1)In September the music department will offer the following instrumental lessons to pupils:
bass guitar
electric/acoustic/classical guitar
drum kit
Pupils will apply for any of these lessons using a standard application form.
Applications will be returned in the first instance toMrs R Young, Bursar, who will process the payment(s).
All lessons will be charged at the same rate. For September 2017 this will be 30 individual lessons for £300 per annum or 30 group lessons (no more than 3 pupils per group, 2 in group drum kit lessons) charged at £160 per annum. Parents have the option to pay in instalments.
Each instrumental lesson will be 20 minutes long.
In the music department we are committed to ensuring that all pupils regardless of financial circumstances have the necessary support to be able to receive instrumental tuition. We are running this scheme at no profit to the school in order to keep instrumental lessons affordable and accessible; we may be able to offer some financial assistance to families who may require help.
Instrumental timetables will be arranged and organised a term in advance and displayed on the music department notice board. Lesson times will be rotated each week to ensure that pupils do not continue to miss part of the same lesson each week.
It is preferred that most lessons are completed by June, this is because the final term of the academic year always tends to be very disrupted due to the exam period and external trips/events being arranged for lower years. We want to ensure that all pupils have every opportunity to receive their 30 lesson entitlement.
Details of policies on student absences, cancellation of lessons, refunds can all be located in the terms and conditions booklet.
Each peripatetic teacher will be observed by the Director of Music a minimum of once each academic year and given feedback, including those working for Oxfordshire Music Service.
2)The following instrumental families will continue to be offered and taught by employees of Oxfordshire Music Service:
Pupils apply to the music service directly for these instrumental lessons. Further details and an application form can be sought from the Director of Music or by e-mailing Oxfordshire Music Service-
The instrumental teacher will be expected to communicate with the Director of Music so that the most convenient arrangements can be made regarding when and where the tuition will take place.
Each peripatetic teacher will be observed by the Director of Music a minimum of once each academic year and given feedback.
Queries from parents regarding lessons taught by Oxfordshire Music Service will be forwarded directly to the teacher, or Stewart Attwood (point of contact for OMS) as whichever is most appropriate.
Hiring/Purchase of Instruments
The music department at Fitzharrys School is committed to ensuring outstanding value for money and outstanding musical outcomes for the school. We have a small selection of instruments that we are able to “loan” to pupils at no cost. We hope that this extra financial support will encourage families to support and encourage their son/daughter to pursue any interests in music they may have.
When ready to purchase an instrument we advise the use of pupil instrument purchase schemes. These schemes are usually operated by large companies that sell musical equipment to schools and offer instruments at specially discounted prices. DV Music Village currently operate such scheme, for further details email or phone 01708771986.