I am a visiting academic from another research institution. My address is:

I am a research student or postdoc at the University ofCambridge,

My Research Group is

Department :

My supervisor is: email address

My Email address:

I am a current or retired member of staff at Universityof Cambridge

Department :

Email address:

I am none of the above. Explain:

Choose the appropriate request:

I require a temporary pass to access the Library (use of library for up to one week)

I intend to use the Library frequently for a period of more than one week and require my University card to be processed to allow me serial access.

Dates of intended visit[s]:

I confirm that I have read, and agree to abide by, the rules of the Sainsbury laboratory and taxonomy library, as set out in the background information below. I have read the fire safety instructions and first aid procedures.

Name: Date :

Please email this form to the Academic Librarian, Dr Coomes () for approval (include the librarian, Christine Alexander in your email). Your form will be forwarded to , , , at the Sainsbury Laboratory, and to Christine Bartram () who works in the herbarium regularly and is a useful point of contact. Please take a printed copy to the Sainsbury Laboratory.


The taxonomy library, adjacent to the herbarium in the Sainsbury Laboratory, is managed by the Department of Plant Sciences and is now the primary location for these subject areas:

  • Taxonomy and systematics
  • Floras by geographical area
  • The Simpson Collection (books related to taxonomy of British plants)

We are in the process of amending the online catalogue to reflect change of location, and reorganising the stock. Since neither the library not the herbarium is permanently staffedat present, we strongly advise that you contact Christine Alexander before making a trip there (). For occasional users, we recommend requesting items be fetched from the new Library and delivered to the Department library.


Entry to the SainsburyBuilding is strictly controlled, and it is not possibleto simply walk in and ask to use the Library. If you wish to become a regular user of the Library, please fill in the form below and send it electronically to Dr Coomes () and to . He will grant permission by forwarding the application form to the Facilities Manager for the Sainsbury Laboratory () and will include you in the approval email. You will then need to arrange to have your University card processed to open the relevant doors. This will have to be done on the premises. You should confine your visit to the hours 8.30 am – 5.00 pm. Access will be granted for up to one year, after which permission needs to be renewed.


We ask that, if possible, you work on the relevant material in the Library, and do not take it out. Many items are old and very fragile. If the Herbarium is staffed, permission to borrow any items should be sought there. If you do take an item out of the Library, it must be signed for in the loans book, which is on the desk to the right of the door. Since this is a research library, loans must be for one month only.


Photocopying–There is one at reception (single sheet) and one in the Administration Office (multi sheet) which is accessible during the day.

Note taking – Please take care of the more fragile items, do not mark any volumes or use sticky notes. If a fragile item is inadvertently damaged, please do not re-shelve it, but leave it on the desk with a note explaining what happened.

Photography – Photographs may be taken of the stock to compensate for the lack of copying facilities, but great care must be taken.

Computers – No computers are provided. Laptop users may connect to the EduRoam wireless network.

Appendix1: Fire Safety Instructions for the Sainsbury Laboratory

General actions on discovering a fire

  • Raise the alarm by using a RED manual call point.
  • Only tackle a fire if it is safe to do so. Make sure you know what type of extinguisher to use on what type of fire.
  • Evacuate the building and go to the nearest assembly point.

General actions on hearing the Fire Alarm

  • Make immediate work area safe and if possible close doors and windows
  • Leave the building by the nearest available exit
  • Go to the nearest assembly point
  • Remain outside the building until you are told it is safe to re-enter

Assembly Points are located:

  • In front of Building A next to the cycle shelter
  • At the front of Cory Lodge.

Location of Fire Exits, Fire Alarm Call Points, Extinguishers and Blankets

On their first visit, users of the herbarium should familiarise themselves with the location of the most appropriate Exits, Call Points and Fire Fighting Equipment to use

Appendix2: First Aid Procedures

How do I call for a First Aider?

In the event of an accident requiring first aid treatment the Reception/Security should be called using the Emergency Telephone Number (ETN) of 61111 on an internal phone or 01223 761111 from an external line or mobile. The Receptionist or Security Guard will attend themselves or contact another First Aider by telephone or using the SLCU radio network.

When calling for first aid you will asked for the following information:

  • Your name
  • The name of the injured person (if calling on behalf of someone else)
  • Your location (building, floor and room reference if known)
  • Brief details of the injury

When should I call for a First Aider?

It is recommended that all First Aid be administered by a trained First Aider. Therefore it is advisable that you call a First Aider for any injury requiring treatment, including minor cuts and grazes. In the event that treatment is applied by yourself or someone who is not a First Aider you should get the injury checked by a First Aider as soon as possible afterwards. The First Aider will also ensure that certain actions are carried out after the treatment e.g. clearing up the area and replenishing the first aid stations.

What if I need to call for an Ambulance or Paramedic?

If there is a First Aider in attendance they will quickly assess the need to call for an ambulance and may ask a bystander to call for one while they continue to tend to the casualty. Alternatively if a First Aider is not available you may need to call for an ambulance (and possibly other emergency services) yourself. To do this you can call 999 or 112 on a mobile or BT phone or 1999 on an internal networked phone.

When calling for an ambulance you will need to give the following information:

  • Your telephone number and/or the number you are calling from – The Sainsbury Lab number is 01223 761100
  • The exact location of the accident – for the Sainsbury Laboratory this is: The Sainsbury Laboratory, Entrance via 47 Bateman Street, CambridgeCB2 1LR
  • The type and gravity of the injury
  • Number, gender and age of the casualty or casualties
  • Details of any hazards present e.g. gas, toxic substances, electricity etc.

It is also a good idea to ask someone else to contact reception to warn them that an ambulance will be arriving and where to direct it to e.g. Reception, Building B etc.

Where are the First Aid and EyeWash Stations located?

First Aid and Eye Wash Stations are located in the following areas:

  • Building B – RB.G.04 Glasshouse Office
  • Building A – RA.F.41.1 Emergency Shower Area
  • Building A – RA.F.41.2 Emergency Shower Area
  • Building A – RA.F.42.1 Emergency Shower Area
  • Building A – RA.F.42.2 Emergency Shower Area
  • Building A – RA.G.17.0 First Aid Room

Who are the trained SLCU First Aiders?

The following SLCU staff have been trained to administer First Aid:

  • Sandra Bates
  • Tanya Waldie
  • Helen Saunders
  • Robert Brett
  • Stephen Andrews

In addition to these people all of the Mitie security team are trained.