2010-11 Middle Grades Extended Learning Opportunities

Phase II will allow for 45 additional hours of mathematics instruction and related project-based learning after school and/or on Saturdays; about 60% or 30 hours will focus on core math instruction and about 40% or 18 hours will focus on project-based learning. School Directors and teachers will also be paid for 15 hours of planning and 8 hours of professional development.The extended day/week model will target middle school students who receive Title I services and scored basic on the 2010 math Maryland State Assessment (MSA) or Math Benchmark B. The goal of Phase II of this grant is for students to score proficient or advanced on the 2011 Mathematics MSA.

School Information

Principal’s Name:
School Director’s Name: / Current Position at School:
School name: / School #:
BCPS Email: / Title I Status:

Skills to Cover for each grade in Phase II – January to March

The chart below reflects the most problematic skills for our 6th, 7th, and 8th gradestudents according to the 2010 Mathematics MSA.

6th Grade Math Priority Skills / 7th Grade Math Priority Skills / 8th Grade Math Priority Skills
Diagonal line segments / Back-to-back Stem & Leaf Plots / Measures of Central Tendency
Parts of a Circle / Misleading Graphs / Interpret Tables
Relationships between Parts of a Circle / Best Choice of Data Display / Box and Whisker Plots
Classifying Triangles (sides & angles) / Measures of Central Tendency / Scatter Plots
Sums of Angles in a Triangle / Outcomes / Outcomes
Angle Bisectors / Independent Probability / Make Predictions
Perpendicular Bisectors / Make Predictions / Independent Probability
Draw Polygons on Coordinate Grid / Area of a Parallelogram / Dependent Probability
Area of a Triangle / Area of a Trapezoid / Write Equations
Volume of Rectangular Prisms / Surface Area / Solve Equations
Missing Dimensions (Perimeter) / Congruent Parts of Polygons / Identify Equivalent Equations
Missing Dimensions (Area) / Scale / Linearity
Area of Composite Figures / Slope
Graph Linear Equations

How many current Title I 6th grade students scored basic on the 2010 Math MSA? (look at 5th grade data) ______

How many 6th graders do you plan to target through the Extended Learning program? ______

How many current Title I 7th grade students scored basic on the 2010 Math MSA? (look at 6th grade data) ______

How many 7th graders do you plan to target through the Extended Learning program? ______

How many current Title I 8th grade students scored basic on the 2010 Math MSA? (look at 7th grade data) ______

How many 8th graders do you plan to target through the Extended Learning program? ______

Who is teaching your Extended Learning Classes? 1:10 ratio

Extended Learning School Director’s Name:
Extended Learning School Director’s BCPSS Email: / Employee ID #:
6th Grade Teacher’s Name:
BCPSS Email: / Employee ID #:
6th Grade Teacher’s Name:
BCPSS Email: / Employee ID #:
7th Grade Teacher’s Name:
BCPSS Email: / Employee ID #:
7th Grade Teacher’s Name:
BCPSS Email: / Employee ID #:
8th Grade Teacher’s Name:
BCPSS Email: / Employee ID #:
8th Grade Teacher’s Name:
BCPSS Email: / Employee ID #:

Which students will be targetedthrough the Extended Learning program?

Students must be receiving Title I servicesANDbe identified as BASIC or BASIC+ (BASIC+ represents students who were barely proficient) on the 2010 Mathematics MSA or Math Benchmark B.

6th Grade Students / 7th Grade Students / 8th Grade Students
1. / 1. / 1.
2. / 2. / 2.
3. / 3. / 3.
4. / 4. / 4.
5. / 5. / 5.
6. / 6. / 6.
7. / 7. / 7.
8. / 8. / 8.
9. / 9. / 9.
10. / 10. / 10.
11. / 11. / 11.
12. / 12. / 12.
13. / 13. / 13.
14. / 14. / 14.
15. / 15. / 15.
16. / 16. / 16.
17. / 17. / 17.
18. / 18. / 18.
19. / 19. / 19.
20. / 20. / 20.
21. / 21. / 21.
22. / 22. / 22.
23. / 23. / 23.
24. / 24. / 24.
25. / 25. / 25.
26. / 26. / 26.
27. / 27. / 27.
28. / 28. / 28.
29. / 29. / 29.
30. / 30. / 30.
31. / 31. / 31.
32. / 32. / 32.
33. / 33. / 33.
34. / 34. / 34.
35. / 35. / 35.
36. / 36. / 36.
37. / 37. / 37.
38. / 38. / 38.
39. / 39. / 39.
40. / 40. / 40.
41. / 41. / 41.
42. / 42. / 42.
43. / 43. / 43.
44. / 44. / 44.
45. / 45. / 45.
Total 6th: / Total 7th: / Total 8th:

Total number of projected students serviced in the Extended Learning Program ______

For each student regularly attending the Extended Learning Program, your school will receive up to $200 to use towards the Extended Learning Program.

Projected number of students / x $200 per student / Total projected amount*
x $200 per student

*If the actual enrollment at your Extended Learning Program is lower than projected, your funds will be frozen and used to pay providers for the contracted amount.

Sample Budget for 30 students (30 students x $200 per student = $6000)

Date / Materials & Supplies / Contracts / Food / Total
1/5/11 / Staples (Snacks*) / $150.00
1/6/11 / D & H Dist. / $628.00
1/10/11 / ETA Cuisenaire / $239.88
1/10/11 / Young Audiences / $2250
Expenditures / $3267.88
Balance Remaining / $2732.12

* Snacks will only be funded for Extended Learning Programs that occur on Saturdays. Extended Learning Programs that occur during the week will receive snacks upon completing an application from the Office of Food & Nutrition.

Projected Budget for _____ students (_____ students x $200 per student = ______)

Date / Materials & Supplies / Contracts / Food / Total
Expenditures / $
Balance Remaining / $

To insert additional rows, right click on a cell, select insert and theninsert rows below.

Please choose which Project-based Learning Provider(s) with whom you plan to partner for the Extended Learning Program. Depending on actual student enrollment and student interest, multipleproviders can be selected for your Extended Learning Program. Below are a list of potentialand optionalproviders – this list is not inclusive.
Interdisciplinary / STEM / Youth Development
 Child First /  Baltimore Museum of Industry / Champions
 Creative Alliance /  LEAP /  Fit Families
 Higher Achievement /  Little Builders /  Jubilee Arts
 Unchained Talent /  Living Classrooms /  Michael Phelps Swim School
 Wide Angle Youth Media /  VEX (must attend December training sessions) /  Parks and People
 Young Audiences /  Other* /  We Imagine
 Other* /  Y of Central Maryland
 Other*

*Other could mean that a teacher from your school is working with students as the project-based learning provider. Please calculate this teacher’s or teachers’ stipends out of your total budget. This teacher will be paid at a rate of $30/hr and should work with a maximum of 10 students per session. This teacher will also need to submit a detailed plan outlining their project-based learning activities.

** It is the school’s responsibility to build a relationship with providersand define a contract that will meet the financial obligations of both parties. Funding allocated to schools based on projected budgets will be used in its entiretyto pay providers should actual student enrollment fall below the contracted enrollment.

December 2010
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Phase II PD / 2
Phase II PD / 3 / 4
5 / 6 / 7
Phase II PD / 8
Phase II PD / 9 / 10 / 11
The Works PLC
JHU VEX Competition
12 / 13
4:30-6:30 VEX Introduction Training / 14
Phase II PD / 15
Phase II PD / 16
4:30-6:30 VEX Introduction Training / 17 / 18
19 / 20
4:30-6:30 VEX Introduction Training / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25

In December 2010, all School Directors and Teachers must attend PD sessions for Phase IIas a school team (one per week).Schools interested in implementing a VEX Robotics program must also attend the VEX Introduction Training sessions and can also be compensated to attend and judge the JHU VEX Competition for Phase I teams on Saturday, December 11 at the Glass Pavilion on the JHU Campus.

Please identify the dates and times for which you will provide Extended Learning. Begin in January and end by March 12. Insert which dates/times are for math instruction (MI), project-based learning (PBL), and planning by typing directly into the cell.

January 2011
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8
The Works PLC
9 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15
16 / 17
NO SCHOOL / 18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22
23 / 24
NO SCHOOL / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29
30 / 31

MI = Math Instruction

PBL = Project-based Learning


February 2011
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
The Works PLC
13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17Black Engineer Awards / 18 / 19
20 / 21
NO SCHOOL / 22 / 23 / 24 / 25 / 26
27 / 28

MI = Math Instruction

PBL = Project-based Learning


March 2011
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Early Release / 5
6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12

MI = Math Instruction

PBL = Project-based Learning


During Math Instruction, please use the following Research-based math programs: Math Works, Mobius Math, TAI, First in Math.Describe the schedule for Math Instruction. See below for a sample schedule.

Sample Schedule for 1.5 hour long Math Instruction session

2:30-2:45 / Snacks/Math Works Homework
2:45-3:00 / TAI and/or First in Math
3:00-4:00 / Math Instruction using Mobius Math or Math Works

Proposed 6th grade Schedule for Math Instruction


Proposed 7th grade Schedule for Math Instruction


Proposed 8th grade Schedule for Math Instruction


Please identify a field trip that you would like to take with your students that will integrate math and the project-based learning experience. Please note that the cost does not include transportation. Transportation will be provided by a yellow bus from the Extended Learning grant.

Grade / Field Trip Location / Date / Cost Per student
($20 maximum per student) / Explanation of connection between math and project - based learning.

Describe the strategies that will be taken to implement the Extended Learning Program. Make sure to answer the following in questions in your narrative.

  1. What is/are your project-based learning initiative/s? How does it tie into increasing math achievement?
  1. When/How will data be analyzed to tailor the Extended Learning Program to meet the needs of your students?
  1. What is your plan for maintaining at least an 80% student attendance rate for the Extended Learning Program? Please work with your Providers to create this plan. If the actual enrollment at your Extended Learning Program is lower than projected, your funds will be frozen and used to pay providers for the contracted amount.

List of Optional and Potential Providers

Providers/Website / Point of Contact / Phone Number
Interdisciplinary Study
Child First
/ Shannen Coleman
/ 410-367-8520
Creative Alliance
/ Linda DePalma
/ 410-276-1651
Higher Achievement
/ Erin Hodge-Williams
/ 410-752-7753
Unchained Talent
/ Keyinta Boyd
/ 410-357-1828
Wide Angle Youth Media
/ Susan Malone
/ 443-759-6700
Young Audiences
/ Nathan Cooper
/ 410-837-7577 ext. 104
Baltimore Museum of Industry
/ Mike Shealey

Carole Baker
/ 410-727-4808 ext. 150
LEAP / Lori Edmunds
/ 301-919-2133
Little Builders / Thomas Lewis
/ 410-243-7573
Living Classrooms
/ Valencia Warnock
/ 410-675-0221
/ Paul Atkinson

Kevin Boone
/ 410-375-6842
Youth Development
/ Janeal Roberts
Fit Families
/ Patrice Harris
/ 443-418-2757
Jubilee Arts
/ Mariska Jordan
/ 410-728-1199
Michael Phelps Swim School
/ Cathy Bennett
/ 410-433-8300
Parks and People
/ Monica Logan
/ 410-448-5663 ext. 110
We Imagine
/ Tyrone Sherrod
/ 443-802-7988
Y of Central Maryland
/ Gene Oaksmith
/ 410-837-9622

Office of Teaching and Learning 1