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Dear Applicant

RE: Development Management Team Leader

Thank you for your interest in the above post. Please find enclosed in this application pack the following documents:

·  Application Form and Guidance Notes

·  Job Description

·  Person Specification

·  Service Overview

·  Town Planning Structure Chart

Application Form:

The application form plays a key part in our selection process. We use the information you provide to shortlist for interview.

You are urged to ensure that all the information contained in your application is relevant and that you demonstrate how you meet the criteria on the person specification. Please use the person specification for guidance when filling in the application form.


If successful at interview, Ipswich Borough Council will seek to obtain two employment references. Wherever possible the name of your first referee must be from current employment/education and the second from either current or former employment/education. If you cannot provide an “employment” reference please contact the HR Team at Ipswich Borough Council for further assistance.

For your information, the salary for this post is: £35,183 - £36,994 per annum.

The closing date is 17:00 on 14th July 2014. Please send your completed application form to Human Resources, 2nd Floor – West, Grafton House, 15-17 Russell Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP1 2DE or email it to .

If you have any recruitment queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01473 432766. Please leave your name, number and brief details of your question and a member of the recruitment team will call you back.

Yours faithfully,

Recruitment Team

Human Resources

Ipswich Borough Council

Job Description: K53

Development Management Team Leader

Main Purpose of Job

To manage, control and be accountable for the Development Management Team, reporting directly to the Town Planning Operations Manager.

Main Duties

1.  To identify, co-ordinate and promote new and innovative opportunities to help develop the services for the future including alternative methods of service delivery, external funding and partnership working.

  1. To innovate in leading and developing employees. To manage and supervise employees in accordance with Human Resources policies and procedures, including a positive duty to promote diversity and equal opportunities.
  1. Contribute towards the development and review of the annual Operational Plan and PTR Business Plan processes.

Operational Duties

1.  To manage, motivate, train and performance manage the development management team dealing with all planning applications, to ensure the Council fulfils its statutory and regulatory obligations and meets its strategic aims and objectives.

2.  To personally consider major applications of a more complex nature with due regard to current and evolving planning policies and guidance; research and interpretation of legislation; critical assessment of design aspects; consultation to meet requirements of Localism Agenda; make recommendations to the Town Planning Operations Manager.

3.  Write and present reports to Planning and Development Committee, the Conservation and Design Advisory Panel and Working Groups and Committees relating to the development management service.

4.  Respond to enquiries from the general public, developers, professional consultants on planning matters, and to provide professional advice as lead officer on development management related matters to Head of Service, Town Planning Operations Manager, other Council departments and external companies or individuals.

5.  Prepare written evidence for planning appeals and to represent the Council at Public Inquiry’s as an "Expert Witness".

6.  Manage and monitor breaches of planning control and to secure their resolution via direct negotiation, or by investigating enforcement action where necessary. Supervise and provide professional advice for the enforcement function delivered by the Senior Enforcement Officer and Planning Officers.

7.  To deal with complex and sensitive issues arising from the functioning of the teams including those of a political nature. Consult with the Portfolio Holder and Councillors and advice the Town Planning Operations Manager as required.

8. Deputise for the Town Planning Operations Manager on matters relating to the service; exercise delegated functions, including determining planning and other applications; attendance at Committees, Development Team Meetings, Corporate Management and working groups; Countywide Officers working groups.

9. Such variations as may be required from time to time without changing the general character of the duties shown above or the level of responsibility entailed.


Person Specification

Development Management Team Leader









/ Degree level education in Planning or proven equivalent level of technical and organisational knowledge in own specific field.
Membership of RTPI or other relevant professional body as required for the post.
Evidence of continuing professional development. / Application/Certificates
Relevant experience / Proven Planning experience in relevant field.
Proven previous management experience.
Knowledge of appropriate regulation, legislation and practice.
Experience in establishing and developing strong working relationships with a range of people from relevant organisations including professional bodies.
Proven experience in providing and maintaining a performance orientated culture which delivers efficient and effective customer services.
Effective project management skills.
Ability to identify and manage risks within the remit of the job.
Ability to formulate relevant service procedures and strategies. / Experience in planning related functions within a public sector organisation.
Experience in developing and reviewing Service area plans as it relates to the relevant services.
Ability to understand and implement the Council’s vision and priorities as it relates to the delivery of services.
Experience of financial management and control of budgets. / Application/Interview/
Specialist knowledge / Ability to prepare and present complex reports to Committees, hearings and public inquiries and advice senior politicians and officers on matters relating to the service.
Detailed knowledge and experience in Development Management including the determination of all types of planning applications and associated standards, regulations and policies.
Detailed knowledge of Planning Enforcement including all regulations and legislation.
A significant understanding of the issues affecting the Development Management service and the ability to identify new policies and strategies to meet the requirements of internal and external bodies / Knowledge of Planning Policy.
Sound understanding of Urban Design standards. / Application/Interview/
Personal skills / Demonstrate effective communication skills.
Ability to build and maintain good working relationships with people at all levels, councillors and external organisations.
Ability to lead, motivate and develop staff/contacts in a performance focused culture.
Demonstrate a sound understanding of equal opportunities and diversity issues in relation to employment and service delivery.
Ability to work collaboratively building trust, mediating, conciliating, negotiating and delegating.
Demonstrate a customer focused and responsive approach that improves service delivery.
Ability to organise and prioritise workload and achieve objectives whilst managing competing pressures and conflicts of interest.
An understanding of and ability to use a strong performance management approach to manage employees.
An understanding of and ability to deal with under-performance of own employees – whether due to ability or behaviour / Show a commitment to providing a quality service.
Ability to use technology to improve business and service effectiveness. / Application/Interview/
Special working conditions / Will be required to work outside of normal working hours and to attend evening meetings. / Application/Interview

Ipswich Borough Council

Town Planning

The Town Planning team deals with the council's regulatory and non-statutory functions as Local Planning Authority.

It includes the combined services stated below:

Development Management

Development Management provides key services to the development sector. In overall terms it is a front-line service, playing a key role in shaping the future of Ipswich as a place to live and work in, and also in contributing to the Council’s public image.

We aim to secure the best quality development possible for the people of Ipswich; to operate an efficient, thorough, responsive and open Development Management and enforcement system focused on the needs of all of our customers;

We play our part in promoting a wider understanding among the public and other bodies of the work and commitment of the Operational Area and the Council as a whole, within the constraints which exist.

Conservation and Urban Design

The Conservation & Urban Design Service is the central focal point within the Borough Council for specialist technical and professional advice on historic buildings and areas and for urban design. The service operates to advise the Council, owners, occupiers and the general public about protection of the historic environment and about shaping places to maintain and reinforce the unique urban character of Ipswich. The team works with national bodies such as English Heritage but also with local groups such as Ipswich Historic Churches Trust, Ipswich Building Preservation Trust and the Ipswich Design & Conservation Advisory Panel.

Planning Policy

The Core Strategy and Policies development plan document was adopted in December 2011 and work is currently being undertaken on the site specific elements of the Local Plan.

The primary responsibility of the Planning Policy team is the preparation, monitoring and review of land use planning documents forming the Ipswich Local Plan. It fulfils statutory responsibilities in relation to land use planning.

Planning Policy’s other responsibilities include:

• Producing an infrastructure delivery plan and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL);

• Advising on planning policy issues and implementation; and

• Representing the Council on a range of partnerships.

Drainage Engineering

The team manages flood risk through implementing the Council’s drainage and flood defence policy, provides specialist drainage design and flooding advice and maintains records of flooding. The team is not responsible for day-to-day highway drainage maintenance issues.

Town Planning Administration Team

The Town Planning Administration Team provides administrative and technical support for Town Planning covering Development Management, Conservation & Urban Design and Planning Policy. The Team Leader provides administrative and HR support and advice across Development and Public Protection.

Town Planning -November 2013