Prioritized Objectives

  • Conduct research on GENTAX, industry best practice methods for IT and Software implementation, gaining and implementing remote access and VPNs within client sites.
  • Strategically piece together research for best practices methods to help in the implementation of GENTAX
  • Creation of dual responsibility super users (training, marketing)
  • Best practices for training of employees on new software and database systems
  • Setting up and implementing remote access at client sites
  • Ethernet
  • Use of VPNs
  • Put together first deliverable to hand in
  • Put together story board for in class presentation to Stratera
  • Receive feedback
  • Begin topiece together specific ways on how the CDoR can:
  • Create dual responsibility super users
  • Who these people should be
  • Their roles
  • Training they specifically need
  • Training of employees on how to use new database and software systems
  • Industry examples of best practices for training
  • Firm wide orientation for teaching the tax software system
  • Market software, show benefits, reasons for change
  • Teach trainees overview of system
  • Interview trainees during and after they use and practice with the new system
  • Show how they can receive help from super users when on-site, or in the office
  • Orientation pertaining to remote access at client sites, the capabilities, and show:
  • Trainees how to gain remote access at client sites and then on to the VPN network
  • Set up passwords
  • How to log on to the VPN
  • Show capabilities (instant messaging, communication with super users, research, email, e-papers)
  • Show how to gain access to GENTAX, and other capabilities from client sites
  • Finish Deliverable
  • Present to the CDoR, and show the benefits of best practice methods of IT and software implementation. Also, to prove that with remote access at client sites the CDoR will be able to maximize their return on the GENTAX implementation.


  • Provide research, best practice methods from industry, faculty, and other state departments and agencies on how to implement, create super users, and train employees on GENTAX.
  • Then provide step by step examples on how to do this
  • Provide research, best practice methods from industry on remote access at client sites, and VPNs
  • Benefits of using a VPN
  • How to get a VPN
  • VPNs to use
  • Examples of controls that can be put in place
  • Examples of capabilities that will be offered with remote access
  • Provide examples on how super users can promote GENTAX within the department
  • Provide reasons that remote access is needed

Out of Scope

  • Increased efficiency
  • Cant physically implement systemor remote access
  • Revenue Growth (too far out)
  • future viability(too far out)
  • Increased employee morale and satisfaction
  • Increased communication between internal and external parties
  • Over time utilization will be increased due to implementation and having remote access. This will allow the CDoR to maximize the return on their investment


  • Present to Stratera about deliverable and gain feedback from consultants.
  • Finalize deliverable and storyboard for final presentation to CDoR

Show the CDoR during the presentation and through the deliverable that Implementing GENTAX effectively will be done by:

  • Creating dual responsibility super users who teach and market the software to employees
  • Training employees effectively on GENTAX which will increase efficiency and rollover times between audits

Show the CDoR that successfully setting up remote access and a VPN at client sites will allow:

  • Using GENTAX on-site
  • Increased controls
  • Data integrity
  • The uploading and downloading of electronic documents, thus decreasing redundancies
  • Research on-site
  • Interaction with other employees and super users through instant messenger
  • Provide examples of excess returns on investments by other departments of revenues
  • West Virginia example
  • Provide examples of VPN implementation costs
  • Relatively cheap, and will maximize the return on investment of implementing GENTAX
  • Evaluate if the software was specifically implemented to meet the departments needs, and also present the feedback from employees who tested the software
  • Present all of our findings and conclusion


September 16:

  • Developed initial project plan and approach.

September 23:

  • Identify our assumptions
  • Developed our premise, core conflict, tension, turning point and resolution

September 30

  • Began developing our seven slide presentation (story board)

October 7

  • Developed our Facts and Evidence (which includes):
  • Project Plan
  • Assumptions, Research, Stakeholder Analysis, Cost Benefit Analysis, Risk Management Plan, and Roles and Responsibilities

October 14

  • First Deliverable Due in Class

October 21

  • Discussed and developed our outline for the final deliverable and presentation
  • Began Finishing our seven slide presentation for Stratera
  • Receive feedback

November 18

  • Present to Stratera in order to receive feedback

December 2

  • Finish Project
  • Finalize Presentation

December 9

  • Final deliverable due
  • Presentation to the CDoR


Time Box

Project Team Organization Chart

Roles Responsibilities

Jim Marlatt
Professor /
  • Approve project charter and provide project resources necessary to complete project as planned.
  • Review and comment on project requests within 3 business days of the request being made.
  • Help team resolve any problems encountered during the project.
  • Communicate any changes in company strategy or focus that may impact the project in a timely manner.

Stewart Hanlon
Project Senior Manager /
  • Responsible for managing, delegating, and assigning responsibilities to team members
  • Review all work that is completed
  • Share work and project related duties
  • Gathered research from Ernst & Young, and faculty from the University of Colorado, Fast Enterprises.
  • Research included: Information on GENTAX, best practices for software/database implementation, training, remote access at client sites, use of VPN’s.
  • Completed project map, project plan, assumption, R&R, training examples and advice, VPN research, story board

Brian Smith
Manager /
  • Shared work and project related duties
  • Gathered research from HP, Susan Mencer, University of and local CPA firms
  • Research included: Information on change management, best practices on IT implementation and automation, risk management, strategic implementation dual responsibility super users
  • Completed risk management, research, storyboard, engagement summary, super users examples and advice

Matt Anderson
Manager /
  • Shared work and project related duties
  • Gathered research on Other Department of Revenues, KPMG, HP, Oracle
  • Research included: Information on other Department of Revenues which included West Virginia’s implementation of a form of GENTAX, Best practices for software/database implementation, training, remote access at client sites, use of VPN’s.
  • Completed research, cost benefit analysis, story board, VPN research, VPN examples and advice

Eliot Naves
Manager /
  • Share work and project related duties
  • Gathered research on Stakeholders, Gentax, and VPN’s
  • Research Included ingormation on stakeholders who are affected by our project, GENTAX, and on VPN’s implementation and products
  • Completed stakeholder analysis, VPN research, VPN examples and advice



  • Fast Enterprises, Stratera, and the CDoR will be available to us
  • The CDoR does not have remote access at client sites
  • CDoR does not have any type of Firm Wide Orientation
  • Our Plan is to help provide best practice methods on how to smoothly integrate IT and software into the agency
  • The software GENTAX is being implemented within the CDoR
  • GENTAX will affect employees during work
  • Employees could create resistance to the use of GENTAX
  • Super users will train and market positive aspects of GENTAX and remote access
  • With an adequate training by an implementation team the software will positively change the agency
  • With remote access the CDoR will maximize their investment of purchasing and implementing GENTAX by using best practices.
  • Overtime remote access and GENTAX will make the CDoR more efficient
  • Causing improvement in increased audit efficiency, audit rollover, internal and external communication, increased revenue, and client relations