Lake Superior Biodiversity Conservation Assessment
Review Form for Draft Report
Thank you for sharing your time and expertise to review the draft Lake Superior Biodiversity Conservation Assessment report. We welcome comments/edits on the draft report in any format. To help facilitate your review and preparation of the final report your responses to the following question would be especially appreciated.
Please send your comments back to Megan Ihrig by March 20:
NameWhat would you say are your main areas of expertise?
Section 1: Introduction
Is there any additional information you would like to see in this section?
Section 2: Biodiversity Targets
Which target(s) did you review? (place a “x” beside applicable targets) / All
Deepwater and offshore
Nearshore zone and reefs
Embayments and inshore
Coastal wetlands
Coastal terrestrial habitats
Tributaries and watersheds
Do you agree with the overall ranking of biodiversity target health? Why or why not.
Are there any additional indicators or information you would suggest to assess the health of the biodiversity targets?
Do you think any of the indicators should be ranked as “very good”?
Are there any additional data sources or maps that you think would be helpful?
Section 3: Threats/ Issues
Which threat(s) did you review? (place a “x” beside applicable threats) / All
Some (please list)
Do you agree with the overall ranking of threats? Why or why not.
Are there any additional data sources or maps that you think would be helpful?
Regional Summaries
Which regional summary(ies) did you review? (place a “x” beside applicable summaries) / All
Are there any important biodiversity features that still need to be highlighted for any region?
Do you agree with condition ratings and information for the regions you are familiar with?
Are there any existing conservation programs or success stories that still need to be highlighted?
Are there any other priority areas for conservation or restoration that should be highlighted? Please provide details.
Are there any key data sources that you think are missing?
Are there additional photos or interesting facts that you think should be added?
Overall, what do you like most about the report?
What do you think needs the most improvement?
Will this report be utilized by your organization/program, and if so, how?