“Let’s Stop Violence before It Starts”
Using primary prevention strategies to engage men, mobilise communities,
and change the world
Workshop with Dr Michael Flood
How can we prevent violence against women? And how can we make progress by engaging men? These workshops provide a comprehensive introduction to frameworks and strategies for primary prevention, with a focus on engaging and mobilising men.The workshops will be engaging, participatory, and packed with strategies, resources, and food for thought.
Primary prevention has become a central focus of community and government efforts to address men’s violence against women. This reflects the recognition that we must not only respond to the victims and perpetrators of violence, but also work to prevent this violence from occurring in the first place. The workshop highlightsthe rapidly developing field of primary prevention, the spectrum of strategies now being adopted, the supports for violence against women they address, and their effectiveness.
Engaging and mobilising men has become an important aspect of prevention work. This work is challenging, even problematic, and yet vital. The workshop emphasises the positive role which men have to play in preventing violence against women. It identifies promising strategies for involving men in work aimed at ending violence against women and building gender equality, drawing on both Australian and international experience. The workshop explores key challenges and dangers, from collusion to backlash, and it emphasises ways in which to extend the reach, appeal and impact of violence prevention among men.
Hosted by the National Network of Stopping Violence Services, the one-day workshops will take place in Wellington, Christchurch and Auckland over September 28thto October 2nd2009. They will be facilitated by Dr Michael Flood, a researcher, educator, and activist. (See below for more details.)
- The Roots of Men’s Violence Against Women: An ecological model
- Stopping Violence Before It Happens:
- The Spectrum of Prevention
- What Works in Preventing Violence Against Women.
- Engaging Men in Prevention
- The Positive Roles Men Can Play
- Tales of Failure and Success
- Dealing with Resistance and Backlash
- Changing Norms, Mobilising Communities, and Building Gender Equality
Wellington 28th September,
Ministry of Social Development, Auditorium, Level 3, BowenStateBuilding, Bowen Street
Christchurch 30th September
All Seasons Hotel, 72 Papanui Road, Christchurch
Auckland 2ndOctober
Western Springs Garden Community Hall, 956 Great North Road, Western Springs
$35 per person (morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea provided).
Biographical details of Dr Flood and the Workshop Registration form are below. Te Kupenga Whakaoti Mahi Patunga/The National Network of Stopping Violence Services appreciates the support of the Ministry of Social Development Family and Community Services in helping to bring Dr Michael Flood to New Zealand.
For further information, please contact Indigo Freya at . PO Box 6721, Marion Square, Wellington 6141 048025402
Biographical Details
Dr Michael Flood is a Research Fellow at La Trobe University in Australia, funded by the Victorian Health Promotion Foundation (VicHealth). His research focuses on the primary prevention of violence against women, while he also researches men and gender, male heterosexuality, fathering, and sexual and reproductive health. He has published on best practice in primary prevention, how to engage men in violence prevention, factors shaping violence-supportive attitudes, men’s anti-violence activism, respectful relationships education in schools, young people’s experiences of violence in their relationships and families, anti-feminist backlash, youth and pornography, and other issues. He was a primary contributor to the VicHealth publication Preventing Violence Before it Occurs: A Framework and Background Paper to Guide the Primary Prevention of Violence against Women in Australia.
Dr Flood also is a trainer and community educator with a long involvement in community advocacy and education work focused on men’s violence against women. He has delivered violence prevention education in schools, been an activist in campaigns such as the White Ribbon Campaign, designed and evaluated violence prevention programs among professional athletes, and worked in capacity-building in violence prevention evaluation. In 2006, he received a NSW Violence Against Women Prevention Award for his role in raising community and professional awareness of violence prevention. Dr Flood coordinates the profeminist website XYonline and the Men’s Bibliography on men and masculinities.
Michael lives in Canberra with his partner Hilary and their four-year-old son.
Dr Michael Flood
Registration Form
Workshop date/placeWellington 28th Sept
Christchurch 30th Sept
Auckland 2nd Oct
Agency/ Organisation:
Contact Address:
Telephone: Fax:
Dietary Requirements (please specify):
Accessibility or other requirements that we need to be mindful of (please specify):
Please NOTE –cost is $35.00for each workshop. Please pay direct to National Network of Stopping Violence Services at address below or direct to 03 1537 0018520 00 stating your name and M Flood as a reference.
Please return by email or fax to 04 802 5403 or post to NNSVS PO Box 6721 Marion Square, Wellington. Registration and payments must be received by the 20th Sept 2009.