24 May 2012
Environmental Management System & Sustainability
Annual Report 2011-12
The purpose of this paper is to report on RoS Environmental and Sustainability performance during 2011-12 in line with our Environmental Policy.
The RoS Environmental Policy is attached at Annex 1. The policy requires that an annual report is provided to the RoS Board for information. The Environmental and Sustainability Report for 2011-12 is attached at Annex 2.
Key Points
· Electricity consumption in 2011/12 reduced by 5.0% at MBH and 19.7% at HHO.
· 75% of electricity used within MBH is within the IT computer suite, which means that there is limited scope to reduce consumption until legacy IT systems are replaced with more modern and energy efficient systems.
· Water consumption for 2011/12 decreased by 12.3% at MBH and 83.2% at HHO.
· Car mileage has reduced by 28.1% from last year with business travel reducing by 41.6%.
· Over the last year we have reduced the total amount of waste we produce by 44%.
· We have reduced the volume we send to landfill by 52%, whilst recycling 42% of our total waste.
The Board is invited to note the contents of the report and to confirm it is content to continue with the current Environmental Policy.
Subject to approval the policy and report to be published on the RoS Intranet and other communication channels deemed appropriate.
Billy Harkness
Director, HR & Estates
10 May 2012
Annex 1
RoS Environmental Policy
Registers of Scotland is committed to the protection of both our local and the wider environment within a wider commitment to the sustainable development agenda set out by Scottish Ministers.
RoS are conscious that our activities affect the environment in which we exist and actively wish to minimise any negative impact these activities cause and contribute to positive environmental stewardship. RoS Senior Management acknowledges their responsibilities in delivering this policy and recognise the importance of engaging all staff in its implementation.
To achieve this we will embrace the following principles:
· establish an Environmental Management System to record our progress;
· procure materials and services within a framework that encourages sustainability;
· adopt more energy efficient practices, where viable, and support more sustainable modes of travel to reduce our contribution to global climate change;
· comply with, and make regular checks of, environmental legislation and other relevant regulations and requirements;
· carry out periodic audits of the EMS to check for non-conformities;
· recognise that waste has an environmental impact and cost and therefore seek to prevent it wherever possible via a reduce, reuse, recycle, recovery and landfill message of resource management;
· set and regularly review environmental objectives and targets, in line with SMART principles, that address the three main issues of an EMS: pollution control, continuous improvement, and compliance with regulations and legislation;
· improve our processes and practices, where practicable;
· seek to provide the necessary resources and training required for effective delivery of our environmental policy;
· document our activities and openly communicate our progress in implementing and maintaining our environmental performance;
· seek for the continual improvement of both our Environmental Management System and our environmental performance;
· review this policy at every significant change and in line with RoS business objectives to ensure it is appropriate to the nature and scale of RoS operations;
This policy will be reviewed upon significant change and an annual report be passed to RoS board for information.
Signed by the Keeper of the Registers of Scotland on behalf of the RoS Board
Sheenagh Adams
May 2012
Annex 2
Registers of Scotland
Environmental Management System & Sustainability
Annual Report 2011-12
1. Introduction
Registers of Scotland’s Corporate Plan includes a strategic objective “to reduce the environmental impact of our consumption and production”. This objective involves
· carrying out our duties under the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009;
· implementing our Environmental Management System; and
· applying our sustainable procurement policy.
Currently we aim to achieve year-on year reductions of 2.5% in energy consumption and paper usage and a year-on-year reduction of 1% in landfill up to 31 March 2015, when this will be reviewed in line with a new Corporate Plan. These targets have been carried forward from the previous Corporate Plan, which used 2008-2009 as the baseline year.
This report sets out progress we have made towards a managed estate which is modern, resource efficient with low energy buildings, makes efficient use of space; and embeds the principles of sustainable development into day-to-day working practices.
Our focus is on the continual improvement of our environmental performance against a set of specific targets. Our activities will help RoS operate more effectively and more sustainably in response to the threat of Climate Change.
This report is produced in accordance with guidelines laid down by HM Treasury in ‘Public Sector Sustainability Reporting’ published at
2. Environmental Management System - Key Findings for 2011/12
The Environment Management System is in its second year of operation. The report will cover our two main buildings, MBH and HHO.
2.1 Electricity
Electricity consumption for 2011/12 compared to 2010/11 decreased in kWh by 5.0% at MBH and 19.7% at HHO. This was primarily achieved by the fact that the MBH generator (used to provide continuous power supply contingency) was out of operation for the majority of the reporting period. Awareness training for staff (switching off PCs, lights and other electrical equipment), along with a smaller MBH staff restaurant facility are other factors which contributed to the decrease in consumption. In HHO security guards switch off all lights manually at 9pm and do not switch them on in the mornings but wait for the first member of staff to arrive on each floor to switch them on.
2.2 Gas
Gas consumption for 2011/12 compared to 2010/11 decreased in kWh by 5.9% at MBH. This was primarily due to our heating system being on for a shorter period due to a milder winter than normal. In HHO Gas figures for year 2010/11 were not recorded by RoS and have not been made available following repeated requests to the Landlord.
2.3 Water Consumption
Water consumption for 2011/12 compared to 2010/11 decreased by 12.3% at MBH and 83.2% at HHO. This reduction is mainly due to a reduction in staff numbers at both sites and an unexplained loss of water at HHO in 2010/11 which indicates a false reading at the HHO site.
2.4 Paper Usage
Paper usage for 2011/12 compared to 2010/11 decreased by 12.7% primarily due to a reduction in staff numbers at both main sites along with staff using the duplex printing option.
3. Energy and Water Consumption and Paper Usage Statistics
RoS data for electricity, gas, water and paper consumption .
MBH / 2010/11 / 2011/12 / Percentage changeElectricity [kWh] / 2,741,443 / 2,604,151 / -5.0%
Gas [kWh] / 987,907 / 929,700 / -5.9%
Water [m3] / 4,409 / 3,868 / -12.3%
HHO / 2010/11 / 2011/12 / Percentage change
Electricity [kWh] / 597,925(E) / 480,236 (E) / -19.7%
Gas [kWh] / Not available / 349,090 (E) / Not available
Water [m3] / 13,948 / 2,343 / -83.2%
RoS 4 Locations / 2010/11 / 2011/12
Paper [Reams] / 23,921 / 20,875 / -12.7%
4. Energy Consumption Review
4.1 Electricity
A report provided by RSP (our engineering consultants) in August 2010 highlighted that 83% of night time and 72% of day time electrical consumption is for the computer suite at MBH. Unless a sustainable IT strategy is adopted by RoS then this is unlikely to reduce. However we will concentrate our efforts on reducing consumption across other parts of the RoS estate.
4.2 Water Consumption
Research is ongoing to find other ways in which reductions in water usage can be achieved. The installation of plumbed drinking water was completed in June 2011 to replace the use of water bottles and it is anticipated that his will result in an increase in water usage.
4.3 Paper Usage
RoS has undertaken a review of its printing estate; and as a result of this has led to more Multifunctional Devices replacing legacy printers across the estate. It is hoped that this will lead to a further reduction in paper usage at RoS.
5. Environmental Management System Launch
RoS launched an Environmental Management System (EMS) in February 2011. Guidance and information was issued to staff during 2011 to raise the level of energy awareness for our staff and to support efforts to reduce our energy consumption from previous years.
RoS rolled out Environmental Awareness Training to all staff to provide them with a better understanding of environmental issues relating to their work and more generally. An on-line training package was used, aimed at developing a more knowledgeable and environmentally aware workforce to better support our EMS plans and activities. The majority of staff completed the on-line training during 2011 and it is proposed to repeat this training in the future
6. Sustainability Report
Information on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Finite Resources is provided below.
The following provides an overview of the minimum requirements in each of the three main reporting areas for Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG), Finite Resources and Waste Minimisation and Management and definitions of Non Financial and Financial Indicators. [Ref HMT sustainability reporting]
GHG Emissions - Non Financial Indicators
Direct GHG Emissions (Known as Scope 1).
These occur from sources owned or controlled by the organisation. Examples include emissions as a result of combustion in boilers owned or controlled by the organisation. It includes emissions from organisation-owned fleet vehicles (including vehicles on finance leases).
Energy Indirect Emissions (Known as Scope 2).
As a result of energy that RoS consume which is supplied by another party, e.g. electricity supply in buildings or outstations.
Emissions as a result of official business travel (part of Scope 3).
This only covers business travel directly paid for by RoS (i.e. not business travel re-charged by contractors).
GHG Emissions - Financial Indicators
Financial Indicators apply to the Gross expenditure on the Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) and any monies spent on accredited carbon offset purchases and total expenditure on official business travel. Carbon Offsets can be used to compensate for the emissions produced by funding an equivalent carbon dioxide saving elsewhere [RoS do not currently operate this system].
MBH / 2010 - 2011 / 2011 - 2012Greenhouse Gas Emissions / Figures
Non-Financial Indicators / Scope 1 Emissions (Direct) / Gas consumption (CO2 equiv) (1) / 187.92 (A) / 171.20 (A)
Total mileage (RoS vehicles MBH & HHO) / 31,709 (E)* / 22,784 (A)
Scope 2 Emissions (Indirect) / Electricity (CO2 equiv) (2) / 1488.54 (A) / 1383.29 (A)
Scope 3 Emissions (Other) / Business Travel (3) (MBH & HHO) / 326,263 / 190,540 (E)
Financial Indicators / Scope 1 Emissions (Direct) / Gas consumption (CO2 equiv) (1) / 31,042 / 31,451
Total mileage (RoS vehicles / 7,161 / 4,131
Scope 2 Emissions (Indirect) / Electricity (kWh) (2) / 223,248 / 239,675
Scope 3 Emissions (Other) / Business Travel / 230,400 / 173,138
HHO / 2010 - 2011 / 2011 - 2012
Greenhouse Gas Emissions / Figures
Non-Financial Indicators / Scope 1 Emissions (Direct) / Gas consumption (CO2 equiv) (1) / Not Available / 22.93 (A)
Total mileage (RoS vehicles / Included in the MBH Figures
Scope 2 Emissions (Indirect) / Electricity (CO2 equiv) (2) / 324.55 (E) / 255.24 (E)
Scope 3 Emissions (Other) / Business Travel (3) / Included in the MBH figures
Financial Indicators / Scope 1 Emissions (Direct) / Gas consumption (CO2 equiv) (1) / Not available / Not available
Total mileage (RoS vehicles) / Included in the MBH Figures
Scope 2 Emissions (Indirect) / Electricity (kWh) (2) / 53,942 / 61,889
Scope 3 Emissions (Other) / Business Travel / Included in the MBH Figures
(A) Actual (E) Estimate
1. Gas figures for MBH
2010 - 11 & 2011 – 12 – Total kWh x 0.184/1000 - conversion to CO2 equivalents
2. Electricity figures for MBH - (A) Actual (E) Estimate
2010 – 11 – Total kWh x 0.545/1000 - conversion to CO2 equivalents
2010 – 11 – Total kWh x 0.525/1000 - conversion to CO2 equivalents
3. Business Travel mileage – estimated figure because of change of agent from Carlson Wagonlit to Expotel in September 2011and full year figures not available despite formal requests.
7. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Review
7.1 Electricity
All of the electricity RoS used at MBH is generated from renewable sources. However this is not the case for other RoS locations as these are determined by the landlord and RoS has no control over the utility supplier used.
MBH electricity consumption in 2011/12 reduced by 5.0% compared to the previous year, and measures implemented to reduce electricity consumption include the automatic switch off of PCs at 9.00pm and an energy awareness campaign for staff to ensure IT, other electrical equipment and lights are only switched on when necessary.
Additional measures are planned to achieve CO2 reductions such as the introduction of a new lighting system within MBH and the installation of a new Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) heating & cooling system within the new MBH extension, which will also generate some electricity for use within the new extension. However it should be noted that about 75% of electricity used within MBH is within the IT computer suite which means that there is limited scope to reduce consumption at the present time.
7.2 Gas
MBH gas consumption in 2011/12 decreased by 5.9% despite the heating system being on for longer periods; however a staged reduction in the thermostat temperature was implemented throughout MBH.
7.3 Business Travel
As part of our EMS, targets have been set to reduce Business Travel at a local level by seeking to reduce travel between RoS offices and other Scottish Government premises by increasing the use of our Tele and Video conferencing facilities.
8. Finite Resources
8.1 Non Financial Indicators
RoS must report on their water consumption in cubic metres.
8.2 Financial Indicators