PA70-4005: Scheduled Days & Clock Hours of Pupil Instruction
District School Year
Directions for Completing PA70-4005
Complete for every building for each grade and other programs within the building (i.e., Early Childhood Special Education, alternative education, etc.). Buildings, grades, and programs on the same calendar schedule and hourly schedule may be grouped together on a single form, clearly identifying each.
Complete this cover page and pages 1, 2, 3, and 4 (instructions below).
Staple all pages to this cover sheet. An authorized district official must sign this front page.
Directions: Page 1 – Days of Instruction
Complete calendar of days using color code. Note: A “regular” day is the normal daily schedule for that grade, i.e. for half-day kindergarten or early childhood special education that meets 2 .5 hours per day that is their “regular” schedule. Each calendar day, regardless of time schedule is counted as one day of instruction.
Directions: Page 2 – Hours of Instruction
Complete hourly schedule for regular day of instruction and for each hourly schedule variation; i.e, half-days, late-start days, testing days, etc.
Directions: Page 3 – Professional Development
Qualified teacher professional development may be counted unless the district has a teacher contract in place as of July 1, 2013.
Directions: Page 4 – Trimester & Block Schedule
Provide start/end dates for trimesters and details of block schedule. / Reminders
Minimum Day & Hour Requirements:
Days Required: 175 days in 2015-2016; 180 days in 2016-17
Hours Required for full FTE - Grades K-12: 1,098 Hours
Less Hours Allowed for Kindergarten – MUST PRORATE FTE: 549 Hours
Early Childhood Special Education:
Rule 340.1754: 360 Hours and 144 Minimum Days
Hours Per Day Calculation:
ü Passing time to first period and after last period are not counted.
ü Passing time between periods must be reasonable.
ü Only one passing time for lunch period may be counted.
ü Lunch period may not be counted.
ü Recess, up to 30 minutes per day, may be counted if supervised by certificated teacher.
ü High schools may count no more than two study halls and only if supervised by certificated teacher and 1,188 hours of instruction are provided.
“Forgiven Hours”: The first 6 days or equivalent number of hours of scheduled instruction not provided due to conditions not within the control of the school may be counted toward the minimum of 1,098 hours. Hours are prorated for programs meeting less than 1,098 hours.
75% Attendance: Minimum daily attendance must be 75% of pupils scheduled for pupil instruction in order to avoid a state aid deduction.
Certification by Authorized Official:
I certify the information submitted is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. All courses for which enrollment is reported are taught by certificated teachers. Teacher certificates are on file within the district.
Signature Title Date