Tool 4Readiness for change checklist
Please tick the appropriate statement – one of the four columns in each row below.
1. In the past, new policies or systems introduced by the Chimera NHS Alliancehave been: / Seen as meeting employee’s needs / Not well understood / Greeted with some resistance / Vigorously resisted
2. Employees may be best described as: / Innovative / Independent / Uncommitted so far / Conservative or resistant to change
3. Previous achievements of the Chimera NHS Alliance
are viewed as: / A success / Moderately successful / Having only peripheral impact
/ Not successful
4. Expectations of what this change will lead to are: / Consistent throughout the organisation / Consistent among senior management but less so otherwise / Not consistent
/ Unclear
5. What can people directly affected by the changes tell you about the Consolidated Local Electronic Journals (CoLEJ) strategy / A full description / A description of where it affects their own department or activity / A general idea
/ Nothing
6. Intended outcomes of the change have been: / Specified in detail / Outlined in general terms / Poorly defined
/ Not defined
This is as far as Morph has got in completing the Readiness for Change Checklist
7. Work procedures following the introduction of the Consolidated Local Electronic Journals (CoLEJ) strategy are seen to require: / Major change / Significant alteration / Minor improvement / No change8. The problems addressed by the Consolidated Local Electronic Journals (CoLEJ) strategy
were first raised by: / The staff directly involved / Library service managers / Outside bodies / The change is not seen as addressing important and relevant service problems
9. The next stage of change is viewed by staff as: / Crucial to the organisation’s future / Generally beneficial to the organisation / Beneficial only to part of the organisation / Unimportant
10. Top management support for the Consolidated Local Electronic Journals (CoLEJ) strategy
is: / Enthusiastic / Limited / Minimal / Unclear
11. the Chimera NHS Alliance
has: / Committed significant resources to the changes / Assigned token additional resources to the changes / Expects the change to be implemented from existing resources / Not planned the resources that are needed
12. The management performance appraisal and review process is: / An important part of management development / A helpful problem-solving process / routine / An obstacle to improvement
13. The change deals with issues of relevance to the Learning Environment strategy: / Directly / Partly / Only indirectly / Not at all
14. The Consolidated Local Electronic Journals (CoLEJ) strategyand related changes: / Make jobs more rewarding / Make jobs easier and more satisfying / Have little impact on people's work / Make jobs harder
15. The Consolidated Local Electronic Journals (CoLEJ) strategy and related change is technically: / Similar to others already underway / Similar to others undertaken in the recent past / Novel / Technically unclear
The above Readiness for Change Checklist is adapted from the The People’s Network Change Management Toolkit developed by Information Management Associates: