July 8, 2015

Regular Meeting – Council Chambers

Millersburg, Pennsylvania

Call to Order – President Dietz called the Council meeting to order at 7:03PM with Cl’msBoyer, (arrived at 7:30PM), Ibberson,Miller,Paden and Wolfepresent. Mayor Ibberson, Manager McGann and Secretary Jackson werealso present. Solicitor Kerwin arrived at 7:05PM. The invocation was given byPresident Dietz, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

Guests– Harry Bricker III, Chris Lukunich, Anthony Sherr, Randy Snyder

Approval of Minutes – Motion by Cl’m Ibberson, seconded by Cl’m Paden to approve the minutes from the June 10, 2015 meeting as presented. Motion carried.

Public Comment

Randy Snyder, RET Associates – Mr. Snyder requested Council’s approval of a building permit application. Due to a miscommunication, Mr. Snyder did not submit his application in time for it to be reviewed at the most recent Millersburg Planning Commission meeting;therefore he requested Council expedite the review. The permit is for 851 Center Street, rear along Congress Street; project is to demolish a garage and construct a new one. Manager McGann reported no water, sanitary or storm sewer issues. Motion by Cl’m Ibberson, seconded by Cl’m Paden to approve the project as presented and to issue the building permit. Motion carried. Mr. Snyderthen left the meeting.

Harry Bricker III– Mr. Bricker questioned whether or not theproperty at 721 Union Streethas been cleaned up. Council advised that progress is being made. Mr. Bricker was also advised that his report of high flowers obstructing the view of the roadway at the northwest corner of North and West Streets was unfounded. Mr. Bricker asked if the Borough received funding for curb cuts for all over town and was told no. Mr. Bricker also questioned when the crosswalk lines will be painted. Manager McGann replied that this project is on the list of jobs to be completed.

Chris Lukunich– Mr. Lukunich lives at 857 E. Union Street. He has a fence installed along one side of his property set back one and a half feet from the property line. His question to Council was whether or not he is able to continue to maintain both sides of the fence. He was able to do so by staying on his own property, but his neighbor has now erected No Trespassing signs. Council advised him to consult with his attorney and suggested having the property surveyed, if a CountyCourthouse search yields no recent surveys. Mr. Lukunich then left the meeting.

President Dietz called an executive session at 7:21PM to discuss legal matters and an employee relations matter. Mr. Bricker left Council Chambers. Solicitor Kerwin and Attorney Sherr left the meeting at the conclusion of the executive session. President Dietz called the meeting back into regular session at 9:00PM.

Financial Reports –Motion by Cl’m Paden, seconded by Cl’m Ibbersonto approve the Financial Report as presented. Motion carried. Motion by Cl’m Paden, seconded by Cl'mIbbersonto approve the Check Detail Report as presented. Motion carried with yes votes from Cl’ms Boyer, Dietz, Ibberson, Miller, Paden and Wolfe (Cl’m Wolfe abstained on check #11925).

Committee Reports

Employee Relations– Chairman Wolfe had nothing to report.

Employee Manual – President Dietz announced that Cl’ms have a draft of the revised Employee Manual and that there will be a special meeting to review it; date to be set at the end of tonight’s meeting.

Finance and Risk Management – Chairman Miller had nothing to report.

Certificate of Deposit – President Dietz reminded Cl’ms that there will be one CD currently with Mid Penn Bank maturing in mid-August and asked that this go on the August Council meeting agenda for action.

Parks and Recreation

Riverfront Path Repair – Cl’m Boyer reported that Dauphin Precision Tool will be replace the dirty soil and pipes along RiverfrontPark as part of the remediation plan from the oil leak issue. Council reviewed quotes from Flyway Excavation, Eastern Industries and Paxton Precast for repairing the walkway which was damaged during the clean-up effort. Motion by Cl’m Boyer, seconded by Cl’m Wolfe to direct Manager McGann to review with Solicitor Kerwin if it would be acceptable to present the least expensive quote (from Flyway Excavating at $2,911) for an asphalt repair to Dauphin Precision to be paid to the Borough. Council would then proceed with accepting the quote from Paxton Precast for a concrete repair at $2,160 and use the funds received from Dauphin Precision to pay the expense. Motion carried with yes votes from Cl’ms Boyer, Dietz, Ibberson, Miller, Paden and Wolfe.

Event Agreement – WQLV Community Yard & Craft Sale – Applicant requests the use of RiverfrontPark on July 31 and August 1 from 8:00AM to 5:00PM for a Community Yard Sale. River Street would be closed from Union to Pine Street. The user fee would be $25 for the street closure. Vendor fees would be required. Motion by Cl’m Paden, seconded by Cl’m Ibberson to approve the agreement as presented contingent upon receiving the proper certificate of insurance. Motion carried.

Event Agreement – WQLV Cider & Wine Tasting – Tabled until the August Council meeting.

Park Swings Installation – Mayor Ibberson questioned the timeline for installing the swings. Cl’m Boyer responded that it is a priority.

SealPark Tree Damage – Manager McGann reported that during a recent rain/wind storm, two trees came down in SealPark. The clean up efforts have been completed. Council directed him to inspect the areas of the Park where the work was done to ensure that the ground has been properly leveled out.


Borough Resolution No. 15-09 – Disposition of Old Backhoe – Council reviewed the draft of theresolution. Manager McGann reported that Solicitor Kerwin has reviewed and approved it. Motion by Cl’m Wolfe, seconded by Cl’m Ibberson to approve Borough Resolution No. 15-09 and to advertise by placing the required legal advertisement in the Upper Dauphin Sentinel and a block ad in the Lancaster Farming Journal. The deadline for sealed bids shall be August 12 if the Farm Journal is a weekly publication; September 9 if it is a monthly publication. Motion carried with yes votes from Cl’ms Boyer, Dietz, Ibberson, Miller, Paden and Wolfe.

Federal Surplus Property Program Authorized Representatives – Manager McGann reported that the Borough’s application must be renewed and authorized purchasing representatives named. Motion by Cl’m Ibberson, seconded by Cl’m Paden to name Deputy EMA Coordinator John Brabits and Chris McGann as the Borough’s authorized representatives. Motion carried.

1986 Chevy Pick-Up – Cl’m Wolfe questioned the status of the Borough’s pick-up truck stored in the Pine Street garage. ManagerMcGann responded that it is not currently insured and that plans are to scrap it at Coleman’s.

Riding Mower Purchase – Manager McGann reported that the John Deere Z-trac mower needs $1,500 in repairs. McGann also reviewed options for financing a new John Deere commercial riding mower or purchasing one outright. Motion by Cl’m Boyer, seconded by Cl’m Paden to purchase a John Deere Z920M commercial Z-trac riding mower with a 54 inch deck from Valley Ag & Turf for $7,447.24 less a $200 trade in to be paid using $4,000 from the Code Enforcement Officer wages line item, $2,500 from the Zoning Solicitor line item and $700 from the 3-bay sink line item (in the Capital Improvement budget). Motion carried with yes votes from Cl’ms Boyer, Dietz, Ibberson, Miller, Paden and Wolfe. Cl’m Boyer then left the meeting.

Public Safety

CountyDispatch for Emergency Medical Services – Cl’m Miller reported that some changes are being implemented in an effort to lower the number of dispatch errors. Municipalities need to be made aware and Cl’m Miller will be monitoring the situation. He will also advise Council of any opportunity for input.


2015 Paving Project Change Order – Eastern Industries, Inc. – Manager McGann reported that the Walborn Lane paving project has been completed. Eastern Industries has provided a change order for $3,108 to fix the soft spots in the base of the street. The Streets Committee has previously authorized the work to be done. Motion by Cl’m Paden, seconded by Cl’m Ibberson to approve the expense and to pay for it using $2,100 remaining in the Liquid Fuels account and $1,008 from the 3-bay sink line item of the Capital Improvement budget. Motion carried with yes votes from Cl’ms Dietz, Ibberson, Miller, Paden and Wolfe.

NazzTech Video of Boyd Street Storm Sewer - Manager McGann reported that the pipewas video tapedfromthe intersection with Center Street, north, and determined that Trinity UCC’s roof leaders and lateralsneed to becleaned. The pipe was cleared of tree roots between Center and Cherry Streets. The pipe was alsovideotaped from Union to Pine Street and under the Borough’sPine Street lot, which showed the pipein thatarea to be deteriorating. When the video is received it will be reviewed at the Committee meetings.

Economic Development – No report.

Mayor’s Report – Mayor Ibberson reported that the Fireworks event has been postponed until July 17th. Motion by Cl’m Miller, seconded by Cl’m Paden to grant Mayor Ibberson’s request for $300 for Police Department petty cash. Motion carried with yes votes from Cl’ms Dietz, Ibberson, Miller, Paden and Wolfe.

Manager’s Report– All Cl’ms received written monthly report. Manager McGann reported that The Foundation for Enhancing Communities has advised that beginning in November of 2016, the Borough will receive up to $10,000 from Lorena Lemon’s estate, for capital improvements in the Parks.

Unfinished Business

Council Vacancy – Manager McGann reported that we have received two letters of interest, one from Joy Himmelreich Breach and one from John Hoffman. Mr. Hoffman’s letter arrived after the deadline. Motion by Cl’m Wolfe, seconded by Cl’m Ibberson to appoint Joy Himmelreich Breach to fill the Council vacancyto serve until the end of 2015, since her application was the only one received on time. Motion carried. President Deitz directed Secretary Jackson to advise Ms. Breach of her appointment and the Council’s meeting schedule. President Dietz directed Manager McGann to extend an invitation to Mr. Hoffman to join any of the standing committees as a Borough citizen until the end of 2015. Cl’m Paden left the meeting.

Brinjac Engineering Contract for Additional Work – State Street Storm Sewer Project – Manager McGann reported that DauphinCounty has guaranteed funding this additional work. Solicitor Kerwin has not reviewed the contract yet. Motionby Cl’m Ibberson, seconded by Cl’mMiller to approve the contract contingent upon Solicitor Kerwin’s review and approval. Motion carried.

Brinjac Engineering Invoice – State Street Storm Sewer Project – Manager McGann reviewed the invoice for $5,040 with Council. Motion by Cl’m Miller, seconded by Cl’m Ibberson to forward the invoice to DauphinCounty for payment. Motion carried.

New Business

Gaming Grant Co-Sponsorship – Millersburg Ferry Boat Association – Manager McGann reported that the Ferry Boat Association is not proceeding with an application this year.

Gaming Grant Co-Sponsorship – Millersburg Fire Company – Manager McGann reviewed the draft of the letter to DauphinCounty stating that the Borough agrees to be a co-applicant for eligibility purposes. Motion by Cl’m Wolfe, seconded by Cl’m Ibberson to approve the letter as presented. Motion carried. The proposed project is changing the threads on the fire hydrants to a universal size and replacement of hoses.

Communications – All communications were made available to Cl'ms. There was nothing requiring Council action. President Dietz directed Manager McGann to inquire with Mid Penn Bank to get their decision on the Seal Trust matter regarding how the Borough handles the annual distribution from the Trust.

Organization Reports

Millersburg Planning Commission – Cl’ms were referred to their minutes.

Millersburg Fire Company – Cl’m Ibberson reported that they did not meet for the month yet.

Next Meetings – President Dietz announced that the next meeting will be July 15 at 7:00PM to review the Employee Manual. Committee meetings will be on July 22nd at 7:00PM and the August Council meeting will be on August 12th.

The meeting was recessed to the call of the Chair at 10:35PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann Bowman Jackson

Borough Secretary

July 15, 2015

Council Chambers

Millersburg, Pennsylvania

Call to Order – President Dietz reconvened the Council meeting on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 7:11PM with Cl’ms Breach, Ibberson, Paden and Wolfe present. Manager McGann was also present.

Employee Manual – The meeting was recessed to the call of the chair and reconvened for the sole purpose of working on revisions to the employee manual. Cl’ms and the Manager made numerous revisions to Sections 100 and 200 of the draft that Manager McGann and Cl’m Wolfe had previously worked on. Cl’ms directed McGann to rewrite the sections covering accident reporting and the safety committee. McGann was also directed to do additional research on HIV/AIDS policies, zero-tolerance policies for alcohol, and the Borough’s liability if an employee conceals a suspended license and is involved in a traffic accident on the job. Cl’ms plan to continue work on the manual at the July committee meetings.

Motion by Cl’m Breach, seconded by Cl’m Wolfe to adjourn the meeting at 9:08 p.m. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Christopher M. McGann

Borough Manager

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