Structural Subcommittee
Regular Meeting of the
Structural Subcommittee
DATE:December 13, 2016 (Tuesday)
TIME:9:00 AM to 11:00 AM
LOCATION:1660 Mission St.,Room 4009
This Subcommittee meets regularly on the second Tuesday of each month at 1660 Mission St., Room 4009(DBI Office).
Note:Public comment is welcome and will be heard during each agenda item. Reference documents relating to agenda are available for review at Technical Services Division. For information or if you wish to be placed on a mailing list for agendas, please email to Betty Lee as follows:
Present AbsentStephen Harris, S.E. / Marc Cunningham
René Vignos, S.E.
Ned Fennie, A.I.A
Others Present
Kane Ehrler, Hilti
Laurence Kornfield
Mike Abell, P.E.
David Bonowitz, S.E. / David Leung, DBI
Ken Hu, DBI
Betty Lee, DBI
1.0 Call to Order and Roll Call.
Members: Stephen Harris, S.E.; Chair; René Vignos, S.E.; Marc Cunningham;
Ned Fennie, A.I.A.
Meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. Quorum established with 3 members present.
2.0 Approval of the minutes of the Structural Subcommittee regular meeting of November 8, 2016.
A motion to approve the minutes. Seconded and approved.
3.0Discussion and possible action on draft AB-110 Facade Inspection and Maintenance.
Attachment B affidavit for handling maintenance andATSM excerpts were discussed.
Revision to Attachment B as follows:
-Condition of the façade, first check box: “Required” changed to “Requires”
-Underline the statement: “I acknowledge the condition of the façade…”
-Last sentence: Add “and Façade Inspection Report” after “…complete & signed affidavit”.
Motion to approved AB-110 as amended. Seconded and approved.
4.0Discussion and possible action on SFBC 1705.20 regarding tests and inspections of post-installed anchor bolts.
SFBC 1705.20 refers to Ch16C,however it is not relevant. Ch17A, DSA, and OSHPD requirementswere discussed.
Request for SEAONC Construction Quality AssuranceCommittee to provide recommendations. Continue discussion at next meeting.
5.0Discussion and possible action regardingR in horizontal combinationsin AB-107 Application of Engineering Criteria on SFBC Chapter 34B.
SEAONC’s analysis generally allows for use of mix R values in the same direction.
Proposed revision from SEAONC will be review next month.
6.0Discussion and possible action regarding Site Classes “E” and “F” inAB-107 Application of Engineering Criteria on SFBC Chapter 34B.
Hold proposed revision until next month to be approved with Item 5.0.
7.0 Discussion and possible action onguidelines regarding Bearing Wall Systems and Building Frame Systems for assignment or R factors.
To request SEAONC Seismology for involvement and research to provide guidelines fora draft Information Sheet.
8.0Discussion and possible action on the triggers in 2016 SFEBC 403.12 Substantial Change.
Draft revision to substantial change of non-structural alterations to capture older buildings, soft soils, and high-risk categories, clarification of work area definition, construction cost, and reskinning of building were discussed.
Comments on draft SFEBC 403.12:
4th paragraph, first line: To delete “or structural repair”.
Use EBC definition for work area.
Continue discussion at next regular meeting.
9.0Discussion and possible action on regarding development of an information sheet pertaining to treatment of accessory dwelling units.
Remove from agenda.
10.0 Subcommittee Member’s and Staff’s identification of new agenda items, as wellas current agenda items to be continued to another subcommittee regular meeting or special meeting. Subcommittee discussion and possible action regarding administrative issues related to building codes.
Items 3thur8will be included in the agenda for the next regular meeting.
11.0 Public Comment: Public comment will be heard on items not on this agenda but within the jurisdiction ofthe Code Advisory Committee. Comment time is limitedto 3 minutes per person or at the call of theChair.
Effective January 2017, State’s voluntary program called CalCAP willprovide funding for seismic retrofit work. DBI may need to certify that building meets CalCAP’squalificationsand certify for banks that work is for seismic retrofit. Add to the agenda.
Re-add discussion regarding DBI’spreparation, quality control, and monitoring of the Soft Story Programto the agenda.
12.0 Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 11a.m.