Due Date:______Name: ______

Plate Tectonics Project

Choose at least 30 points of work. This will count as a quiz grade.

Please make sure your name is on every piece you turn in and include the project number.

20 points each

_____1. Create a game. 20 questions and a related board.

_____2. Create a children’s book. Be creative, use pictures and story line.

_____3. 3D model- include a one to two paragraph explanation.

10 points each

_____4. Research a scientist and write a story about them. Include background information.

_____5. Make up an interview of a famous scientist. One page, typed.

_____6. Research a major earthquake or volcano and make a diary of that experience as if you were there.

Include location, type, destruction, deaths, and use your 5 senses.

_____7. Create a timeline of the development of seismology use pictures and creativity.

_____8. Research & display your understanding of an instrument used to study geology.

_____9. Demonstrate your understanding of plate movement with experiments and demonstrations.

_____10. Write poems and/or sing songs about the various topics, 6 stanzas total.

_____11. Discuss what the earth would be like if we didn’t have plate tectonics. One page, typed.

_____13. Draw cartoons that use humor to explain the theories. 6 frames, colored, neat.

_____14. Research & make a creative display your information.

_____15. Create a mural or collage of plate tectonic topics. Include a 1-2 paragraph explanation, typed.

5 points each

_____16. Show movie clips and explain why the statements they are making are true or false.

_____17. Create a cross word puzzle with 10 up 10 down. (puzzlemaker websites can be used)

_____18. Read articles from newspapers about seismic activity. Clip out & describe in complete sentences.

Topic Ideas: Anything related to geology, plate tectonic theory, scientists, scientific discoveries, geologic time, ice ages, fossils, seismology, history of instruments, locating earthquake epicenters, earth layers, topography, earthquake damage, volcanoes, tsunamis, seafloor spreading, Atlantic mid-ocean ridge, subduction zones, and any unique features of Hawaii, Minnesota, Iceland, Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains, Andes Mountains, The Alps, Himalayn Mountains, Mt. Everest, Marianas Trench (deepest point in ocean), Olympus Mons (largest volcano in the known universe), Krakatoa (largest non-nuclear explosion ever heard).

Due Date:______Name: ______

Plate Tectonics Project

Choose at least 30 points of work. This will count as a quiz grade.

Please make sure your name is on every piece you turn in and include the project number.

20 points each

_____1. Create a game. 20 questions and a related board.

_____2. Create a children’s book. Be creative, use pictures and story line.

_____3. 3D model- include a one to two paragraph explanation.

10 points each

_____4. Research a scientist and write a story about them. Include background information.

_____5. Make up an interview of a famous scientist. One page, typed.

_____6. Research a major earthquake or volcano and make a diary of that experience as if you were there.

Include location, type, destruction, deaths, and use your 5 senses.

_____7. Create a timeline of the development of seismology use pictures and creativity.

_____8. Research & display your understanding of an instrument used to study geology.

_____9. Demonstrate your understanding of plate movement with experiments and demonstrations.

_____10. Write poems and/or sing songs about the various topics, 6 stanzas total.

_____11. Discuss what the earth would be like if we didn’t have plate tectonics. One page, typed.

_____13. Draw cartoons that use humor to explain the theories. 6 frames, colored, neat.

_____14. Research & make a creative display your information.

_____15. Create a mural or collage of plate tectonic topics. Include a 1-2 paragraph explanation, typed.

5 points each

_____16. Show movie clips and explain why the statements they are making are true or false.

_____17. Create a cross word puzzle with 10 up & 10 down. (puzzlemaker websites can be used)

_____18. Read articles from newspapers about seismic activity. Clip out & describe in complete sentences.

Topic Ideas: Anything related to geology, plate tectonic theory, scientists, scientific discoveries, geologic time, ice ages, fossils, seismology, history of instruments, locating earthquake epicenters, earth layers, topography, earthquake damage, volcanoes, tsunamis, seafloor spreading, Atlantic mid-ocean ridge, subduction zones, and any unique features of Hawaii, Minnesota, Iceland, Rocky Mountains, Appalachian Mountains, Andes Mountains, The Alps, Himalayn Mountains, Mt. Everest, Marianas Trench (deepest point in ocean), Olympus Mons (largest volcano in the known universe), Krakatoa (largest non-nuclear explosion ever heard).