Grading Rubric for President’s Dilemma

Category / A / B / C / D / F
Define Problem
(15 pts) / Problems of unemployment, inflation, slow growth, and a balanced budget are clearly explained and well defined using specific details from the data provided. / Problems of unemployment, inflation, slow growth, and a balanced budget are explained and defined, however specific details are not provided. / Parts of the problem are defined (one of the following is missing: unemployment, inflation, slow growth, balanced budget). / Parts of the problem are defined (two or more of the following is missing: unemployment, inflation, slow growth, balanced budget). / Problem only defined through questions
Available Solutions
(10 pts) / Accurate and clear information regarding all of the possible fiscal and monetary policy actions that could be chosen by the economic advisors. All possible actions are clearly explained. / Accurate and clear information regarding most of the possible fiscal and monetary policy actions that could be chosen by the economic advisors. All possible actions are explained. / All of the possible fiscal and monetary policy actions that could be chosen by the economic advisors are presented, however some of the information contains inaccurate information and/or is unclear or undefined. / One or more of the possible fiscal and monetary policy actions that could be chosen by the economic advisors is missing, and/or actions have been stated but lack any explanation or contain incorrect information. / The majority of the possible fiscal and monetary policy actions that could be chosen by the economic advisors is missing, and/or actions have been stated but lack any explanation or contain incorrect information
Chosen Solutions
(20 pts) / The solution chosen contains appropriate fiscal and monetary policy actions. The solutions are clearly and accurately explained, whereas each action and effect fits the stated problems. Solution contains clear economic reasoning and perfect understanding of fiscal and monetary policy. / The solution chosen contains appropriate fiscal and monetary policy actions. The solutions are accurately explained, whereas each action and effect fits the stated problems. Solution contains economic reasoning and some understanding of fiscal and monetary policy. / The solution chosen contains appropriate fiscal and monetary policy actions. Some of the solutions are not clearly and/or accurately explained. Solution contains some economic reasoning and basic understanding of fiscal and monetary policy. / The solution chosen contains fiscal and monetary policy actions (which are not necessarily appropriate). The solutions are not clearly and/or accurately explained. Solution reflects little economic reasoning and/or understanding of fiscal and monetary policy / The solution chosen is missing appropriate fiscal and monetary policy actions. The solutions are not explained and/or there is no evidence of economic reasoning and/or understanding of fiscal and monetary policy.
Economic Costs
(15 pts) / The speech clearly explains the criteria used when making the appropriate decisions regarding the chosen solutions and how those solutions address specific problems. The economic costs of the solution have been identified and the solution has been defended/justified in a manner that clearly explains why the benefits outweigh the costs. / The speech explains the criteria used when making the appropriate decisions regarding the chosen solutions and how those solutions address specific problems. The economic costs of the solution have been identified and the solution has been defended/justified in a manner that explains why the benefits outweigh the costs. / The speech lacks a clear explanation of the criteria used when making the appropriate decisions regarding the chosen solutions and how those solutions address specific problems OR The economic costs of the solution have not been identified and the solution has not been defended/justified in a manner that explains why the benefits outweigh the costs. / No criteria used when making the appropriate decisions regarding the chosen solutions and how those solutions address specific problems has been included and/or the economic costs of the solution have not been identified and the solution has not been defended/justified in a manner that explains why the benefits outweigh the costs. / No criteria used when making the appropriate decisions regarding the chosen solutions and how those solutions address specific problems has been included and the economic costs of the solution have not been identified and the solution has not been defended/justified in a manner that explains why the benefits outweigh the costs
(5 pts) / All requirements have been met (between 3 – 5 minutes, presentation is loud, clear, well rehearsed, well organized) / Most of the requirements have been met / Some of the requirements have been met / Few of the requirements have been met / Only one or two of the requirements have been met
Visual Aid
(5pts) / Visual aid is large and neat and is clearly explained. The visual aid helps explain the proposed actions and how they will solve the economic crisis. / Visual Aid is lacking in one of the “A” requirements. / Visual Aid is lacking in two of the “A” requirements / Visual Aid is large, neat, and is clearly explained, but does not help explain the proposed actions and how they will solve the economic crisis. / The visual aid provides information that is uninformative, incorrect, or unhelpful in explaining the proposed solution.
Answers to Questions (8pts) / Answers to questions are clear and contain accurate economic reasoning as well as information that coincides with the solution presented. / Answers to questions contain economic reasoning as well as information that coincides with the solution presented. / Answers to questions are lacking economic reasoning and/or do not coincide with the solution presented. / Answers to questions are lacking economic reasoning and do not coincide with the solution presented. / Answers do not answer the question and/or contain incorrect information.

TOTAL POINTS = 78 points