EXHIBIT A – Performance Matrix

Contract Number:
Agency Name:
Project Name: / PCIT Evaluation
Project Length: / 3 years, 4 months
Contract Period: / July 1, 2014 – January 31, 2018
Revision Date:

Project Description:

Performance Objectives
Measureable, observable, and attainable objectives including: (1) Outcomes –Changes in health/mental health status, developmental status, attitudes, behaviors, knowledge, skills, practices, or policies; (2) Outputs -- The direct result of activities and typically expressed as the number or scope of services and/or products that are delivered or produced; and/or, (3) Major Deliverables -- Tangible products that are submitted in fulfillment of contract requirements. / Due Date
Date Objective will be completed. / Quantity by Quarter
2014-2015 / Quantity by Quarter
2015-2016 / Quantity by Quarter
2016-2017 / Quantity by Quarter
2014 / Q2
2014 / Q3
2015 / Q4
2015 / Q1
2015 / Q2
2015 / Q3
2016 / Q4
2016 / Q1
2016 / Q2
2016 / Q3
2017 / Q4
2017 / Q1
2017 / Q2
2017 / Q3
2018 / Q4
Task 1. Plan Evaluation: 1.1) submit draft work plan (including evaluation questions, methods, measures, logic model, and 1.2) data matching plans to work with LACDMH and LADCFS databases), 1.3) submit plan to establish and maintain DUAs/MOUs and IRB approvals, and 1.4) submit final work plan. / July 15, 2014 / 4
Task 2. Create interview protocols for PCIT therapist and agency staff interviews: 2.1) submit draft interview protocols for therapists, 2.2) submit final interview protocols for therapist, 2.3) submit draft interview protocols for agency staff, 2.4) submit final interview protocols for agency staff. / August 1, 2014 / 4
Task 3. Create protocols for county stakeholder interviews. 3.1) submit draft interview protocols, 3.2) submit final interview protocols. / August 1, 2014 / 2
Task 4. Create protocols, recruitment plan, and consent forms for parent interviews. 4.1) submit 2 draft parent phone interview protocols (one in English and one in Spanish), 4.2) submit 2 final parent phone interview protocols (one in English and one in Spanish), 4.3) submit draft recruitment plan to interview parents who participated in PCIT, 4.4) submit final recruitment plan for parent interviews, 4.5) submit 2 parent consent forms (one in English and one in Spanish). / August 1, 2014 / 5
Task 5. Establish Data Use Agreements (DUAs) or Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) as required by PCIT partner sites. 5.1) establish and submit copy of DUA/MOU with LACDMH, 5.2) establish and submit copy of DUA/MOU with LACDCFS, 5.3) establish and submit copy of DUA/MOU with UC Davis. / September 14, 2014 / 3
Task 6. Gain Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval for the evaluation. 6.1) submit IRB application package (including consent forms), 6.2) submit IRB letter of approval, 6.3) obtain and submit additional IRB approvals or exemptions from PCIT partner sites (LACDMH, LACDCFS, UC Davis) as required by those institutions. / October 14, 2014 / 3
Task 7. Conduct county stakeholder interviews. 7.1) submit summary notes from interviews, 7.2) submit memo describing common themes. / December 1, 2014 and February 1, 2017 / 1 / 1
Task 8. Conduct interviews with PCIT clients (parents). 8.1) submit summary notes from interviews, 8.2) submit memo describing common themes. / January 1, 2014 and March 1, 2017 / 1 / 1
Task 9. Conduct interviews with PCIT therapists and agency staff. 9.1) submit summary notes from interviews, 9.2) submit memo describing common themes. / March 1, 2015 and April 1, 2017 / 1 / 1
Task 10. Data scan and final evaluation plan. 10.1) conduct a scan of data being collected and available as part of the PCIT project – submit memo to First 5 LA, 10.2) submit revised draft evaluation plan to First 5 LA for approval, 10.3) submit final evaluation plan. / June 20, 2015 / 1
Task 11. Gather aggregate data from LACDMH and LACDCFS data systems, and First 5 LA reports. 11.1) create database for PCIT evaluation – submit copy to First 5 LA, 11.2) create corresponding codebook and submit to First 5 LA. / September 15, 2017 / 1
Task 12. Analyze quantitative data. 12.1) submit memo describing methods and findings. / November 14, 2017 / 1
Task 13. Write summary report. 13.1) submit draft report, 13.2) submit final report. / December 22, 2017 / 1
Task 14. Disseminate mid-project evaluation results and feedback. 14.1) provide feedback to PCIT team (LACDMH, UC Davis, and First 5 LA) at project mid-point / March 15, 2015 / 1
Task 15. Disseminate final results. 15.1) submit dissemination plan, 15.2) submit abstract for SCALAR, 15.3) submit research brief, 15.4) submit draft First 5 LA presentation materials, 15.5) submit final First 5 LA presentation materials. / January 15, 2018 / 1
Task 16. Maintain ongoing communication with First 5 LA and PCIT evaluation partners. 16.1) conduct monthly conference calls with PCIT evaluation team, submit progress reports with call notes monthly, 16.2) submit quarterly progress reports. / On the 15th of the month following the meeting / 3 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 4 / 3