Review Course Review Outline
AP U.S. History
Beginnings and Colonial America through the Revolution
- Pre-Columbian America
- The Spanish in the New World
- The French in the New World
- The English in the New World
- The impact of European Encounter
- The Columbian Exchange
- The Pueblo Revolt (Popé’s Rebellion)
- Jamestown 1607
- Effects of Indentured servitude
- The “Middle Passage”
- Slave labor in the colonies
- Winthrop’s “City on a Hill”
- Halfway Covenant
- Extent of religious liberty in colonies
- First Great Awakening
- Characteristics of colonial cities and regions
- Bacon’s Rebellion
- Stono Rebellion
- Results of the French & Indian War
- Proclamation of 1763
- Mercantilism and its results
- Virtual vs. Actual Representation
- Thomas Paine’s Common Sense
- Stamp Act
- Boston Massacre 1770, Boston Tea Party 1773
- Intolerable Acts
- First vs. Second Continental Congress
- Olive Branch Petition
- The Declaration of Independence 1775
- Battle of Saratoga
- France’s aid in Revolutionary War
- Republicanism (Revolutionary era)
- Republican Motherhood
- Battle of Yorktown
- Terms of Treaty of Paris (1783) & follow-through
The New Nation; 1783-1860
The Articles of Confederation 1781- Reasoning for and Weaknesses
- Ordinances of 1785 & 1787
- Shays’ Rebellion
- Compromises in the Constitution
- Checks and Balances
- Federalists vs. Antifederalists
- The Bill of Rights
- Beliefs of Hamilton vs. Jefferson
- Whiskey Rebellion
- Washington’s Farewell Address
- Qualifications for early voters
- Jay’s Treaty
- XYZ Affair
- Quasi War w/ France
- Alien and Sedition Acts
- KentuckyVirginia Resolutions
- Election of 1800
- Deism
- Embargo Act of 1807
- Louisiana Purchase/Lewis and Clark
- *De Toqueville’s Democracy in America
- Marbury v. Madison/Judicial review
- Judicial Nationalism/Marshall Court Cases
- Growth of Canals vs. Railroads
- Importance of Erie Canal
- Tecumseh
- The Causes of the War of 1812
- The Hartford Convention
- Impact of the War of 1812
- Era of Good Feelings
- Adams-Onís Treaty
- Monroe Doctrine
- Impact of Whitney’s cotton gin
- Patterns of Slaveholding
- Henry Clay’s American System
- Election of 1824/Corrupt Bargain
- Jacksonian Democracy 1829–1837
- Protective tariffs (1816-1828)
- Nullification and states’ rights/South Carolina Exposition & Protest
- Bank War
- Wildcat currency & pet banks
- Results of Jackson’s economic policies
- Whigs vs. Jacksonian Democrats (1830’s-40’s)
- Cherokee Nation v. Georgia
- The Trail of Tears 1838
- Early Industry/Lowell, MA
- Cult of domesticity
- Early American Literature ie: Emerson/Thoreau/Hawthorne/Melville/Poe
- Hudson RiverSchool
- 2nd Great Awakening
- Immediatism – Garrison and Douglass
- Education Reform 1800-1860
- Mental Health/Prison Reform
- Utopianism (Oneida, Brook Farm)
- Seneca Falls Convention
- Americans into Texas/Mexican policy toward Texas
- Texan Independence
- The Whig Platform
- The Wilmot Proviso
- The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
- The Missouri Compromise 1820
- Ostend Manifesto
- Popular Sovereignty
- The Compromise of 1850
- Gadsden Purchase
- The Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854
- “Bleeding Kansas”
- Uncle Tom’s Cabin 1852
- The Dred Scott case 1857
- LincolnDouglas Debates
- John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry 1859
- Republican Party Platform in 1860
- The Election of 1860/Secession of the South
The Civil War and Reconstruction; 1861-1877
- Lincoln’s goals
- Problems facing the Union (1861-3)
- Advantages/Disadvantages of both sides
- Foreign relations in Civil War
- The Gettysburg Address 1863
- The Emancipation Proclamation 1863
- The Confederate surrender
- Freedmen’s Bureau
- Radical Republicans in Reconstruction (Charles Sumner/Thaddeus Stevens)
- Reconstruction Acts of 1867
- Thirteenth Amendment 1865
- Fourteenth Amendment 1868
- Fifteenth Amendment 1870
- Johnson Impeachment
- Origins of the Ku Klux Klan
- Economic Impact of Civil War
- Sharecropping/crop lien laws
- Black Codes
- Limits to voting rights (poll taxes, etc.)
- End of Reconstruction (1877)
The Second Industrial Revolution; 1865-1900
- Factors contributing to industrialization
- The “New South”
- Resulting social changes
- Gospel of Wealth
- Social Darwinism
- The “robber barons”/“captains of industry”
- Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller
- Vertical/Horizontal Integration
- Sherman Antitrust Act 1890
- New labor unions (IWW, Knights of Labor)
- Strikes (Haymarket Square, Great Strike of 1877, Ludlow)
- Thomas Edison
- Edwin Drake
- Christopher Sholes
Immigration and Urbanization; 1840-1900
- Reasons for immigration
- The “old immigrants” and the “new immigrants”
- Irish and German Immigrant Settlement Patterns
- Ellis Island and AngelIsland
- Nativism/Know Nothing Party
- Jane Addams and the settlement house movement
- Political machines
- Tammany Hall/Boss Tweed
- BrooklynBridge 1883
- Kodak camera
- The airplane
- William Randolph Hearst
- Joseph Pulitzer
- Mark Twain
- Circus, vaudeville, and amusement parks
- Birth of a Nation by D.W. Griffith
- Booker T. Washington
- W. E. B. Du Bois/NAACP
- Jim Crow laws
- Plessy v. Ferguson1896
- Lynchings – Ida B. Wells
The Settlement of the West; 1865-1900
Settlement of the Great Plains- Reasons
- The Homestead Act 1862
- Exoduster
- Cyrus McCormick’s Reaper
- Transcontinental Railroad 1869
- Indian Assimilation /The Dawes Severalty Act
- Frederick Jackson Turner’s thesis
- Causes of farmers’ discontent (1875-1900)
- Bimetallism
- The rise of the Populist Party
- The Omaha Platform
- The “Cross of Gold” speech
- Election of 1896
- Fall of Populist Party (reasons)
- Little Bighorn/Second Sioux War
- The Ghost Dance
- The Battle of Wounded Knee
The Progressive Movement; 1900-1917
- Origins of Progressivism
- The muckrakers
- Lincoln Steffens
- Ida Tarbell
- Jacob Riis
- “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair/Meat Inspection Act/Pure Food and Drug Act
- Initiative and referendum
- Australian Ballot
- Women’s suffrage (19th Amendment)
- Prohibition (18th Amendment)
- Failures of Progressivism
- Theodore Roosevelt
- William Howard Taft
- Woodrow Wilson
- The Anthracite Coal Miner’s Strike
- The “Bull Moose” Party and the election of 1912
- New Nationalism vs. New Freedom
American Imperialism and World War I; 1865-1919
- Definitions of imperialism
- Reasons for imperialism
- Early acquisitions: Alaska, Hawaii, Samoa, etc.
- Causes
- Americas New Empire
- Platt Amendment in Cuba
- Insular Cases
- China and the Open Door policy (John Hay)
- The Panama Canal
- Neutrality and the drift toward war
- Economic interests
- Submarine warfare
- Zimmerman Note
- The Committee on Public Information
- Food Administration
- Wilson and the Fourteen Points
- The League Nations
- Resistance to the Treaty in the U.S. (Henry Cabot Lodge)
The Roaring Twenties; 1920-1929
Political ideologies- Anarchism
- Communism
- Socialism
- Liberalism
- Conservatism
- Fascism
- Reactionism
- The “Red Scare” 1920
- A. Mitchell Palmer
- Sacco and Vanzetti 1921
- The National Origins Act 1924
- The Ku Klux Klan of the 1920’s
- The “Great Migration”
- Prohibition/18th Amendment/Volstead Act
- Speakeasies & Bootleggers
- The Scopes trial 1925
- Henry Ford and the assembly line
- The impact of the automobile
- The Jazz Singer 1927
- Charlie Chaplin
- Installment buying
- Flappers
- Gertrude Ederle
- Babe Ruth
- Charles Lindbergh
- Writers of the “Lost Generation”
- George Gershwin
- Langston Hughes
- Duke Ellington
- Stock Market Crash 1929
The Great Depression and the New Deal; 1929-1940
Causes of the Great Depression- Stock Market crash—“Black Tuesday” 1929
- Depression in agriculture
- Easy credit
- Bank failures
- Overproduction and underemployment
- 25% unemployment by 1932
- Tariff barriers
- Worldwide depression
- Hunger—Soup kitchens and bread lines
- Homelessness—Hoovervilles
- The Dust Bowl—Okies
- Voluntary cooperation
- Public works program 1930
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation 1932
- The Bonus Army 1932
- “Three Rs” of New Deal
- Emergency Banking Act
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
- Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
- Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)
- TennesseeValley Authority (TVA)
- National Industrial Recovery Administration (NRA)
- Federal Emergency Relief Administration
- Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
- Public Works Administration (PWA)
- Social Security Administration
- Radio/“fireside chats”
- John Steinbeck’s Grapes of Wrath
- Boosted rights of workers and aided farmers
- Shift from laissez-faire to government regulation
- New Deal Democratic Party Coalition
The Road to War: 1931-1939
- Resentment over Treaty of Versailles
- Communism in Soviet Union under Stalin
- Fascism/totalitarianism in Italy - Germany
- Attacks on Jews—Kristallnacht
- Lebensraum—living space
- “Final solution”/death camps
- Fascist Japanese Aggression in Asia (1931-1937)
- Spanish Civil War 1936
- Austria 1938
- Sudetenland 1938
- Appeasement policy in Munich Pact fails
- Czechoslovakia 1939
- Poland 1939—World War II begins
World War Two; 1939-1945
Road to U.S. involvement- Lend-Lease Act 1941
- Atlantic Charter 1941
- Pearl Harbor attack
- Size of American military
- Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps (WAACs)
- Women work in war industries
- Rationing
- Japanese Americans interned
- Race riots in Detroit and Los Angeles
- “March on Washington” movement 1941—
- Philip Randolph
- ABC-1 Agreement
- Battle of Atlantic—convoys and radar
- Stalingrad 1942–1943
- North Africa 1943
- Sicily/Mussolini overthrown
- D-Day invasion at Normandy—June 1944
- Liberation of Paris/Battle of the Bulge 1944
- March on Berlin 1945—Soviets enter from east
- FDR’s death/Hitler’s suicide—April 1945
- German surrender—May 8, 1945
- “Island-hopping” strategy
- Coral Sea and Midway
- Iwo Jima and Okinawa 1945
- Manhattan Project
- Atomic Attacks on Japan
- Japan surrenders—August 1945
- United Nations organized 1945
The Cold War/Foreign Policy; 1945-1989
- Definition of “cold war”
- Satellite nations/“iron curtain”
- U.S. containment policy
- Truman Doctrine 1947
- Marshall Plan 1948
- Berlin crisis and airlift 1948
- NATO 1949
- China 1949—Mao Zedong
- Korean Conflict 1950–1953
- Douglas MacArthur leads UN forces
- Nation divided at 38th parallel
- Warsaw Pact
- Hungarian revolt 1956
- McCarthyism
- House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC)
- Hollywood Ten
- Alger Hiss/Julius and Ethel Rosenberg
- Massive retaliation and brinksmanship
- Hydrogen bomb detonated 1952
- Khrushchev to power in Soviet Union 1956
- Sputnik I 1957/NASA established 1958
- U-2 incident 1960/summit talks canceled
- Flexible response
- Bay of Pigs 1961
- Cuban missile crisis 1962
- Berlin Wall erected 1961
- Hot lines/Limited Test Ban Treaty
- Gulf of Tonkin Incident/Resolution
- Tet offensive
- My Lai
- KentState
- Vietnamization
- Nixon and China
- OPEC Energy Crisis
- Iran Hostage Crisis
- SDI/Star Wars
- Iran Contra Scandal
- Glasnost/Perestroika
The Postwar Boom; 1945-1960
- Harry Truman’s Fair Deal 1945–1953
- GI Bill of Rights 1944
- Growth of suburbs/Levittown 1947
- Baby boom
- “Dixiecrats”
- Taft-Hartley Act
- Interstate highway system
- TV as main vehicle of popular culture
- Beat writers—Ginsberg and Kerouac
- Rock ‘n’ roll—Elvis Presley
- White flight from cities to suburbs
- Urban renewal
- Betty Friedan/Feminism
The New Frontier, The Great Society, and the Modern Civil Rights Movement; 1960-1970
Taking on segregation- Brown v. Board of Education 1954
- Thurgood Marshall and NAACP
- “Little Rock Nine”/CentralHigh School
- Montgomery bus boycott/Rosa Parks 1955
- Martin Luther King, Jr. and SCLC
- Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
- Lunch counter sit-ins
- Freedom Riders 1961
- March on Washington 1963
- Civil Rights Act 1964
- Freedom Summer 1964–1965
- Voting Rights Act 1965
- Black power/Stokely Carmichael (SNCC)
- Malcolm X
- Black Panther Party
- King assassination 1968
- Kennedy-Nixon televised debates 1960
- Peace Corps
- Pledge to put man on the moon
- JFK assassination
- War on Poverty
- Economic Opportunity Act 1964
- Medicare/Medicaid
- Warren Court/Miranda rights
- Rachel Carson/Environmentalism
- Democratic Convention of 1968
- Presidential Election of 1968/Candidates
Recent Events in Domestic policy, 1970-1990
- Equal Rights Amendment
- Gloria Steinem/Phyllis Schlafly
- Watergate Scandal/Nixon resignation
- Carter Presidency/stagflation
- Cesar Chavez
- Roe v. Wade
- The rise of the Moral Majority
- Reaganomics
Study Tips
Form study groups to divide these. Meet to discuss them.
Spread it out by doing 20/night.
- Glossary
- Index > pg; read several surrounding paragraphs; take notes (alternative: table of contents)
- Consult your binder for old lecture notes, class activities, etc.
- Use outside sources ie: Internet