Consultants’ Policy Committee (CPC) Information

The current membership of the CPC is as follows:

Jan Roberts (Convenor and Member of LDA Council), Elaine McLeish (Referral Officer and Council member), Olivia Connelly(Council member), Anne Barton , Rosemary Carter, Joan Cooper, Sue de Araugo, Lyn Franklin and Anne Pringle.

The committee meets five times per year and reports to Council. Its duties include: monitoring the operation of the Referral Service, recruiting and assessing new applicants for consultant membership, operating the “Mentor” program for new consultants, assessing annual PD summaries for consultant membership renewals, co-ordinating LDA Networks and organizing four Professional Development sessions per year.

Summary of CPC meeting on May 16th2011

-Referral officer presented quarterly statistics and reported that online referral service is almost ready.

-Networks report was presented. There was discussion about a query from the Geelong network leader about the possibility of accessing funds to pay guest speakers. It was decided to submit a request to Council that funding for travel expenses beyond 20 km be made available. This will be presented at August meeting of Council.

-Professional development

-Profit/loss situation of PD sessions examined. It was decided that there would be no increase in fees at this stage.

-PD sessions for semester 2 were finalised. Booking form and Information to go on website and into the “Bulletin”. Bookings are required a week before session or $10 late fee will apply

-Consultants are to be surveyed for comments about quality and relevance of PD sessions and suggestions for future PD. Elaine will email Network leaders for input and consultants attending PD will also be asked.

-The possibility of purchasing assessments for use by consultants will be on the agenda at the next meeting after discussions with consultants attending the next PD session on assessments.