,000 a year, it would appear that the project is going to be much larger than $150,000?

Thiel: There are different pots of money, entitlement and discretionary funding. We are in line for discretionary money above and beyond $150,000.

Kantz: Do we know if we do this study that we will get the money.

Thiel: Yes, we will get the money.

b.  DPW / Airport Maintenance Building Lease

Kantz motioned with support from Baker that the Grosse Ile Airfield/Commerce Park Commission approve the following lease between the Grosse Ile Department of Public Works and Grosse Ile Airport.

Thiel: The DPW had an audit recently. As part of that audit, the DEQ noted some missing paperwork, that being a formal arrangement over the building in question.

Raithel: The building reverts to whom upon the termination?

Thiel: Upon termination, the building becomes GIMA property.

8.  Sub-Committee Reports:

a.  Duathlon Financial Report

Kantz: Discusses Duathalon. We were successful with the Duathalon this year. All the funds go to the Memorial fund.

Thiel: At the last Veteran’s Gala meeting, the Gala committee has agreed to donate their funds to the NASGI Memorial Fund rather than setting up their own fund.

9.  Discussion Items

a.  Airport Marketing

Thiel: There is desire to set up a subcommittee that would work with the GIMA office, the FBO, and other interested tenets to market the airfield.

Anderson: We have a very desirable airfield and we need to market it to the larger community.

Raithel: There are many people doing things for the airport, but they are all doing things individually. We need a committee that organizes all these different groups and lets everyone know what is going on.

Kantz: So are looking to set up an official subcommittee to do this?

Raithel: This group appears to be the official group that handles the marketing.

Moran: What type of time frame are we looking at?

Kantz: My vision is not another committee, but more an advisory committee. Four dedicated people. September 1st is a date for getting the group set up that sets up the structure.

Raithel: Ill volunteer to help set up the group.

Baker: Ill volunteer all the way through.

Kantz: It will probably be Baker, Raithel, Anderson, and Ken Andrews.

Raithel: I would ask the Kantz be there in the beginning no matter what.

Thiel: I will have to be there for the meetings as there is a need for me to know what goes on.

10.  Chairman’s Report:

Moran: What happened to the film ordinance

Thiel: It was passed to the supervisor. It is up to him right now what to do with it.

11. Public Comment:

Carl Moehr (resident and business owner): The turnout at Island Fest was great. I am a business owner. I would like to use the existing fenced in property temporarily along Midway.

Thiel: It was determined that a special land use would be required to set up Moehr in a permanent facility. There are substantial costs with going through in building a permanent facility which requires a full site plan review.

Raithel: We have not talked to the planning commission. We have a potential tenet that wants to remove a structure we don’t want, relocate it in a spot we do like, and will pay us rent. He is reputable and does much volunteer work on the Island.

12. Adjournment of Regular Meeting:

Motion to adjourn by Kantz with support from Stoll at 9:13P.M. All Ayes. Motion carried.