05 January 2009 Page 1

Minutes of meeting of Fulford Parish Council held on Monday 5 January 2009 in the Old Library, Fulford Social Hall, School Lane, Fulford at 7.30pm

Present: Cllrs V Campbell (Chair)K Aspden, P Barton, D Craghill, J M Nicholson, M Shepherd, K Urmston, K de Vries (members) Mrs J Fletcher (clerk), and6 members of the public.

09/001Apologies for Absence

An apology was received from Councillor Hutton. The Chairman reminded councillors that where ever possible they should let the clerk know if they are unable to attend meetings.

09/002Resignation of Councillor Alan Smith

The Chairman had received a letter of resignation from Councillor Smith. The clerk was asked to minute the council’s thanks to Councillor Smith for the good contribution he had made to life of the village particularly for his involvement in bringing about improvements to the Fordlands Open Space and play facilities in general. He was also a former Chair of the Cemetery Sub-Committee and latterly was a member of the Friends of Germany Beck. The vacancy would be notified in the usual manner. Action: Clerk

09/003Declarations of Interest

Councillor Urmston and Campbell declared personal non-prejudicial interests in planning applications in FulfordPark, the applicants being known to them.

09/004Minutes of Last Meeting

08/204 (Line 4) Change wording to read “Councillor Aspden declared a standing personal,

non- prejudicial interest as a member of the Heslington and Fulford Ward Committee.

08/210A Change wording to read “It was resolved to support Option B which did not include loss of on-street parking, green verges or trees”

After the above amendments were made the Chairman signed the minutes as a true and accurate record.

With council’s permission the Chairman adjourned the meeting to take

parishioners’ questions

09/005Bus Stop in City

A Parishioner asked why the bus stop in Piccadilly which served Nos 24 & 26 had been moved to Merchantgate where it was very inconvenient especially for the more elderly. Councillor Aspden said that he would pass the comment through the council system and the Clerk was asked to write to Transport Planning on the Parishioner’s behalf.

Action: Clerk & KA

09/006Fulford RoadCorridor

Several Parishioners made representation to the council about the proposals for Fulford Road. The main problems appeared to be loss of resident and visitor parking on-street parking but many were also concerned that the character of the village would be irreversibly changed. Other issues involved the provision of cycling facilities and Councillor D’Agorne who was present at the meeting said that the environment was very important to people and it was important to get the right balance between making things better for people and accommodating the needs of those who live in the vicinity. The Chairman said that comments had been noted and the council would be deciding on their response during the next item.

09/007Road through University

Councillor Shepherd pointed out the condition of the road running through the University saying that it appeared to be sinking and that in some cases cylists had to go on the footpath. Councillor Aspden said that CoYC was aware and had money in the budget to ensure that the whole of the area would be properly surfaced early in the new financial year.

09/008Tree in Fordlands Road

There still remained a problem with a tree which was blocking light in Fordlands Road. Clerk was asked to contact the landowner and ask for remedial work. Action: Clerk

09/009Village Green – Lock

Clerk was awaiting delivery of new lock and it would be fitted as soon as possible. New sign had been ordered. Action: Clerk

09/010Police Report

09/12 - Criminal Damage to property- suspected friends of complainants daughter

10/12 - Grafitti to fence - Heslington Lane

10/12 - Theft of lawn mower from insecure garage - Fenwicks Lane

12/12 - Minor assault on female by work colleague at work - Designer Outlet

14/12 - Theft - Designer Outlet

16/12 - Theft - Designer Outlet

18/12 - Robbery of bike youth on youth - School Lane

29/12 - Criminal Damage - of wing mirror - School Lane

29/12 - Arson of vehicle - unknown if electrical fault - Fordlands Road

2/1 - Bike stolen left outside and insecure. - Cherrywood Cres.

Fulford ward is currently 8.5% above last year - this increase relates to theft and auto crimeat the designer outlet.

There being no further questions the meeting was reconvened.

09/011A19 Corridor

The Planning sub-committee (five members) met on 2nd January to discuss proposals for the A19 corridor and to draft a response letter. There had been a slight conflict of interest between those councillors who were cyclists and those who were drivers but the committee had tried to take all views into account and make a fair and measured response. Further discussion ensued and after some amendment and alteration in the order of comments it was agreed to send the letter which opposed the removing of residents’ parking outside the church which meant their would not be room for cycling provision in this area.

Action: Chair & Clerk



AFulford Vicarage, 1 Fulford Park, York(08/02715/TCA)

Crown reduce 30% Maple (T3) and Cherry (T4) Trees in a Conservation Area for Mrs L Whitley

No objections

BFulford Vicarage, 1 Fulford Park, York(08/022695/TPO)

Crown lift and remove basal epicormic shoots (T1 Sycamore and T2 Horse Chestnut. Trees Protected by TPO 3/77 for Mrs L Whitley.

No objections

C24 Fulford Park (08/02654/TPO)

Crown reduce Oak (T1) Tree protected by TPO 3/1997 for Mr W Bendall

The council objects to the excessive nature of the reduction and ask if it could be limited to what is necessary for residential amenity

D15 Heslington Lane(08/02690/TCA)

Reduce 3 no. Poplars 50%; Crown reduce Sycamore 30% Trees in Conservation Area for Mr Harry Wilson.

No objections

EProposed University Campus lying between Field Lane Common Lane A64 Trunk Road and Hull Road – Reserved matters application for academic HubBuilding with associated access, cycle parking and landscaping for University of York (08/02572/REMM)


FProposed University Campus lying between Field Lane Common Lane A64 Trunk Road and Hull Road – Construction of central lake and raising of Kimberlow Hill for University of York(08/02543/REMM)



GThe Laurels, 2 The Hollies, Main Street, Fulford

Single storey pitched roof extension to rear


HLynwood, Selby Road

Single storey pitched roof side and rear extension (amendment to scheme to reduce height to 3.0m from 4.2m)


09/013Report on Village Green Inquiry

Councillor de Vries said that it had been an interesting second week with many witnesses including metal detectors, a teenager and Chas Jones of the Battlefields Society appearing for the applicants with the developers producing some very expensive witnesses. She had been able to question/cross examine the defence witnesses and said that their evidence had at times been out of sync with their former statements. Councillor Urmston said that Councillor de Vries had been congratulated by the Inspector and the QC and said that thanks should also be attributed to the whole team of Friends of Germany Beck and to all those who had contributed whether it be as witnesses or by donations. The council was also thanked for the support it had given. A site meeting was to be held on 6th January 2009 at 11.00am. The Inspector would produce his report and final decision would be made by CoYC.

09/014Clerks matters & items update


Clerk reported that she was currently exploring other options.

BProposed basket ball pitch on Fordlands field

Clerk was awaiting news on whether planning permission would be required before the project went ahead.

CProposed cycleway across village green

CoYC had requested a site meeting.

DLighting at Tennis Courts

Clerk was asked to follow this item up with the Tennis Club

EAllotment Fees

It was confirmed that from 1 April 2009 annual rental for Fulford Parishioners would be increased to £25 and Non-Parishioners would remain at £35.

FGrants received

A grant of £1,500 had been received from the Ward Committee towards refurbishment of bus shelter in Fordlands Road. £350 was received from York Pride for purchase of a moveable wheelchair ramp.

09/015Absence of Public

It was resolved to exclude the public and press from a meeting to directly follow the present meeting on the grounds that it would not be in the public interest to discuss the personal business of staff.

09/016Publication of Newsletter

It was agreed to publish a newsletter in March using the same publisher as before. It was further agreed that the content be split between councillors so that each would write a different section. A draft was required for the February meeting. Action: All

09/017Open Spaces & Allotment Report

It was agreed to ask cemetery staff to remove brambles along the lane between Cross Lane and the allotments. It was agreed that sheds would be allowed on the allotments so long as they were of standard size, in good condition and two thirds down the plot i.e. away from the houses and away from the central path for those on the cemetery side. A meeting of the open spaces sub-committee would be called to discuss play schemes. Action: Clerk & Cllr Hutton

09/018Social Hall Report

AReport of Chair of Sub-Committee

Cllr Craghill said that she had met with the caretaker at the Hall and that she had also had a meeting regarding an energy audit but as the heating was new it did not appear that the hall would qualify for any grants at present.

It was resolved to accept a quotation from GMC Fire & Security of Maltonof £2,690.00 + Vatfor installation of a fire alarm system as required by the Fire Service. A dedicated supply would be required and Cllr Craghill would look into this. Other safety work was in progress, as was the design of a new booking form. A meeting of the sub-committee would be called.

Action: Cllr Craghill

BUsers for December

Slimming World2,9,16,23,30

S Corbally3,10,17

Chilli Bon Bon1,8,15

M Stratford5

B Watt3.10,17

Mrs Ferrebee1,8

Fulford Friendship Group11

J Simpson6

D Brickett12

Pre School19

Mrs Hamm19

J Penn20

Mr Noakes31


AReport ofChair of Cemetery meeting

Cllr Campbell gave a short report of the proceedings of the meeting held on 11th December, the minutes of which were before the council. It was resolved to accept the cemetery budgets and increased fees of 5% to take effect on 1 April 2009 and the minutes were approved as a true and correct record.

BReport of Cemetery Superintendent

There were 9 interments in the cemetery in the month of December, the total receipts for the month amounting to £9,440.55

Due to heavy frost the cemetery suffered a burst water main directly next to the war grave memorials. Due to the urgency of the matter Yorkshire Water were called in to see to the repairs.

The street cleaner continues to do his duties throughout the village on a daily basis.Hours spent at social hall this month = 6


ACommunities in Control: Real People, real Power Code of recommended practice on local authority publicity – A consultation

Document received and would be circulated.

BDevelopment Control Seminars Saturday 14th & 28th February and 14th March in Guildhall

Further seminars were to be held and councillors were asked to let the clerk know if they wished to attend one of the sessions.

CA19 Fulford Road Corridor – Hospital Fields to Heslington Lane

Correspondence dealt with under 09/011 and during Parishioners’ Questions

DProposed Waiting Restrictions, parking provision and local bus lane – Main Street, Fulford

The council objected to loss of parking for residents, church and doctors surgery. The same response to be sent as in C above.

EElvington Airfield – Noise abatement

Further information received from the Environmental Protection Manager. The council, along with others, was asked to keep a diary record of any events held at the airfield that caused a noise nuisance.

09/021Wages andAccounts.

The following wages and accounts were approved

Net Wages £9,007.34

Inland Revenue, PAYE & Nat. Insurance £2,744.91

NYPF £2,773.98

Viking Direct £91.81

CoYC, grass cutting £2,483.77

Earth Anchors, 2 no. ranger seats £1,188.70

Stoneplan, bus shelter repairs £2,781.85

M J Backhouse Environemental Services £509.45

Society of Local Councils Clerks, annual subscription £133.00

Petty Cash - SM £213.12

Direct Debits

CoYC, council tax £323

Tiscali £14.99

Carphone Warehouse, Clerks phone £20.90

Cemetery phone £22.17

EDF £82.00

British Gas, Social Hall £385.83

Cemetery £103.43


Fulford Tennis Club £125

York Pride £350

09/022Date of next meeting/s

Full council– 2 February 2009

Sustainability Action Plan – 7th January at 11 Fulford Park

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 10.30pm

Minutes taken by J Fletcher, Clerk
