Group Project

CGC1D Ms. Hyndman

Group Members: ______





CGC1D Ms. Hyndman


*This topic is found in the textbook on pages______


Equally divide up the following questions in your group. Research the answer to the questions using both your textbook and other reliable sources (I.e. books, internet sites, etc.). Once you have your answers, as a group, put your answers together into a presentation format (I.e. a PowerPoint or multiple poster presentation). Do not just include each question and the answer on a slide for your presentation. Your final product should flow together nicely.

  1. What is ore and what is an ore mineral? Are these examples of renewable or non-renewable resources? Explain.
  1. What percentage of Canada’s GDP is contributed from the mining industry (Statistics Canada website, research)?
  1. Research and describe the major ore minerals and use(s) of the following metals: gold, nickel, zinc, copper, platinum and uranium. Organize your information into a chart.
  1. Produce a map that shows where most of the principal non-fuel mineral deposits are located. In which physical region (landform region) are they located? What sorts of rocks dominate the regions they are found in?
  1. Using diagrams, describe the 2 principal mining methods, open pit and underground or shaft mining. What sort of factors determine which method is used?
  1. Outline some of the basic steps taken in mineral exploration along with definitions of terminology you encounter. Start with the staking of a claim and follow through to the development of a mine.
  1. What factors are involved in the decision as to whether a deposit can or will be mined? Use the Ekati diamond mine in the Northwest Territories as an example of the sort of problems that must be overcome. How would market prices for various metals affect the decision process?
  1. Describe the process of milling and smelting.
  1. What are mine tailings and how are they sorted? What is acid mine drainage?
  1. Outline how the mining industry contributes to the problem of acid precipitation. Use diagrams.


Each person in the group must write their own paragraph (5-10 sentences) answer to ONE of the following to be handed in separate from the presentation. Each member should have a different letter.

A)It has been said, “If it can’t be grown, it has to be mined.” This statement was used by a group trying to promote mining in Canada. What do you suppose their message to Canadians was? Explain.

B)What is the meaning of the term Sustainable Development and how does it apply to the mining industry? Explain.

C)What sorts of things make it difficult for mining companies to reduce environmental damages? Explain.

D)Should certain areas of the country be off limits to mining? Explain your reasoning.