
Curriculum Paper and Classroom Guidelines for Biology “The Study of Life”

Instructor: Jodi Mirman, Copley High School


Phone: 330-664-4999 ext. 527610

Room:146 (8:20-9:15); Aux. Gym (10:50-2:25)

Course Description: The purpose of this course is to provide

coverage of biological concepts and topics. The course will

explore scientific methods, data-collecting techniques, and

preparation for the Ohio Graduation Test.The focus may

include but is not limited to classification of organisms, cells,

ecology, evolution, and genetics. Please visit my website for

additional resources, notes and help:

Materials: 3-ring binder (2”), loose leaf notebook paper,

pens, pencils, andcolored pencils

Last names beginning with A-L: Bring a large box of tissues

Last names beginning with K-P: Bring a container of Disinfectant wipes or Clorox Clean up spray

Last name beginning with Q-V: Bring a box ofquart size freezer bags

Last name beginning with W-Z: Bring a box ofgallon size freezer bags

The textbook is also available online.


Quickpass: gb2843c1 (the number after the “c” is the chapter number, so if you wanted to access chapter 10 you would use quickpass: gb2843c10)

Go to the website above, and use the above information, then click on student online edition and use this code: BE44C22B70

Classroom Rules: In addition to the rules, regulations and ethics in your student handbook, you will need to abide by the following rules:

  1. Come to class and be in your assigned seat on time.
  2. Be prepared with the necessary materials (book, pencil, notes, etc.).
  3. Follow directions immediately after the FIRST time they are given.
  4. No food or drinks permitted in class unless it is part of the class experiment.
  5. Remain in your assigned seats at all times, unless given permission otherwise.
  6. Keep hands, feet and other objects to oneself at all times.
  7. You may only talk when given permission and at the appropriate volume.
  8. Cell phones and music players should be set to OFF and put away.

Disruption of student learning, disrespect, and defiance will not be tolerated. Breaking any of the school or classroom rules will result in disciplinary action. Please be on your best behavior so we can all gain a positive experience in class.

Grades will be based on a variety of methods listed below. All assignments will be based on a point system.

Class work/Homework (approx. 30%): Your classroom assignments will be due during class. If you are unable to finish an assignment the teacher will use their discretion to allow more time to finish. All assigned homework will be given a due date. If you turn in the assignment one day late you will receive 75% credit, two days late you will receive 50% credit, three or more days late you will receive no credit (these rules applies to all assignments).

In addition, you must keep a notebook. All the assignments will be numbered and your notebook will be kept in order. At the end of the each nine weeks, the notebooks (3-ring binder) will be graded as a test grade (100 pts.)

Labs (approx. 20%): Students will be allowed to work with each other for specific assignments. It is each student’s responsibility to participate equally within the group. A severe grade reduction will result for any student not cooperating with the group.

Participation: You will be given 50 points each nine weeks for participation. If you are absent (unexcused) or inactive in class discussions, group projects, experiments or just plain lazy, you may have points deducted from your grade.

Assessments and Projects (approx. 50%): Tests, Quizzes, special projects based on work done in and out of class.

Make up policy:If you are absent due to illness or family emergency, it must be approved and excused by the office. It is the student’s responsibility to receive make-up work when returning to class. The teacher will assign a new date due upon return to school. Make up tests/quizzes/labs will be made up at study hall, my conference period, orbefore or after school. The file cabinet has most of your make up work. Please check this when you return. If you are out for more than one day, it will be helpful to request your work through e-mail and have your parent or friend pick it up for you.

Tardies: If a student is tardy in the morning, he/she must get a pass from an administrator in the office (See student handbook). If a student is not in his/her assigned seat when the bell rings to begin class he/she is considered tardy. If the tardy is 5 minutes or more, a discipline referral to the administrator will follow. Less than 5 minutes, the following actions will be taken:

1-2 tardies-warning

3-4 tardies-detention

5 or more tardies- referral to the office as a habitual offender

*For tardies less than 5 minutes, the count starts over each 9 weeks

Passes:Assume there are no passes given during class time. Use your time between classes wisely. I will use my discretion to issue a pass only if all work is complete and up to date.

Any concerns regarding class should be brought to my attention as soon as possible so we can resolve any issues and bring you closer to success. In order to protect my right to teach and your right to learn, I must assure the best possible learning environment exists. I challenge you to work to the next level and prove you know how to succeed. I need you to help me get you there. Remember, it’s what’s inside that counts!

This paper is due, signed, in your notebook 4 days after receiving it. It is worth a grade!

Keep this paper in your notebook!

You and your parent/guardian need to sign below indicating that you have read and understand what is expected during our time together. The guidelines go in your notebook for reference (it’s part of your notebook grade).

Student: Parent:

Biology Course of Study:

Study of life

The cell

Chemistry in biology

Cellular structure and function

Cellular energy

Cellular reproduction

Campaign commercials


Sexual reproduction

Complex inheritance and human heredity

Molecular genetics


Organisms and viruses


Bacteria and viruses




Structure and function



Phyla of animals

Structure and function

Animal research report and presentation




Natural selection

research projects