Dartmouth High School
School Advisory Council / Chairperson: Rachael Tabor
c/o Dartmouth High School
95 Victoria Road
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, B3A 1V2

DHS SAC Minutes- November 2, 2009 @ 7pm

Present: Eartha Monard, John Regan, Rachael Tabor, Cynthia Plant Hansen, Fred Gaspar, Mary Lynn Kersey, Heather Elms-Wood, Mike Page, Michael Chiasson Julia Gaspar

Regrets: Bonnie Gibson, Emma MacIntosh, Richard Doucette, Linda Rowe, Nellie Clyke, Maureen Banfield, Peter Krasemann, Nathan Foss, Mike Cosgrove

Guests: Ivan Skeete

1. Rachael called the meeting to order at 7pm.

2. Question was raised on updating the SAC portion of the DHS website; it is done by Janet Totino as requested by the Principal.

3. 12 new fire alarm covers have been installed so far, which give a pre-alarm to the administration. The remainder will be installed this week.

4. Minutes were approved as written for Oct 5 2009

5. Business Arising from Minutes


Eartha indicated we need to look at the structure of the SAC. Rachael is now the chair, the makeup of the SAC is as follows for the new letter of agreement :

Partner Name Start of Term

Parent Member Richard Doucette Fall 2008

Parent Member Mary Lynn Kersey Fall 2008

Parent Member Rachael Tabor (Chair) Fall 2009

Parent Member Fred Gaspar Fall 2009

Community Member Linda Rowe Fall 2006

Community Member Cynthia Plant-Hansen Fall 2009

Community Member Heather Elms-Wood Fall 2008

Community Member Nellie Clyke Fall 2008

Student Julia Gaspar Fall 2009

Student Peter Kraseman Fall 2009

Student Nathan Foss Fall 2009

Student Emma MacIntosh Fall 2009

Principal Eartha Monard Fall 2008

Vice Principal John Regan Fall 2009

Vice Principal Maureen Banfield Fall 2009

Staff Member Bonnie Gibson (EPA) Fall 2007

Staff Member Mike Chiasson (teacher) Fall 2009

Staff Member Mike Page (teacher) (sec’ty) Fall 2009

Eartha handed out the SAC bylaws for review. It was missing a paragraph on Guiding Principles and will be updated and reissued to the members of the SAC.

Cynthia explained her concern with the paragraph regarding Guiding Principles. Eartha indicated the content was given to the school by the DOE. Cynthia suggested the language of this paragraph should indicate collaboration and cooperation. John suggested we look at the language used by DOE in setting up these guidelines and ensure our wording is in line with their direction. He will investigate and report to the next meeting. It was also suggested to date changes and amendments to the bylaws to keep track of them.


Mike P. went over the status of the Dartmouth Common Master Plan Update. The concepts from Option 4 from the HRM presentation on October 5 are being finalized by the planning department and will be going forward to council for approval early in the new year. (Separate from this plan is the Metro Transit upgrade which is now in the final stage of design, which has been funded and approved for construction to start in spring 2010.) The Metro Transit Upgrade design will take into account the design from Option 4 of the Master Plan. Within the Master Plan there are still some issues being looked at by HRM and their consultants regarding street closures and school bus drop off areas, none have been finalized. There are no further planned public consultations by HRM. Mike will continue to monitor and report on this issue.


DOE confirmed funding of the DHS renovations to HRSB in mid-October. The funding for DHS renovations has been approved for the next four years with no funding breaks, as follows:

2009/2010 $815,000

2010/2011 $4,000,000

2011/2012 $4,000,000

2012/1013 $3,000,000

HRSB is in process of tendering for a project manager for the renovations. There is an opportunity for energy funding which may alter the priorities for the renovation funding.

The asking package for the school is larger than the funding, so there are a number of issues that will need to be addressed in terms of prioritization.

Renovations under consideration are as follows:

Looking at roof replacement, window replacement, ventilation system, conversion to natural gas, upgrading electrical service, improved technology for classrooms.

As well, looking at more computers, networks and infrastructure, more security cameras, fire alarm upgrade, sound systems, redoing the entrance foyer area.

Also looking at new science labs, family studies lab, whiteboards, washroom upgrades, new music room, visual arts area.

There was some discussion of working with outside community groups potentially with outside funding in order to increase the options of what can be renovated.

The project manager will report to DOE and HRSB, the $815,000 will have to be spent by March 2010.

50th Anniversary of DHS

Eartha reported that there will be no formal planning of events by staff but she encouraged anyone interested to initiate.

6. Principal's Report:

We have had new computers put into one of our labs last week. Old computers are returned to HRSB.

Eartha indicated we sent home a letter regarding exemptions and H1N1, the HRSB and high school principals decided to suspend the process of exemptions for this school year in the best interest of the health of students and staff. It was raised by Fred that this letter went home prior to notifying the SAC, as well, the students were not consulted. Eartha indicated that the process of exemptions is not a right, but a privilege, and the decision was made to send the letter home.

A question was raised about what will replace the incentive of good attendance fostered by the exemption process. Long discussion ensued. Julia brought up points concerning timing of this letter, timing of H1N1, information in student handbooks and assemblies, and asked why some kind of compromise could not have been planned for. Administration recognized that planning for this had not occurred. It was commented that the HRSB did not adequately prepare for the full impact of H1N1 and the decision was made to send the letter home subsequent to a collaborative decision made by all high school principals in the HRSB. The SAC chair was consulted in the process as time did not permit to meet with the council. The SAC was briefed with the steps leading to the decision and the letter being sent home.

Fred and Cynthia will prepare a statement for consideration by the SAC regardin;g the process of the cancellation of exemptions, to be discussed at the next meeting. Fred reminded the meeting that the concept of exemptions is historically given to students, and should not be taken away lightly.

Duke of Edinburgh Awards will be implemented this year. Shelley Courtney is teacher advisor.

Reach for the Top team will be formed this year.

Planning For Improvement: There will be a meeting for the planning team on Nov 9

Wine tasting fundraiser Nov 13, 7-9 at MicMac Aquatic Club, also looking for donations for silent auction. (postponed to spring)

Announcements will be read before Oh Canada in the morning only for those concerning the entire student body, we will still reduce the majority of them

A question was raised regarding decision to close school based on sickness and attendance. It is a board decision, based on staffing issues.

Turkey Bowl is officially cancelled for next year, because of the disrespect, rowdiness, complaints from parents and staff, it was very embarrassing to have been present at this year’s event.

7. Student Council Report:

Charity of the month was for breast cancer, successful pep rally before the Turkey Bowl, Halloween costume contest was held awarding a $25 gift certificate,

Benefit concert coming up, “Friends of RedTail”, on November 10th. Semi formal will be held Nov 24th.

Meeting was adjouned at 845pm. Next meeting will be Dec 7, 2009 at 6pm

PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE---this meeting only

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