A: Purpose

B: Objective

C: Financing







A: Offices to be elected-Duties and Term of Ervice

B. Eligibility

C: Election Process

D: Resignation or Removal from Office


A: Frequency

B: Format

C: Process


A: Fundraising

B: Special Activities

C: Community Service

D: Promotional Opportunities

Article I: The ECC-What and Why?

The Executive Club Council is the Student Governing Body of EVIT. The Council is a diverse make-up of Career Training programs and represents EVIT in many different ways. The ECC

Provides the Student Government Officers required to be signers

On Student Activities Purchases/Requisitions.

A: What is the ECC?

The ECC is the Executive Club Council. It is the Student Governing Body of EVIT. The ECC is made up of two representatives from each class/program, usually the elected President and Vice President of their respective club chapters.

B: The Purpose of the ECC?

The Purpose of The ECC is to provide Student Government Opportunities to students who choose to participate in such activities. The ECC will create Activities and Events for the Student Body to participate and partake in and be the official student government body authorizing student purchases and fundraising for student funds.

C: The ECC is financed by a pre determined and EVIT Governing Board Approved, Activity fee paid by each student that attends EVIT. Fees paid by Students in the AM will be deposited in the account of the AM ECC, and Fees paid by students in the PM will be deposited in the PM Account.

The ECC may also take advantage of Tax Credit Money that is designated for ECC extracurricular spending.

Article II: Membership

The East Valley Institute of Technology ECC will be made up of two representatives from each class/program and those representatives will have equal voting rights and powers at ECC meetings. Each program/class is a member chapter of a CTSO (Career and Technical Student Organization), and shall have elected officers including but not limited to: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The President and Vice President will be representatives of these classes/programs to the ECC but another elected officer may attend if the President and/or Vice President are absent on an ECC Meeting day.

Each and Every Student of EVIT pays a membership fee determined by the National and State CTSO to become a member of the CTSO. The Classes/Programs operate as Individual Chapters of each CTSO. No class is a member of more than one CTSO.

A: SKILLS USA-the National CTSO, encompassing the majority of EVIT’s Programs with the exception of Health Careers, Fashion and Interior Design, and Early Childhood.

B: HOSA-Health Occupations Students of America-EVIT’s Health and Massage Therapy classes are HOSA members.

C: FCCLA-Family Career and Community leaders of America-EVIT’s Interior Design, Early Childhood, and Fashion Programs are FCCLA Members.

D: Other CTSO’s-Other programs that EVIT may add in the future may become members of other CTSO’s including but not limited to FFA, FBLA, FHA-HERO or others.


This article outlines the officers that serve as the governing body of the ECC, how they are elected, their duties and terms of service. The article also outlines procedures for removal from office or resignation from office.


The offices listed in this section will be elected each year for the ECC. The term of service is 1 school year from the date of election until the end of the current school year.

President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter:

Optional Offices That May be elected:

Historian and Parliamentarian.



Create meeting Agendas

Conduct Meetings Using Parliamentary Procedures

Represent EVIT at school events on and off campus

Maintain eligibility

Attend Officer Team meetings

Vice President:

Create meeting Agendas in President’s Absence

Conduct meetings in the President’s Absence, using Parliamentary Procedure

Participate in all committees

Represent EVIT at school events on and off campus

Maintain eligibility

Attend Officer Team meetings


Maintain Membership List

Distribute and post meeting Notices

Take Meeting attendance

Take Accurate Minutes of each meeting

Read past minutes to membership

Maintain Notebook of all meeting Minutes

Conduct all correspondence

Represent EVIT at school events on and off campus

Maintain eligibility

Attend Officer Team meetings


Give Treasurers reports at meetings

Write ECC requisitions

Sign Student Funds Requisitions daily at district office

Submit Fundraising request for Approval

Represent EVIT at school events on and off campus

Maintain eligibility

Attend Officer Team meetings


Give report up upcoming events at meetings

Maintain Calendar of Campus Events

Maintain ECC Bulletin Board

Design and distribute flyers of upcoming EVIT Events

Represent EVIT at school events on and off campus

Maintain eligibility

Attend Officer Team meetings


Officers that are elected to ECC Must meet and maintain the following standards.

1)Grade Average of “C” or above

2)No major behavior problems, suspensions, or expulsions

3)No Excessive absences (more than 9 in a semester)

4)No excessive tardies (3 unexcused tardies or seep visits in a semester)


Officers will be elected during the current school year. Announcement of Elections and Offices Available will be announced at the ECC Informational Meeting held on the first Friday of September in each school year, or a date to otherwise be determined by the ECC Advisor.

The Informational Meeting will be conducted by the ECC Advisor and any of the previous year’s ECC officers that remain currently enrolled in an EVIT Program.

The Elections will be open to all students of EVIT, not just the elected representatives to the ECC. The election process will require that the interested person meet the following criteria.

1)Meet eligibility requirements described in Section B

2)Complete an ECC Officer Application and turn into the ECC Advisor with all required documentation and attachments, by the requested deadline.

The Interested applicant will be notified of their candidacy at the meeting held on the third Friday in September. (or other date designated by the ECC Advisor)

The candidate will then have two weeks to prepare a brief speech on why they should be elected to the position they are interested in.

Students that run unopposed will be appointed to that position and run the meetings from this point on.

The offices that will are contested will be elected at the ECC meeting on the first Friday of October (or other date as selected by ECC Advisor). The candidates will give speeches and be elected with no more than two votes from each of the classes/programs represented at the ECC Meeting.

The election will be a simple show of hands with counts by the ECC advisor and at least one other impartial person. (officer who has been previously installed)

The candidates will be elected by a majority (more than 50%) of the members present at the ECC meeting that day. If no candidate receives more than 50% of the vote, a second vote will be taken between the top two vote getters.


An officer may be removed by the ECC Advisor or EVIT Administration without council involvement for reasons listed below, but not limited to.



3)Unsatisfactory Grades

4)Unsatisfactory Attendance

5)Unsatisfactory Tardiness

6)Teacher Requests

An Officer may be removed by council for failure to perform duties in the following manor.

1)Council member requests to Advisor that an Officer be removed

2)Advisor considers requests and reasons

3)If reasons are valid, advisor meets with accused officer and

allows for charges to be answered.

4)Advisor will decide to dismiss charges, place officer on probation

or improvement plan, ask for resignation, or remove officer

5)Students will not be involved in direct interview or removal


In the Event an officer vacates an office for any reason, the office will be filled as follows.

If The President vacates the office, the Vice President becomes the president. The Office of Vice President is the re-elected.

If any other office is vacated, it will be announced to the ECC at the next possible meeting, applications will be available for election, and the process for electing an officer will be followed. However the deadline for officer applications will be shorter, the candidate will be notified of acceptance quicker, and the election will take place at the very next scheduled ECC meeting.


A) Meeting Frequency

The ECC will meet twice each month starting in September of Each school year and Ending in May of each school year.

The Meetings will be held on the first and third Friday of every month at a location and time to be determined.

Due to school breaks, holidays, or special events, a meeting may be moved, cancelled, or rescheduled, by discretion of the EVIT Administration and/or ECC Advisor.

B) Meeting Format:

Each meeting will follow a pre-planned agenda created by the ECC Elected officers in an officers meeting held prior to the scheduled ECC Meeting. The Agenda will include, but is not limited to:

1)Call to Order

2)Roll Call

3)Approval of Minutes

4)Treasurer’s Report

5)Announcements/Dates to Remembers

6)Fundraiser Approval

7)Old Business

8)New Business


C) Meeting Process:

The President will preside over all meetings unless not present. In the order that the President is not present the Meetings will be presided over by the officer next in line to the President.


Vice President






The meeting will be conducted using standard parliamentary procedure.