APRIL 2010

Department of Internal Medicine

Jacobi Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine

RR=resident report, IR=intern report, CQ=clinical questions, BR=board review, GR=grand rounds, COS=chief of service, MDC=multidisciplinary case presentation

Sun / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Sat
Revised: 4/5 / 1
RR: Morning Report
Dr. Fulop
NC: Chief of Service
Dr. Milford Fulop / 2
RR: Board Review
GR: Medicine GR (4th fl)
Palliative Care
Dr. Bernie Lee / 3
4 / 5
RR: Journal Club
Dr. J. Nalamati / 6
RR: Case Based
Dr. Bernstein
NC: Troponin & Other
Cardiac Biomarkers
Dr. Robert Siegel / 7
RR: Subspecialty
Case based
NC: Neurology
Case-Based Conference
Dr. Peter Mabie / 8
RR: Morning Report
Dr. Fulop
NC: Chief of Service
Dr. Chris Coyle / 9
RR: Board Review
GR: Medicine GR (4th fl)
Hep C and Renal Disease
Dr. Radhakrishna / 10
11 / 12
RR: Journal Club
NC: M & M / 13
RR: Case Based
NC: Oxygen and Ventilator Management
Richard Robinson / 14
RR: Subspecialty
Case based
NC: G. I.
Dr. Arthur Harris / 15
RR: Morning Report
Dr. Fulop
NC: Chief of Service
Dr. Milford Fulop / 16
RR: Board Review
GR: Medicine GR (4th fl)
Dr. Larry Norton / 17
18 / 19
RR: Journal Club
NC: M & M / 20
RR: Case Based
Dr. Bernstein
NC: Navigating JMC
Dr. Elizabeth Jenny / 21
RR: Subspecialty
Case Based
NC: Stroke Conf
Dr. Lenore Ocava / 22
RR: Morning Report
Dr. Fulop
NC: Chief of Service
Dr. Chris Coyle / 23
RR: Board Review
GR: Medicine GR (4th fl)
Dr. Peter Mabie / 24
25 / 26
RR: Journal Club
[10 mins]
NC: K.Cohen from SW
Director’s Conference
Dr. Andrew Gutwein / 27
RR: Case Based
Dr. Bernstein
NC: Oxygen and Ventilator Management
Richard Robinson / 28
RR: Subspecialty
Case Based
NC: Evaluation of
Thyroid Nodule
Dr. Preeti Kishore / 29
RR: Morning Report
Dr. Fulop
NC: Chief of Service
Dr. Robert Sidlow
/ 30
RR: Board Review
GR: Medicine GR (4th fl)