Evalutation Form for Short Term Experts
The teamof the department of actuarial science and financial mathematics (Ecole
Supérieure d’Actuariat: ESA) at ISM-Adonaï Cotonou in Benin thanks you for supporting our department. Assessment is an important part of any learning experience. Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions about your experiences during your lecture trip to Benin. Your help will assist us in evaluating the study programme and planning future lectures.Please return this form to: .
Name of the Course:
Lecture Week:
Volunteer Name:
Actuarial Organization:
(if appicable)
Unless otherwise indicated, please rate on 1 – 5 the following (1 = excellent; 5 = poor); please give a comment if necessary.
1 2 3 4 5
Speed of understanding:
Level of knowledge:
The students were well prepared:
Would you want to mentor
one of the students?
Overall Appraisal
I appraise this course as:
Would you consider another YesNo
lecture with ESA?
If yes at the same
time next year?
Arragement of the stay
Transportation arrangements
The hotel meets my expectations
Quality of the Meals
Equipments at ESA
Attention given by ESA to you
and to your safety
Support and Engagement of ESA
Overall experience during the stay
Comments and Suggestions
What did you like about the programme?
How could ESA improve the programme?
Which project circumstances were not anticipated? How did you deal with these surprises?
Three key practical recommendations for those undertaking similar lecture assignments in the future:
Any recommendations about accommodations or touristic attractions:
Please return this form to:
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Sciences Actuarielles pour l’Afrique: une initiative commune du département de statistiques appliqués de l’université Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität Munich Allemagne, de l’université d’Abomey-Calavi Benin, de l’Institut Supérieur de Management ISM-Adonaï Benin de l’ONG «Sciences Actuarielles pour l’Afrique».
Département des Sciences Actuarielles et de Mathématiques Financières, Email: , 02 BP 1981 Cotonou, République du Bénin, Tel.:(+229) 93 410 026.
Aktuarwissen für Afrika e.V., Joseph-Pick-Str. 5, D-41515 Grevenbroich, Allemagne
Tel. / Fax: +49 - 2181/706 79 57, Email:
Sparkasse Neuss, Kontonummer: 93 18 58 17, BLZ: 305 500 00, IBAN: DE05 3055 0000 0093 1858 17, BIC (SWIFT)-Code: WELA DE DN
Aktuarwissen für Afrika e.V. © 2010