HOPE Partnership

Supported by a Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) from the

National Center for Research Resources, National Institutes of Health (Grant No. R25 RR018490)

Game Area # 6
“Asthma Bingo”
Time assigned: / 10 minutes
Objectives: / a  Review asthma and allergy information learned at each station of the event.
a  Introduce asthma and allergy information, which will be learned at each station.
Standards: / National Health Education Standards
Standard1: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention.
Standard 2: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services.
Standard 3: Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health enhancing behaviors and reduce health risks.
Standard 5: Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health.
National Science Education Standards*
Life Science: grades 5-8: Content Standard C
Science in Personal and Social Perspectives: grades 5-8: Content Standard F
National English Education Standards
Standard 12: Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information).
Things needed: / 1) Six bingo marking cards (6 groups of 2-3 students in each)
(Bingo marking cards could be printed on regular paper)
2) Call sheets
3) Checking table
(Call sheets and the checking table need to be printed in color and should be laminated)
4) Colored markers
5) Mini CDs with “Asthma Bingo” material and “Air Quality” exercises for teachers to use in their classrooms.
Things to purchase: / 3) Color markers
5) CDs to make copies of “Asthma Bingo” material and “Air Quality” exercises for teachers to take.
Where to find material: / 1&2) Asthma Bingo game is available on: http://coep.pharmacy.arizona.edu/hope2/aa_hops.html (as a PowerPoint presentations ) (Also included in the binder)
How to set up: / I  Clean the game area well, as people will sit on the floor to play the game, and keep some cleaning material close to game area.
I  Store copies of bingo marking cards, color markers, a checking table, and laminated call sheets on a chair or a box.
Procedure at the station:
/ *  People will sit on the floor, and the docent will call the asthma bingo clues.
*  Individuals/group leaders will answer the questions and mark the appropriate boxes on their bingo marking cards.
*  The first individual or team to get a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row of covered squares on the cards can yell “bingo” and the game will be over.
*  Let the students take the marking cards if they wish.
Notes for trainers/guides:
/ The Objective of the Game is to complete any four squares on a card in either a horizontal (across), vertical (up and down) or diagonal (corner to corner) direction by covering the squares on the cards with the markers or by marking them with X’s, as the clues are called by the “Caller” (docent/guide).
The game is supplied with a set of cards, a quantity of markers, a checking table and a set of printed call sheets about asthma and allergy triggers.
Every row of clues in any direction on all cards is of a different combination.
To start the Game: The “Caller” would be a guide/docent who does not play the game but calls the clues, keeps the checking table, and decides the winner.
Duties of the Caller: She/he first takes all of the game materials, makes several teams out of the students or the adults and gives one card per team/individual and markers to each player.
The players then place their cards and markers in front of them on the floor.
The Caller places the checking table in front of him/her, then turns the printed clues and reads each of them.

* National Science Education Standards

For a more detailed description of how each station addresses the National Science Education Standards see Section Five “Correlations to Learning Styles and National Education Standards”

To download the Asthma Bingo game and go to Informal Education Section of the Asthma & Allergy Health Observance Packages (HOPs) web page.
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Asthma & Allergy Museum Walk 2