Minutes of POS/DMC meeting – London Borough of Camden

20th January 2012

  1. Welcome – from Chairman and appreciation expressed for hosts, who last held a DMC in 2001.
  2. Introduction to Camden– Frances Wheat, Head of Development Management (presentation attached) explained the ongoing regeneration and redevelopment of Kings Cross area. The station redevelopment is still progressing, plus outline consent for 66 acres in the Kings Cross central area, for mixed use of : 1700 homes (750 affordable); new squares; historic buildings re-use etc. creating 2500 jobs.
    Phase 1 detailed consent has now been allowed (and is underway) for infrastructure, including chp for the whole site; university of the Arts (which has recently won the Mayor’s Award for Planning Excellence); Great Northern hotel; student accommodation; and offices.
    Camden are now preparing for the proposed redevelopment of Euston Station as part of HS2 proposals and will result in a significant area of missed use. A joint planning framework is currently being prepared with GLA.
  3. Minutes of last meeting – taken as read.
  4. Planning for Growth (Steve Quartermain, CLG, presentation attached) – Steve explained that a number of key issues were still emerging and under consideration with govt and that therefore restricted the detail of his presentation. However, there is a clear shift of power and responsibility from the centre to local, but still very much an emphasis on the plan led system.
    Localism Act – Govt seeking a cultural shift so that development is seen as positive rather than imposed from the centre. Consultation now closed on RSS abolition and moving forward into an Order.
    Duty to co-operate seen as an area of debate still that will need evolvement.
    CIL – desire to see this as a more locally re-active tool and govt currently considering the response to consultation.
    IPC – will be formally abolished in April this year and will become part of PINS.
    NPPF – Still considering consultation responses, but hope to issue by end of March. Main desire is to demonstrate that planning should be about making development happen (as opposed to preventing it), but in a sustainable way. Still very much a focus on town centre first with green belt protection.
    Following issue of NPPF, will look to reduce 6000 pages of guidance but recognise that there is a need for some to be retained – in reduced format.
    Recognise that it’s important to have transitional arrangements in place for plan making.
    Planning fees – looking how to link to the planning guarantee and may look to link to performance. Current submission on fee proposals is with Ministers.
    Q&A – views expressed from the floor that there are concerns about resourcing neighbourhood planning and the key role that councils will have to play. SQ felt that additional funding may become available in due course, but councils may also have to look at how they can reduce their desire to control the process. Possible that some form of guidance on Neighbourhood Planning may emerge, particularly from the 25 front runner experiences.
    SQ emphasised that neighbourhood plans should be seen as vehicles for change and provide a vision for an area – can also build on existing instruments, such as parish plans etc.
    SQ confirmed that intend to provide advice on enforcement but no intention to review the regs around application adverts.
    Steve confirmed that he will come back to DMC in June to discuss the reaction to NPPF publication.
  5. Natural England – David Drake (presentation attached) - David updated on Natural England’s proposed pre-application charging regime. EA are currently carrying out informal consultation, with a view to launching proposals in the summer.
    There was a level of debate regarding pre-application charging and on the whole it was viewed as positive, as long as it results in an improved level of service and stated that 60% of LPA’s now charge.
    David explained that NE are also considering charging LPA’s for in depth advice at policy formulation stage (where the response is expected to or required to be over and above that normally expected) and again this was seen by the meeting as potentially acceptable as long as it was made clear on the level of service to be provided.
  6. Programme for 2012 now confirmed:
    30th March – Lincoln (topic of CIL to be discussed and a joint meeting with ALBPO)
    22nd June – Salford (NPPF with Steve Quartemain to attend)
    5th October – Cotswolds (PINS to be invited)
    25th January – City of London (topic to be confirmed)
  7. Society Issues:
    Schedule attached.
  8. AOB
    Gilian MacInnes provided an update on PAS matters:


Direct support starting to pilot CIL direct support module with 3 councils with the intention of rolling out a CIL direct support programme next financial year.

CIL front runners still working with them their progress and charging schedules is on the PAS website.

Experiences gained from them will be used to update the CIL web pages.


Checklist for plan compliance is currently being worked on with PINS and local authorities with a view to it being available on the PAS website.

Strategic planning:

Simple guide to strategic planning and duty to co-operate ; and the 10 golden rules for effective strategic planning A wider package of support on on strategic planning and duty to co-operate due to be produced by end of March.


Benchmarking report duein March, a new benchmark roundwill beheld before the summer and need volunteers for the steering group.

Upcoming events :

Regional planning seminars, Neighbourhood planning, benchmarking, Leadership Academies for seniorcouncillors, member briefings

We are currently undertaking the procurement of consultants for our new supplier framework.