The «Cognac International Air Rally» organised by “Les Ailes Cognaçaises” (Cognac Aero Club), supported by local companies and authorities, takes place on the 20th, 21st and 22nd June 2014.


To give our friends of all nationalities who have apassion for aviation the opportunity to gather at Cognac Aerodrome in a friendly atmosphere.

To allow pilots to take part in a series of simple skills tests and other entertaining events.

To demonstrate the local treasures and hospitality of Cognac and the surrounding region.


ARTICLE 1 Conditions for participation

1.1 Pilots

The rally is open to all VFR or IFR qualified pilots holding valid licences to fly and current medical certificates, excluding members of the Cognac Aero Club “Les Ailes Cognaçaises”.

1.2 Aircraft

All single and twin engine light aircraft (not exceeding 5.7 t MTOW) and motor gliders with fixed front mounted motors (TMG), VRF or IFR equipped, with all required documents current and on board, and also tricycle undercarriage equipped ULM aircraft capable of maintaining a 70 Kts cruise speed.

Note: for organisational restraints it is necessary to limit the participation to 30 aircraft.

ARTICLE 2 Budget funding

Funding is organised by the Cognac Aero Club “Les Ailes Cognaçaises”.

ARTICLE 3 Application Procedures and Registration

3.1 Applications

The pilot in command of each participating aircraft must complete, sign and submit the printed Entry Form 2014.

3.2 Registration Fees

The registration fees are payable by the pilot in command, and include:

* landing and parking fees,

* accommodation (hotel accommodation and scheduled meals),

* group or individual transportation organised by the Club,

* rally organisation expenses.

3.3 Costs not included

All competitors’ personal costs including aviation fuel, taxis requested personally, incidental hotel expenses and meals outside those scheduled, telephone bills, etc., remain the responsibility of each team pilot in command.

ARTICLE 4 Withdrawal

4.1 Before closure date 25thMay 2014

The aero club “Les Ailes Cognaçaises” must be informed without delay by telephone with confirmation by email or post. Registration fees paid will be reimbursed.

4.2 After the Closing Date and during travel to Cognac:

In the case of last minute withdrawal for unforeseen and justifiable reasons (weather, medical or technical), the Aero Club should be contacted immediately by telephone, followed up at the latest by Monday 24thJune with confirmation by email or post incorporating official documentation in justification as appropriate.

Subject to compliance with this condition, registrations fees paid shall be reimbursed, with the exception of €50 maximum, at the discretion of the Aero Club “Les Ailes Cognacaises”, representing costs incurred that are impossible to cancel.

In all other cases, reimbursement shall be at the sole discretion of the Aero Club “Les Ailes Cognaçaises”.

ARTICLE 5 Competition classification program

Classification of the participants will be addressed by the following tests.

Together these tests will total amaximum1000 points, distributed as follows.

5.1 Accuracy of arrival at the start line . 150 points maximum

5.2 Flight time accuracy for the designated course 200 points maximum

5.3 Identification of 3 photographs along the designated course...………………….….150 points maximum

5.4 Precision landing 200 points maximum

5.5 Precisiontaxiing . 60 points maximum

5.6 Cognac tasting 240 points maximum

In the case of a tie, there will be four subsidiary questions on or concerning Cognac.

5.7 Subsidiary questions ...40 points maximum

ARTICLE 6 Determination of the Winner (see Appendix 2)

The contestant who accumulates thehighest score, by adding together the points obtained from tests 5.1 to 5.6 above, will be declared the “Winner of the Rally”.

In the case of atied result, the relevant competitors will continue with subsidiary questions (5.7) on or about the spirit Cognac until a winner is established.

6.1 Complaints

Conforming to chapter 7 of the “FAI Sporting Code”French text, disputes or complaints will be received and examined by the Rally Sporting Committee subject to the payment of a depositwhich amount is fixed annually.

Only the French language version of these Regulations will be taken into consideration.

Note: In the case of rejection of the complaint followingdue examination, the deposit will be retained by the Aero Club “Les Ailes Cognaçaises”.

6.2 Announcement of Results – Presentation of Awards

The results will be announced in a ceremony during the Gala Dinner on Saturday evening.

The pilot in command of the winning aircraft will be weighed during this ceremony, and will receive the equivalent of his/her weight in bottles of Cognac.

Special prizes may also be awarded at this time.

IMPORTANT: If, for whatever reason, the number of participating pilots is less than 5, the organisers reserve the right to reduce the prize to a partial equivalent of the weight of the winner.

ARTICLE 7 Cancellation of the Rally

In case of force majeure, the Aero Club reserves the right to cancel the Rally at any time and undertakes to reimburse registration fees received, to the exclusion of any other indemnity or compensation.

ARTICLE 8 Safety / Aviation Regulations

Pilots in command are required to respect and adhere to all published regulations for the conduct and safety of flight. The pilot in command has sole responsibility for the control and conduct of their aircraft.

ARTICLE 9 Appendices to the General Rules

The following appendices are attached to facilitate participation in the Rally:

·  Appendix 1:Special provisions

·  Appendix 2: Competitionclassification tests

·  Appendix 3: Route Report

·  Appendix 4: Start line for the designated course

·  Appendix 5: Finish line for the designated course

·  Appendix 6: Marking for precision landing

·  Appendix 7: Marking for precision taxiing


Special Provisions

The 40thRally will take place from Friday 20th Juneto Sunday 22ndJune 2014

Official time keeping is per radio clock set to the «Brunswick» atomic clock.

1. ENTRY CONDITIONS (Articles 1 and 3 of the General Rules)

1.1 Participation fee:

€450 per person non sharing "Single", €750 for 2 persons per “Double” room (one double bed) or "Twin" (two separate beds), covering local transportation, accommodation (2 nights), food (3 meals), the landing fee and parking, welcome refreshments - sandwiches, visits and walks, during the rally in Cognac.

1.2 Entry Form: Perinternet: http://aeroclub.cognac.free.fr

This document must be duly completed and signed by the pilot in command and forwarded by post or email to:

Aéro-club «Les Ailes Cognaçaises»

Rallye Aérien International de Cognac

B.P. 30091

16103 COGNAC cedex


A cheque or bank transfer order confirmation for the full amount of the participation fees must accompany the Entry Form. Payment must be received before the closing date for entry of 25thMay 2014. An email with proof of a bank transfer order will be accepted.

Note: It remains the responsibility of the competitor to contact the Aero Club prior to the closing date should there be any doubt regarding receipt of the Entry Form.

2. PRACTICAL INFORMATION (Cognac airfield)

2.0 Arrival Flight Plan required:

If activated, the flight plan will have to be closed in flight with Bordeaux or La Rochelle, before commencing thedesignated course. For the planes coming from a space “No Schengen” it is up to the pilot to carry out the formalities of customs prior to the arrival at Cognac.

2.1 Taxiing:

After landing at Cognac, Cognac TWR (frequency 120.075) will issue taxiing instructions up to the designated Rally parking area.

2.2 Securing Aircraft:

Responsibility for securing aircraft rests with the pilots in command utilising their own equipment.

2.3 Flight Plan Formalities:

* At the Aero Club on arrival for IFR flight plans.

* Idem for Sunday 22ndJune from10h 00 local time.

2.4 Fuel:

Available at the Aero Club (100 LL).

2.5 Local Transportation – Information:

Organised by the Aero Club


Competition Classification Tests

FRIDAY 22nd JUNE 2014

Following receipt of your registration fee, you will receive a letter enclosing the navigation chart for the designated course, the route report (Appendix 3: Route Report) pre-completed with the cruise speed you have chosen, the designatedtime for crossing the start line, (official timing is based on per radio clock set to the «Brunswick» atomic clock), and the entry point for the designated course.

This letter will also contain two sealed envelopes, only one of which is to be opened in flight following radio instructions from the commissioner at the start line (frequency122.10 MHz).

The selected sealed envelope will contain:3 photos

On parking and shut down at Cognac, it is imperative that prior to disembarkation you hand to the commissioner in attendance:

-  The route report.

-  The navigation chartsupplied.

-  The 3 photographs duly annotated with their location sector.

-  The two sealed envelopes, only one of which has been opened as per the instructions of the commissioner at the start line.

*IMPORTANT: Only one sealed envelope is to be opened when vertical to the start line as instructed by the commissioner who will communicate on frequency122.10MHz.

If both envelopes are open, there will be an automatic penalty of 150 points.

1.  ACCURACYOF ARRIVAL AT THE START LINE……………………………….150 points maximum

The precise time for you to cross the designated start line is given on your Route Report (Appendix 3 Route Report – Designated arrival time at Marennes (LFJI) ® per the officialradio clockset to «Brunswick» time) which will be included in the mail received following your registration.

The actual time you are vertical to the start line (Appendix 4 Start Line) is the basis to determine the time of crossing the start to commence the time trial for the designated course.

Recommendation : Approach as per the diagram for arrival at LFJI (Appendix 4 –Start Line).

*IMPORTANT:One minute before arrival in the vertical overhead, contact the commissioner controller on Frequency: 122.10 MHz specifying the last two letters of your call sign and your competitor number (Ex : Charlie Kilo - n° 24 - arrived). The commissioner will respond with your actual time of arrival to insert on your Route Report (Appendix 3: Route Report (A)) as well identifying the envelope to be opened.

Once you have received your start instructions you should proceed along the designated course “navigation and search objectives” and listen forthwith to Cognac TWR on frequency 120.075.

Marking principles : deduct 2 points per second in advance of or after the designated time for starting.


2.  FLIGHT TIME ACCURACY FOR THE DESIGNATED course……………..200 points maximum

Time for the designated course: The theoretical flight time to complete the designated route is stated on the Route Report (Appendix 3 – Route Report - B) which will be mailed to you after you have registered.

Time recording: The flight time is measured from the point of crossing the start line until crossing the finish line.

Start: The Start Line is located at Marennes airfield - LFJI.

The approach is from the north eastalong apath parallel to the runway as shown in Appendix 4 “Start Line".

SAFETY along the designated route:

* Height to be maintained:1500 ftQNH.

* Transponder squawkfor all participating aircraft for the duration of all tests :4601

Manoeuvres prohibited during flight along the designated route or whilst searching for objectives: 360° turns, return flights and / or a second overfly.

Penalty: 50 points for each noted transgression of the safety rules and prohibited manoeuvres.

Finish: The Finish Line is located between the Cognac-Châteaubernard Control Tower and the hangar to the west ofthe Cognac Aero Club as shown in Appendix 5 “Finish Line”.

The designated target time to cross the finish line is calculated in flight from the route report as follows:

Actual time of crossing the start line (A)+ (B) flight time designated by the organisers for the designated course.

*IMPORTANT: Procedure for crossing the Finish Line: on vertical at the final turning point along the designated course, maintaining 1500ft QNH, contact Cognac Toweron120.075 MHz, and continue to the finish line.

Marking principles : deduct 3 points per second in advance of or after the theoretical time for the designated route.


Three photos will be found in the identified sealed envelope (which may only be opened as instructed by the commissioner at the start line).

Each photo should be marked with the number of the sector of the designated course wherein it is recognised. A sector is that part of the course between two turning points.

Mark directly on the photo the number of the sector of the designated course. There may be up to two photos per sector.

Example: A photo shows a building which is identified along sector N° 2 of the designated course.

Mark (2) on this photo.

Marking principles: 50 pointsper photo for each correctly identified sector of the designated course.

4 PRECISION LANDING……………………………………………………………..200 points maximum.

Test conducted at the end of the designated course, on Cognac airfield.

6.1 Accuratelongitudinal landing 200 points maximum.

Join the traffic circuit as instructed by Cognac TWR.

Adopt a normal 5% (3°) final approach to the runway in service.

The required landing area will show as a chalk line across the runway axis (Appendix 6).

Attention: in the case of repeated rebounds within the touchdown zone, only the least favourable touchdown will be counted. This test will be filmed by the committee.

Any manoeuvre considered to be dangerous by the committee will attract a 50 point penalty.

Marking principles:

*touchdown on the line …. 200 points

*touchdown within 15m. before or after the line 125 points

*touchdown between 15m and 30m after the line 75 points

*touchdown more than 30m after the line 0 points

*touchdown more than 15m before the line 0 points

See Appendix 6 for details

7. PRECISION TAXIING……………………… …………………………………... 60 points maximum.

Two flexible foam vertical posts will be placed 50cm apart adjacent to the edge of the taxiway.

During taxiing on completion of the navigation and landing exercises the competitor must touch the inner post with his wing, without touching the outer post. It is the responsibility of the competitor to carefully watch the progress of this exercise and taxiing generally to ensure the safety of all concerned.