HSC02 Scheme of Work V4

New A-Level Health and Social Care/Schemes of work/Version 4.0

Unit Title HSC02: Understanding Health Conditions and Patient Care Pathways (optional)

This unit aims to develop candidates’ knowledge and understanding of a range of health conditions, and the appropriate patient care pathways which are commonly followed based on a patient-centred approach to care.

Method of assessment – written examination

Topic / Learning objectives/understanding / Key terms/definitions/notes / Suggested activities / Resources
Health conditions / Know the causes and major symptoms of the following health conditions:
·  Asthma
·  Stroke
·  Leukaemia and cancers of the breast, bowel and testicles
·  Coronary heart disease and cardiac arrest
·  Diabetes types 1 and 2
·  Mental health – anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and schizophrenia
·  Obesity
·  Sexually transmitted infections – chlamydia, gonorrhoea and herpes / Asthma
Breast cancer
Bowel cancer
Testicular cancer
Coronary heart disease
Cardiac arrest
Anorexia nervosa
Herpes / Student research pairs/groups – investigating the causes and major symptoms of one or more health conditions from the list. / British Medical Association’s A-Z Family Medical Encyclopaedia
NHS clinical knowledge summaries
“Out of the shadow” DVD (schizophrenia)
Most conditions have designated support websites which are good for the impact section of this unit.
Treatment and management / Know the appropriate treatments and management of the named conditions above in terms of:
·  Medical interventions with drugs and/or surgery
·  Life style changes including dietary management, physical activity and exercise
·  Counselling / Medical intervention
Dietary management
Counselling / Individual student research into the local treatment and management of two of the identified conditions. / British Medical Association’s A-Z Family Medical Encyclopaedia
NHS clinical knowledge summaries
Potential impact / Understand the potential impacts of the named health conditions, the, their treatment and management, on the patients, their families and carers:
·  Physical by impairment of function and/or limited mobility
·  Intellectual by affecting learning opportunities
·  Emotional by affecting self-worth and self-confidence
·  Social by affecting interactions and relationships with others
·  Financial by affecting work and income / Physical
Financial / If possible, interview an individual who has one of the common conditions listed. Explore the impact of the condition on the individual, their family and their carer(s).
Feedback information from the interview to other students, maintaining anonymity and protecting confidentiality. / AQA A2 Health and Social Care by Richard Smithson, p308.
www.bbc.co.uk/learningzone clips. – excellent for living with stories etc.
Patient-centred approach to health care / Understand the patient-centred approach to health care and know that it involves:
·  Putting the patient at the heart of the process
·  Respecting the patient and involving them in decision-making
·  Supporting the patient to make health and/or lifestyle changes
·  Recognising ways in which the patient can take responsibility for their own health care
·  Enabling the patient to make informed choices, give informed consent and be empowered to access health care services / Patient-centred approach / Interview health care practitioners on what is involved in patient-centred care. / Society Health and Development by Haworth et al, p188.
Health and Social Care by Mark Walsh et al (Collins), p154.
/students/clinical-placements/patient- centred-care
Patient care pathways / Know the appropriate patient care pathways for the named health conditions listed in 3.2.1 above and understand the purpose of patient care pathways:
·  Puts the patient at the centre of any care
·  Provides a guide to health care professionals in the provision of seamless quality care
·  Provides a template for planning services
·  Informs patients of the care they should expect to receive
Know what the appropriate patient care pathways for the named health conditions are in terms of:
·  The steps and milestones with detailed content that can be expected from the health sector to provide high-quality, evidence-based care
·  The details of the practitioners with whom the patient will come into contact
Understand how patient care pathways are put in place:
·  Using patient and family/supporter interviews
·  Making observations and taking measurements]delivering care actions and treatments
·  Using records of information from others confidentially / Patient care pathway
Evidence-based care / Research the structure of the NHS locally.
Produce a diagram to illustrate local NHS services.
In pairs or small groups, prepare and deliver a presentation on one or more of the following : the role of acute care services, third sector organisations and/or one aspect of the NHS structure, e.g. proposed ‘regional hubs’.
Analyse case study information describing services relevant to an individual with a specific condition.
Listen and make notes from a health care practitioner’s presentation on a patient-care pathway for a common condition.
Discuss in groups, or as a class the care, treatment and support available for a named common condition.
Using case study material, create a patient-care pathway for an individual.
Produce a rationale supporting the suggested pathway and how it meets the requirement for patient-centred care.
Peers to assess the suggested pathways and their rationales. / Society Health and Development by Haworth et al, p188.
Health and Social Care by Mark Walsh et al (Collins), p154. (Level 2 candidate handbook)
Health and Social Care by Mark Walsh et al (Collins), p162. (Level 2 candidate handbook).

3.2.6 Assessment

You will be assessed on your knowledge, understanding and skills relating to the named health conditions, patient-centred care and the patient care pathways through a written examination of one and a half hours.

There will be four compulsory structured questions which will include short-answer and free-response items. These will require you to demonstrate and apply your knowledge, understanding and skills in different contexts appropriate to health conditions and patient care pathways.

The questions will be drawn from the following five areas of the unit:

·  Health conditions

·  Treatment and management

·  Potential impact

·  Patient-centred approach to health care

·  Patient care pathways

To gain high marks in your written examination you should ensure that:

·  your answers show good detail, depth, relevance and accuracy

·  you apply knowledge, understanding and skills to the scenario material presented in the questions successfully

·  suggestions and opinions are supported by the data and the material covered in all areas of the unit

·  conclusions are consistent with the data and level of detail.