Summer, 2007


In an effort to continue developing demographic, activity, and expenditure profiles of New Hampshire visitors, the Division of Travel and Tourism Development (DTTD) embarked on collecting such information using new survey research methodologies. Unlike the efforts of previous years which relied on distributing printed survey instruments at various locations across the State and having recipients mail back completed forms, a decision was made to move to an online survey methodology using “panels” developed by an independent research firm - Global Market Insite (GMI).

This report summarizes visitor data for the Summer 2007 season based on visits to New Hampshire during the months of June, July, and August, 2007. For survey purposes, a “stratified” sample was employed among residents of the nine (9) Northeast states as follows:

● New England – MA (100), CT (70), RI (70), NH (50), ME (50), VT (50)

● Mid-Atlantic – NY (70), NJ (70), PA (70)

The report format will be to present survey data for each of these two major markets differentiating between Overnight and “Day-Only” visitors (those not staying overnight in New Hampshire). Because of the survey sampling method employed, the reader is cautioned about extrapolating survey results to “all New Hampshire visitors” since the survey included only respondents from a specified number of people in specified states. Readers are also cautioned about the relatively small sample size for day visitors from Mid-Atlantic states (29).

A copy of the survey instrument utilized is included in the Appendix.

Research Highlights

A review of the survey data contained in this report indicates that, compared to their New England counterparts, overnight visitors from the Mid-Atlantic states:

● were somewhat older

● were more apt to have their trip planned by a male

● reported noticeably higher annual household incomes

● reported much greater incidence of “first-time” visits

● cited “business” noticeably more as a primary purpose of their visit

● mentioned activities such as “historic sites/museums/galleries”, “concerts/fairs/festivals”, “golfing”, and “business/convention/seminar” more frequently

● reported fewer average number of visits during the Summer 2007 (2.9 vs 4.7)

● were much more likely to be traveling as part of a group tour (11% vs. 2%)

● reported higher incidence of staying overnight (86% vs 66%)

● were more apt to stay in “chain” hotels/motels as well as “bed & breakfast/small inns” and “resort/spas”

● reportedly spent an average of 15-17% more per travel party or per person/per day in NH


Age Group of Decision Maker

As indicated in Table 1, decision makers for overnight visitors were reportedly somewhat younger than their “day-only” counterparts. Overnight visitors from the Mid-Atlantic market were reportedly somewhat older than those from New England states

Table 1
Distribution of Decision Makers by Age Group
New Engl. / New Engl. / MidAtlant. / MidAtlant.
Overnight / Day-Only / Overnight / Day-Only
Age Group / (n= 258) / (n=132) / (n=182) / (n=29)
18 - 24 / 5.8 / 6.8 / 3.8 / 6.9
25 - 34 / 25.2 / 21.2 / 34.6 / 27.6
35 - 44 / 27.5 / 19.7 / 22.5 / 13.8
45 - 54 / 24.8 / 24.2 / 14.8 / 20.7
55 - 64 / 14.3 / 22.7 / 18.7 / 20.7
65 or older / 2.4 / 5.4 / 5.6 / 10.3
Total / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0

Gender of Decision Maker

Respondents were asked to indicate the gender of the person most responsible for planning their trip to New Hampshire. As can be seen in Table 2, females were more apt to play such a role among New England respondents. Among Mid-Atlantic respondents, however, males reportedly assumed a greater role in trip planning.

Table 2
Gender of Decision-Maker
New Engl. / New Engl. / MidAtlant. / MidAtlant.
Overnight / Day-Only / Overnight / Day-Only
Gender / (n=257) / (n=132) / (n=181) / (n=29)
Male / 35.8 / 34.8 / 50.8 / 41.4
Female / 41.2 / 45.5 / 34.8 / 34.5
Joint Decision / 23.0 / 19.7 / 14.4 / 24.1
Total / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0

Income Group

Table 3 presents the distribution of visitors by annual household income groups. As can be seen, incomes are noticeably higher for overnight visitors and those residing in Mid-Atlantic states.

Table 3
Distribution of Visitors by Annual Household Income
New Engl. / New Engl. / MidAtlant. / MidAtlant.
Overnight / Day-Only / Overnight / Day-Only
Income Group / (n=256) / (n=132) / (n=181) / (n=29)
Less than $35,000 / 14.1 / 22.7 / 5.0 / 3.4
$35,000 - $49,999 / 14.8 / 19.7 / 9.4 / 20.7
$50,000 - $74,999 / 26.2 / 26.5 / 26.5 / 31.0
$75,000 - $99,999 / 25.0 / 15.9 / 29.8 / 27.6
$100,000 - $149,999 / 17.6 / 11.4 / 18.8 / 13.8
$150,000 or more / 2.3 / 3.8 / 10.5 / 3.5
Total / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0


First Visit?

Respondents were asked if this was their first visit to New Hampshire. As indicated in Table 4, first-visit incidence was much greater for those visiting from Mid-Atlantic states (24-30%).

Table 4
Incidence of First Visit
New Engl. / New Engl. / MidAtlant. / MidAtlant.
Overnight / Day-Only / Overnight / Day-Only
(n=259) / (n=133) / (n=182) / (n=29)
% Responding "Yes" / 8.1 / 3.0 / 29.7 / 24.1

Type of Transportation

As noted in Table 5, the vast majority of visitors reportedly arrived by automobile. The only noticeable evidence of other modes of transportation (airplane) was observed amongst visitors from Mid-Atlantic states.

Table 5
Primary Mode of Transportation
New Engl. / New Engl. / MidAtlant. / MidAtlant.
Overnight / Day-Only / Overnight / Day-Only
Transportation Mode / (n=259) / (n=133) / (n=182) / (n=29)
Automobile / 97.6 / 97.7 / 83.5 / 79.4
Airplane / - / - / 11.5 / 13.8
Bus / 1.2 / 1.5 / 2.7 / 3.4
Other / 1.2 / 0.8 / 2.3 / 3.4
Total / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0

Primary Purpose of Trip

Respondents were provided a list and asked to indicate the primary purpose of their trip to New Hampshire. Table 6 summarizes the responses which indicate that “pleasure (vacation)” and “visit friends/relatives” top the list. It was noticeable that, among New England visitors, “outdoor recreation” and “events” were mentioned more frequently by “day-only” than overnight visitors. “Business” was cited noticeably more by Mid-Atlantic visitors than those residing in New England.

Table 6
Primary Purpose of Trip
New Engl. / New Engl. / MidAtlant. / MidAtlant.
Overnight / Day-Only / Overnight / Day-Only
Primary Purpose / (n=259) / (n=133) / (n=182) / (n=29)
Pleasure (vacation) / 55.6 / 20.3 / 36.8 / 55.3
Visit friends/relatives / 25.9 / 19.5 / 32.4 / 24.1
Outdoor recreation / 5.8 / 13.5 / 3.3 / -
Event (fair/festival, sports/concert) / 4.6 / 13.5 / 4.4 / -
Business / 3.5 / 6.8 / 13.7 / 13.8
Personal (graduation/wedding/medical) / 2.3 / 6.8 / 8.8 / 3.4
Other* / 2.3 / 19.6 / 0.6 / 3.4
Total / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0

* Primarily “shopping”


Respondents were provided a list of activities and asked to check all that they may have participated in while on their trip. Table 7 presents the specifics indicating that those activities most-often reported were “sightseeing”, “shopping”, “scenic drives”, and “beaches”. It was noticeable that “historic sites/museums/galleries”, “concerts/fairs/festivals”, “golfing”, and “business/convention/seminar” were mentioned noticeably more frequently by overnight visitors from Mid-Atlantic states than their counterparts from New England.

Table 7
Activities Reported
New Engl. / New Engl. / MidAtlant. / MidAtlant.
Overnight / Day-Only / Overnight / Day-Only
Activity / (n=259) / (n=133) / (n=182) / (n=29)
Sightseeing / 64.5 / 35.3 / 73.6 / 72.4
Shopping / 63.7 / 63.9 / 68.7 / 65.5
Scenic Drives / 52.1 / 30.8 / 60.4 / 44.8
Beaches (lake, ocean) / 44.0 / 22.6 / 36.8 / 31.0
State Park/National Forest / 34.7 / 12.8 / 39.6 / 17.2
Camping/hiking / 28.6 / 7.5 / 24.2 / 3.4
Theme/amusement park / 22.8 / 12.0 / 17.6 / 10.3
Wildlife watching / 20.5 / 6.0 / 23.6 / 10.3
Boating / 19.3 / 3.8 / 18.1 / 3.4
Historic sites/museums/galleries / 18.5 / 5.3 / 37.9 / 13.8
Concerts/fairs/festivals / 17.0 / 14.3 / 26.4 / 3.4
Other outdoor recreation / 11.6 / 3.8 / 8.8 / 6.9
Sporting event / 10.0 / 3.8 / 13.2 / 3.4
Hunting/fishing / 9.3 / 1.5 / 8.2 / -
Golfing / 7.7 / 0.8 / 13.7 / 3.4
Business/convention/seminar / 4.6 / 2.3 / 13.2 / 3.4
Other* / 6.9 / 14.3 / 4.4 / -
Note: Percentages add to more than 100% due to multiple mentions

* Primarily “visiting family/friends”, “eating/dining”, and “weddings”

Number of Trips to NH During Summer 2007

Respondents were asked, “How many trips for business or pleasure did you make to/within New Hampshire during the months of June, July, or August, 2007”? Table 8 presents the specifics which indicate that, on average, day-trippers made more trips than their overnight counterparts (5.6 vs. 4.7). This larger average is attributed to the one-quarter of day-trippers making 7 or more visits during the summer season. By comparison, the average number of visits from those residing in Mid-Atlantic states was noticeably lower although almost half (47.3%) of these overnight visitors reported making more than one trip during the summer.

Table 8
Number of Trips to New Hampshire During Summer 2007
New Engl. / New Engl. / MidAtlant. / MidAtlant.
Overnight / Day-Only / Overnight / Day-Only
Number of Trips / (n=259) / (n=133) / (n=182) / (n=29)
One / 36.3 / 29.3 / 52.7 / 62.1
Two/Three / 37.9 / 30.8 / 32.4 / 34.5
Four to Six / 16.5 / 15.1 / 9.8 / 3.4
Seven to Ten / 3.4 / 13.7 / 3.1 / -
Eleven or more / 5.9 / 11.1 / 2.0 / -
Total / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0 / 100.0
Average # trips / 4.7 / 5.6 / 2.9 / 1.5

Travel Party Size

As indicated in Table 9, the average travel party size for overnight visitors (3.4-3.8) was larger than “day-only” travel parties (2.4-2.8). This increase was primarily attributable to the inclusion of more children in the travel party.

Table 9
Average Travel Party Size
New Engl. / New Engl. / MidAtlant. / MidAtlant.
Overnight / Day-Only / Overnight / Day-Only
Party Size / (n=259) / (n=133) / (n=178) / (n=29)
Number of Adults / 2.5 / 2.1 / 2.2 / 1.9
Number of Children / 1.2 / 0.7 / 1.2 / 0.5
Total Party Size / 3.7 / 2.8 / 3.4 / 2.4

Member of Group Tour?

As indicated in Table 10, the only noticeable incidence of visitors traveling as part of a group tour was associated with overnight visitors from Mid-Atlantic states.

Table 10
Member of Group Tour?
New Engl. / New Engl. / MidAtlant. / MidAtlant.
Overnight / Day-Only / Overnight / Day-Only
(n=259) / (n=133) / (n=182) / (n=29)
% Responding "Yes" / 1.9 / 1.5 / 11.0 / -

Length of Trip

As would be expected, overnight visitors reported longer average stays in New Hampshire, while “day-only” visitors were more apt to be “passing through” as evidenced by their reporting of spending more days in other states. Again, as would be expected, those overnight visitors residing in states outside of New England reported noticeably longer stays than their counterparts residing within New England.

Table 11
Average Length of Trip
New Engl. / New Engl. / MidAtlant. / MidAtlant.
Overnight / Day-Only / Overnight / Day-Only
(n=259) / (n=133) / (n=182) / (n=29)
# NH Days / 4.6 / 1.0 / 4.9 / 1.0
# Days Other States / 2.2 / 2.0 / 3.0 / 5.3
Total # Days / 6.8 / 3.0 / 7.9 / 6.3

Stay Overnight?

As indicated in Table 12, some two-thirds of New England visitors reportedly stayed overnight, while a noticeably higher percentage (86%) of Mid-Atlantic visitors reportedly did so.

Table 12
Stay Overnight?
New / Mid-
England / Atlantic
(n=392) / (n=211)
% Responding "Yes" / 66.1 / 86.3


Those who reported staying overnight in New Hampshire were asked about the types of accommodations used and the number of nights spent at each type. Visitors often reported using a combination of different accommodations as indicated in Tables 13 & 14.

The most frequently mentioned types of accommodation were:

● Hotel/Motel (chain) – moreso by Mid-Atlantic visitors

● Home of friends/relatives

● Hotel/Motel (independent)

In terms of average length of stay, however, visitors reported noticeably longer stays at Private/

Commercial Campgrounds and Condominiums/timeshare/2nd homes.

Accommodations categorized as Bed & Breakfast/Small Inn and Resort/Spa were mentioned noticeably more by visitors from Mid-Atlantic states than their New England counterparts.

Table 13
Incidence of Accommodations Used
Overnight Visitors
New / Mid-
England / Atlantic
Type of Accommodations / (n=259) / (n=182)
Hotel/motel (chain) / 35.9 / 55.5
Home of friend/relative / 26.6 / 30.2
Hotel/motel (independent) / 13.5 / 15.9
Priv/Comc'l Campground / 10.8 / 9.3
Bed & Breakfast/Small Inn / 8.1 / 16.5
Condo/timeshare/2nd home / 6.6 / 7.1
State/Federal campground / 6.6 / 6.6
Resort/spa / 4.6 / 15.9
Other* / 7.7 / 3.3

Note: Percentages add to more than 100% due to multiple mentions

* Indicates NH residents living at home, rented camps/cottages

Table 14
Average # Nights by Accommodation Type
Overnight Visitors
New / Mid-
Type of Accommodations /




Hotel/motel (chain) / 3.5 / 3.6
Home of friend/relative / 3.7 / 3.7
Hotel/motel (independent) / 3.3 / 2.2
Priv/Comc’l campground / 4.2 / 5.2
Bed & Breakfast/Small Inn / 2.6 / 2.6
Condo/timeshare/2nd home / 5.7 / 2.1
State/Federal campground / 3.1 / 3.0
Resort/spa / 2.7 / 3.0
Other* / 7.1 / 4.8

Note: Percentages add to more than 100% due to multiple mentions

* Indicates NH residents living at home, rented camps/cottages


Visitors were asked to indicate their estimate of TOTAL expenditures for their entire travel party during their most recent visit to/within New Hampshire. Table 15 presents the results in terms of average expenditures. It can be seen that Mid-Atlantic visitors reportedly spent noticeably more per travel party and per person/per day than their New England counterparts.

Table 15
Average Total Expenditures in New Hampshire
New Engl. / New Engl. / MidAtlant. / MidAtlant.
Overnight / Day-Only / Overnight / Day-Only
(n=259) / (n=133) / (n=182) / (n=29)
Per Travel Party / $762.51 / $113.64 / $872.92 / $155.90
Per person/per day / $44.80 / $40.58 / $52.40 / $64.96




If you made multiple visits to New Hampshire during the months of June, July, or August, 2007, please answer the following questions regarding your MOST RECENT visit…

1.Was this your first visit to New Hampshire? Yes No

What was the primary mode of transportation used to enter New Hampshire?

 Automobile Bus Airplane Other (please describe):______

2.What was the PRIMARY purpose of this visit? (Please check only one.)

 Visit friends/relatives Business Personal (graduation, wedding, medical, etc.)

 Pleasure (vacation) Outdoor recreation Attend Event (fair, festival, sports, concert, etc.)

Other (please describe):______

3.In which types of activities did you participate while on this trip? (Please check as many as apply.)

 Sightseeing Business/convention/seminar Hunting/fishing

 Shopping Concerts/Fairs/Festivals Wildlife watching

 State Parks/National Forests Historic sites/museums/galleries Camping/hiking

 Theme/amusement park Beaches (lake, ocean) Scenic drives

 Skiing/snowmobiling Boating Other outdoor recreation

 Sporting event Golfing Other:______

4.How many trips for business or pleasure did you make to/within New Hampshire during the months of June,

July, or August, 2007?______

5.a) How many people were typically in your travel party during these trips?

# adults_____# children_____total # in party_____

b) Were you traveling as part of a group tour? Yes No

If you made multiple trips during the months of June, July, or August, 2007 please answer the following questions with regard to your MOST RECENT trip….

6.How many days did you spend away from home on this trip?

# days in New Hampshire_____# days other states/provinces_____total # days of trip _____

7.Did you stay overnight in New Hampshire on this trip? Yes No - please skip to # 9

8.How many nights did you spend in New Hampshire at each of the following?

# Nights

Hotel/motel (Chain)_____

Hotel/motel (Independent)_____


Bed & Breakfast/Small Inn_____

Condominium/timeshare/2nd home_____

Home of friend/relative_____

State/Federal campground_____

Private/commercial campground_____

Other (specify):______

Total # Nights in NH_____

9. In the space provided, please indicate your estimate of total expenditures for your entire travel party during your most recent visit to/within New Hampshire.



10. Please indicate your state/province/country of residence and Zip/Postal Code

State/Country/Province:______Zip/Postal Code:______

11. What is the age/gender of the person in your travel party who was most responsible for planning this trip?

Please check one box in each category below.

AGE:  18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+

GENDER: Male Female Joint Decision

12. Which of the following categories best represents your total annual household income before taxes?

 less than $35,000$50,000-$74,999 $100,000-$149,999

 $35,000-$49,999$75,000-$99,999 $150,000+

Thank you very much for your time and input!