Opportunity for Emerging Artists

Surrey Unearthed


Surrey Hills Arts are building on their innovative programme of arts across the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Surrey Unearthedwill explore the geology of the Surrey Hillsand is an enquiry intohow the materials of the land have been used by artists, makers and architects over the centuries to shape the Surrey landscape and develop the built environment. We are calling for artists to celebrate the materials that shape our beautiful landscape and to explore their contemporary relevance.

What we’re looking for

Expressions of interest from visual artists, makers or designers with a fascination in creating work inspired by and within the landscape.

Curious artists with a desire to research into a natural material and its history and present this in an innovative, engaging way.

Artists in the early stage of their careers for whom this project would provide the next important phase in their development.

Artists who are keen to share their knowledge and work with communities to engage them with their local landscapes.

Artists capable of creating and installing work to a high standard.


Three artists will be selected for these residencies. Subject to funding the work will be installed from June 2018 following a research and development stage.

By ‘emerging’ we mean within 5 years of graduating, or starting out after a career change.

Each successful artist will receive up to £5000 for their project.

Each successful artist will receive mentoring from established artists and from Surrey Hills Arts.

The locations: The AONB covers a quarter of the county of Surrey. Surrey Hills Arts will suggest locations relevant to your interests and connect you with the land owner. Surrey is the most wooded county in England and has important heathlands, rolling hills, pill boxes, viewpoints, quarries, disused industrial structures amongst other defining characteristics.

Artists working in three dimensions in any medium/material as well as those working in new media, land art, installation work etc are welcome to apply. We want to create a diverse project, and so we particularly welcome interestfrom artists from anycultural background and from those with disabilities. We invite artists who have support needs to let us know what these are so that we can work to provide these if the artist is selected.A desire to work in community settings is essential.

To apply please sendonepdf document that includes:

  • Between 5 and 8 images of past work
  • A CV or biography of educational background and projects to date
  • A written statement describing your work & reasons for applying for this opportunity. You can include any initial area of interest for this project (optional)
  • a brief outline of the type of community engagement you are interested in delivering and any past community work experience.
  • Two referees (to be followed up if shortlisted)

We are asking for an Expression of Interest, not a proposal at this stage.

Deadline for submissions:

30th May 2017, 9am.

Please send your Expression of Interest to:

Ali Clarke at