Wednesday March 25 – Sunday March 29, 2015

At the
Hyatt Regency Cambridge, Overlooking Boston

Welcome Message from New England
Cindy McGuigan – President and Conference Chair
Susan Harris O’Connor – New England Regional Director

Coming Soon

Important Conference Notes:
Registration Times:
In order for our board members to be able to attend Keynotes and the workshops they would like, please pay close attention to Registration Times in this booklet. Our registration desk will only be open during those times.
Meals Included:
Breakfast 7:00AM – 9:00AM
Regional Lunch: box lunch included (see Page 12 to find your region)
Breakfast 7:00AM - 9:00AM
(Name for Awards Lunch) (Ballroom D)
Breakfast 7:00AM – 9:00AM
Coffee break 3:30PM – 4:00PM (Pre-function) Sponsored by Spokeo
Saturday Night Reception 8:00pm – Midnight (Charles View Ballroom)

Conference Details

Cambridge, Massachusetts
The conference this year is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, a city that is rich in history and beauty. The Hyatt Regency is located on the banks of the Charles River overlooking the Boston Skyline. The Hyatt Regency offers our attendees an intimate conference setting and easy access to Harvard Square and Boston.

Keynote speakers include Rev. Dr. Nicholas Cooper-Lewter, who holds a Ph.D. in Psychology and an MSW; Bennett Greenspan, Founder and President of Family Tree DNA; David Smolin, Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Children, Law and Ethics, Cumberland Law School, Samford University; and Rhonda Roorda, co-author of the book trilogy ‘In Their Own Voices: Transracial Adoptees Tell Their Stories.
Conference workshop topics will cover a variety of issues for those who have created families thru adoption and assisted reproduction, including search and reunion, loss and trauma, historical perspectives and best practices. Workshops will also include topics on ethical and clinical practices, the transracial adoptee experience, identity issues, birth/first parent issues and legislative efforts. The workshops will be relevant to members of the adoption triad and constellation. Support groups will be offered for attendees and professionals, and Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) will be available.

Art Room
Films include Tim Kirkman’s ‘Loggerheads’, which features Bonnie Hunt. This movie brought adoption issues to the screen from all three sides of the adoption triad in 2005. Also, Chris Wilson’s, ‘You Have His Eyes’ is a story about adoption, search, love and family all wrapped up in one documentary. Sarah Greer will be performing her solo play Bio-Hazard: A Relative Comedy, is currently on a run Off-Broadway in New York City and has won the United Solo Theatre Festival Award for Best Comedy.

“Adoption Speaks” is the title of the 2015 Art Room/Show. The Adoption Speaks Art Show will take place on Friday March 26, 2015. Please take time to visit the art room, which will offer a space to create your own art. The art space will be located in the Aquarium room on the second floor.
CEU Information
The NASW has approved 17.5 CEU hours for full conference participants.

Shuttle & Transportation Information

Go Shuttle is offeringAACattendees a preferred rate of $40.00 round trip to and from the airport. Please log on to the link to obtain the preferred pricing

Public transportation to and from the hotel is also available. Please refer to Hyatt Regency website detailed information.

Onsiteparking is available at a reduced rate of 15.00 per day for registered guests of Hyatt Regency.

Keynote Speakers

Bennett Greenspan
March 26, 2015
Thursday 9:15-10:30AM
Genetic Genealogy Finding Your Past, Finding Your Future by Bennett Greenspan
Family Tree DNA was founded in 2000 by Mr. Bennett Greenspan, an entrepreneur and life-long genealogy enthusiast, turning a hobby into a full-time vocation. His effort and innovation created the burgeoning field now known as genetic genealogy.
David Smolin
March 26, 2015
Friday 9:15-10:30AM
Legislating What We Know, Against the Rising Tide of the Demand for Children
David Smolin is a Professor of law at Cumberland School of Law in Birmingham, Alabama where he is the Harwell G. Davis Chair in Constitutional Law, director for the Center for Children, Law, and Ethics. He works together with Desiree Smolin on adoption.
Rhonda Roorda
March 27, 2015
Friday 1:45-300PM
Beyond the Controversy and Scholarship of Transracial Adoption: The Lessons Learned in Real Time from a Black American Transracial Adoptee
Rhonda M. Roorda, M.A., a national speaker, transracial adoptee, and coauthor (with scholar Rita J. Simon) of the highly acclaimed trilogy of books on transracial adoption. As the only child of color, Rhonda was adopted by two white parents from New York and raised in the Washington, D.C. area with her brother and sister.
Rev. Dr. Nicholas Cooper – Lewter
March 28, 2015
Saturday 1:45-3:00PM
Wretched No More: Healing Holes in the Soul
Rev. Dr. Nicholas Cooper-Lewter is an adoptee. For the last forty years, he has served as a licensed counselor, psychotherapist, educator and social worker. He has written extensively, and is known as the “Soul Whisperer” helping others to overcome odds and heal the trauma of feeling wretched

Films & Play

March 26
7:30 PM – 10:00 PM
Inspired by true events, Loggerheads created by Tim Kirkman, tells the story of an adoption “triad” – birthmother, child, and adoptive parents – each in three interwoven stories in the days leading up to Mother’s Day weekend, and each in one of the three distinctive geographical regions of North Carolina – mountains, Piedmont and coastal plain.
March 27
7:45 PM – 10:30 PM
Raised in a conservative PA Dutch community, Sarah Elizabeth Greer sees her world turned upside down when her quirky, over-the-top Greek biological mother crashes into her life, sending her on a hilarious, moving and occasionally pathological extreme journey to come to terms with the definitions of her existence and overall purpose in the world
March 28
7:30 PM– 9:30 PM
Chris Wilson’s documentary film You Have His Eyes is a gripping film. Christopher, a transracial adoptee, documents his search for his father. Chris has already found his birthmother, but is curious about his father’s identity and whereabouts. When he begins his search, all Chris has is a grainy passport picture of his father, a few stories from his birth mother, and a determination to find the man who shares his features

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About the AAC

The American Adoption Congress (AAC) is an International network of individuals, households, organizations, and support groups committed to promoting No Secrets No Lies and truth in adoption. Through education and advocacy, the AAC promotes honesty, openness, and respect for family connections in adoption, foster care, and assisted reproduction.

The AAC membership is comprised of all members of the adoption constellation, including but not limited to - adult adopted persons, birth/first/original/natural parents, adoptive parents, siblings, late discovery adoptees, adoptees from assisted reproduction, foster family members, professionals, and others who’s live have been touched by adoption.

Founded in 1978, the AAC is a volunteer-driven, tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 organization. The organization was incorporated in 1981. All AAC directors serve entirely as volunteers and receive no monetary compensation. To finance its wide range of activities, the AAC relies on funds generated by membership dues, sponsors, grants, donations, and conference revenues.

Wednesday ~ March 25

12:00 Noon – 6:00 PM ~ Registration Open

4:00 – 5:30 PM ~ Dinner on your own

5:30 – 7:00 PM ~ AAC: Welcome! Join the adventure awaiting us! (Charles View Ballroom)

Come and get acquainted with other newcomers as well as AAC Board members and AAC State
7:30 – 10:00 PM ~ FILM – LOGGERHEADS (Thomas Paine A & B)

Join us in watching this 2005 film, about three overlapping stories of estranged families in three
regions of North Carolina, then join in the discussion with Diana Ricketts the birthmother this movie
was created after, and Tim Kirkman, the director who had the vision to see the story!

Thursday ~ March 26

7:00 AM – 9:00 AM ~ Registration Open
9:00 AM – 9:15 AM ~ Introductions & Announcements
9:15 AM – 10:30 AM ~ Keynote: Bennett Greenspan (Presidents Ballroom D)

Genetic Genealogy Finding Your Past, Finding Your Future


10:30 AM – 11:00AM ~ BREAK

10:45 AM– 1:45 PM ~ Registration Open

11:00 AM – 12:15PM ~ 100 WORKSHOP SERIES

101 A Family Systems Approach to Working with Adoptive Families
Presenter - Joyce Maguire Pavao (Lobby-Ballroom A)
All members of the adoption triad experience losses, and adoption does not “fix” these problems. The adoptee develops with these losses as the very foundation of his/her life. This workshop will present models for treatment, looking at these concerns as normal developmental crises, needing psycho-education and strategies for strength.
102 We Pushed the On Button
Presenter - Nicole Burton (Lobby-Ballroom B)
After filmmaker Jean Strauss encouraged us at the San Francisco AAC conference to turn our stories into captivating 1-3 minute videos, we did it. We'll screen a selection of self-created short adoption videos and share our experience and enthusiasm for storytelling and adoption reform through video.
103 Common Worries of Adoptive Parents
Presenter Jeannine Zoppi (Lobby-Ballroom D)
This workshop will address worries typical of adoptive parents. Through discussion, adoptive parents will have opportunity to develop better ways to cope with feelings about adoption and experience more enriching relationships with their children. Adoption professionals will be provided with strategies to help adoptive parents develop increased self-understanding and self-confidence.
104 Transforming Trauma in Art
Presenters Zara Phillips, Sarah Greer (Lobby-Crispus Attucks)
We will share our experience about how writing and performing has helped us heal our trauma. Through exercises, conversation and questions we will guide our participants through our shared experience and give them tools to 'right' their lives.
105 Fatherhood: The Laws that Bind
Presenter Kathleen Nielsen (Lobby-William Dawes A)
Despite having been in effect in most states for decades, putative father laws remain a mystery to the population at large. An overview of historical and contemporary aspects of these laws will give way to a discussion about Kathleen's research and its impact on ethical social work practice

11:00 AM – 12:15PM ~ 100 WORKSHOP SERIES (Continued)

106 How to Internet Search for Family Connections
Presenter Marilyn Waugh (Lobby-William Dawes B)
Searching for family members on the Internet can be difficult if you don't know sites that can be helpful. Learn how to search with free websites and low cost resources. Several handouts, with search examples, will be provided to participants. A question/answer discussion period will follow the presentation.
107 Promising the World: First Mothers Perspective on Modern Day Adoption
Presenters Lynette Leming, Meg Wright (Lobby-Thomas Paine A)
Families often struggle with the concept of openness in their adoption experience. Many states have incorporated post adoption contracts into adoption plans. Signing an agreement and being able to navigate this relationship are two separate matters. Viewing this dynamic in relationship terms will empower individuals to experience this relationship successfully.

12:15 PM – 1:45 PM ~ Lunch with your Region

1:45 PM – 3:00 PM ~ 200 WORKSHOP SERIES

201 What My White Parents Didn’t Know & Why I Turned Out OK Anyway
Presenter April Dinwoodie (Lobby – Ballroom A)
Transracially-adopted presenter offers first-hand experience and practical ideas to address
Inevitable race and diversity challenges within adoption and foster care. Attendees can look forward to an overview of research combined with personal narrative presentation, as well as open and dynamic discussion about race, class, and culture.
202 When the Bloom Goes Off the Rose: Rejuvenating Your Faltering Reconnection
Presenters Michael Grand, Monica Byrne (Lobby-Ballroom B)
When the excitement begins to fade following a reunion, many express disappointment that their reconnections to kin have not met their expectations. This workshop will focus on strategies to continue to develop positive connections between reunited kin.
203 One Shoe Does Not Fit All
Presenter Pekitta Tynes (Lobby-Ballroom D)
A professional comedienne, an adoptee, a foster child, and a foundling uses humor to tell stories about being adopted and the continued search for her biological parents through DNA Testing. Share some laughs and find inspiration knowing “One shoe does not fit all!” This workshop will be open for Q&A.
204 Male Adoptee Workshop
Presenter Rich Uhrlaub, Andrew Tash (Lobby-Crispus Attucks)
Male adoptees face some unique, though manageable, challenges when it comes to navigating our identity, relationships, career, and emotions (like it or not, we have them too). First-timers and regulars welcome! NOTE: Workshop is only open to male adoptees. Others are welcome to attend the Friday evening Male Adoptee support group.

1:45 PM – 3:00 PM ~ 200 WORKSHOP SERIES (Continued)

205 Open Adoption: A Parent’s Journey
Presenter Thomas Rector (Lobby-William Dawes A)
This workshop explains a father’s journey developing a methodology based upon current neuro-scientific research and practical application of the Biosocial Cognition Model to Open adoption. The model connects a child’s behavior and environmental influences affecting the child, and hones a parents’ ability to assess the child’s needs.
206 Search and Reunion: Ask an Angel
Presenter Vanessa Waite, Patricia Neal, Laura Witherspoon (Lobby-William Dawes B)
A panel of award-winning search volunteers discuss their experiences with search and reunion. This is a safe environment to ask questions and discuss the struggles of your own search. Discussion will include: tips for searching (including using social media), preparing yourself emotionally, reflections and personal experiences, and much more!
207 Reforming Disclosure Laws in Ontario –
A Legislator’s Hands-on Experience
Presenter Marilyn Churley (Lobby-Thomas Paine A)
As a legislator I worked with adoption disclosure advocates, my colleagues on both sides of the legislature, and the media to build support to reform disclosure laws. This workshop is about the importance of having a coalition of the adoption tria working together and supporting each other to achieve success.

3:00 PM – 3:30 PM ~ Break
3:00 PM – 5:30 PM ~ Registration Open
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM ~ Open Mic Reading (Ballroom A)