Hazel’s Footprints Trust – Third Aim

Application form for those seeking a grant for a project or materials to help advance education in a developing country.

Under its 3rd Aim, Hazel’s Footprints is able to give financial support to a number of well-deserving education-based projects in developing countries.

If you would like to have a particular project considered, please fill in the form below with as much detail as possible in support of your application. Send your completed form to

For further information, please e-mail us at the address above or telephone 01896849677

Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you.

Table of Contents

Personal Details

Details of Project Contact......

Project Information......

Financial Information......

Additional Information......

Personal Details

Full Name:
Home Address:
Home Telephone Number:
Mobile Telephone Number:
Work Telephone Number:
Email address:
Date of Birth:

Details of Project Contact

Project Name:
Project Country / State:
Contact Person:
Contact’s Role in Project
Contact Address:
Email address:
Date of Birth:

Project Information

Please take the time to supply as much information as possible. If you have other material that you think would be helpful towards our consideration of your project then do please send it to us.

Project details: please include information on the project background, aims, key personnel, etc.
What is your connection with the project?
How much time have you personally spent working with the project and what continued involvement will you have?

Financial Information

How much money has the project already raised? Where has the money come from? What are current fundraising targets?

How would a grant from Hazel’s Footprints Trust be used? Would funding be ring fenced for a particular project/resource?

Does the project receive any government aid?
What mechanisms are in place to ensure funds are spent appropriately?

Additional Information

What are the values of your organisation (aims/ religious values/social values)? Are these promoted through the work of the project and if so, how?
How did you hear about Hazel’s Footprints Trust?
How often would you be in a position to update Hazel’s Footprints Trust on the status of the project if funded? (For capital build projects we would usually expect feedback during development, once the project is completed and around 6 months after opening. Funding for resources such as equipment or staff, we would expect feedback at regular intervals throughout the funding period).
Any other relevant information in support of your application...

If you have any photographs of the project or the community that you are applying on behalf of please do send them.

Thank you for completing this form. Please send it to and we will get back to you as soon as we can. If there is a deadline for funding to be received, please let us know.

Good luck!