Name ______Date ______Period ______

Age of Exploration Review Sheet

1.  List 3 advances in technology that made exploration possible.

2.  What was the main reason why Prince Henry the Navigator he sponsored naval expansion?

3.  List three motivations for Europeans to explore the world.

4.  Describe the Treaty of Tordesillas.

5.  What did the Dutch do to clove production in the Spice Islands to dominate the clove trade?

6.  The Dutch were able to reduce England’s influence on the spice market to _____ clove port.

7.  Europeans were so determined to gain control of the spice trade because the spice trade was tremendously ______.

8.  What was the first crop that African slaves were brought to the Americas to cultivate?

9.  Circle the area that Europeans had the most influence on in Asia

Mainland Asia or Non-Mainland Asia

10.  The Mainland Asian states had strong ______to unite together against European intrusion.

11.  Although the Spanish were supposed to protect the Native Americans, list 3 things that they suffered from after the Spanish arrived in the Americas.

12.  How did the native cultures change as Europeans began to set up colonies in the Americas?

13.  Who was the first European believed to reach North America around the year 1000?

14.  What 2 countries did Henry Hudson sail for during his time as an explorer?

15.  Bartholomeu Dias was the first European to round the ______.

16.  Who made several thousand percent in profits when he returned to Europe from Asia?

17.  Whose expedition was the first to sail around the world? Did he himself actually sail around the world?

18.  This person went to their grave thinking that they had discovered a westward route to Asia when he actually had reached undiscovered lands in the Caribbean?

19.  What area did John Cabot explore?

20.  Who founded a school for navigation in Portugal?

21.  Why are the Americas named after Amerigo Vespucci?

22.  Who conquered the Incan Empire?

23.  Who conquered the Aztec Empire and set up the 1st Spanish colony in Mexico?

24.  This person was concerned about the way that the slave trade was depopulating his country and discussed his concerns in a letter to the King of Portugal ______

25.  Who wrote about his numerous trips to Asia thus stimulating European interest in that continent?

26.  What 3 continents were involved in the Triangular Trade Route?

27.  What are 3 things responsible for the Europeans conquering the Aztec and Incan Empires?

28.  What African society produced more slaves than any other society in Africa?

29.  Describe the 3 motives for European exploration

God –

Gold –

Glory –

Define: (you may summarize as long as you write the main idea of each)

Caravel –

Cartography –

Compass –

Astrolabe –

Gunpowder –

Middle Passage –

Columbian Exchange –

Mercantilism –

Armada –

Colony –

Plantation -

New World –

Mainland States –

àDraw the Triangular Trade Route below. Label the continents represented and what is being traded between them.