AFFIX PROJECT 100 points

OVERVIEW: Students will use their knowledge of prefixes, root, and suffixes to create new words and explain how current words make use of prefixes, suffixes and roots.

You have THREE choices, create a superhero (or villain), monster (horrific, manga, or pokemon) or write a dictionary.

In each project each new word must be underlined and have

+ at least three word parts i.e. prefix suffix root or prefix root root, or root root suffix, etc.

+ complex (not just root translations) and valid (they are correct part of speech, and make sense given their root and prefix meanings) definitions


*You must create FIVE new words and use FIVE real words (that is ten in total)

*You must create and original superhero.

*The hero will have an orginal name, list of powers, a picture, and a TWO PARAGRAPH origin (tell where they came from and why they do what they do.


$ You must create, explain, and define 10 new words and 10 real words.

$ Your words are broken down into their components and the connection to those compnents and the word’s definition is made clear.

$ Your words should be in alphabetical order and look like an actual dictionary.

**** If you work with a partner you must add a defintion to each made up word and add five more real words. So, if you work with one partner you have 10 made up words each with 2 definitions and 15 real words. If you work with two partners you have 10 words with 3 defintions and 20 real words.****

Your name and period:

Hero’s name: / Other aliases:
List and explanation of powers:


Mr. Levengood’s New, Improved, and Cooller-Than-Yours

English Dictionary

* indicates new words

*Aterrist (n) someone who loves flying or is an expert pilot; someone extremly different,

an insult implying someone is so weird they are not of this earth. <a=not

terr=earth ist= someone who>

Attraction (n) a pull towards, a force that move objects towards each other <tract=pull

tion=verb to noun>

Autonomous (adj) practical and material independence, ungoverned by any force, able to

act on one’s own <auto=self, nomos=law, ous=full of and makes it

and adj>

*Bihydrosize (v) to make a drink from concentrate; to try really hard to forget an

unpleasant moment or time (i.e. you cleaning out a memory that made

you feel bad) <bi=two, hyfro=water, ize makes it a verb>

*Ilmandic (adj) rebellious; describing a professional criminal <il=not, mand=law, rule,

or order, ic makes it an adjective>

Luminous (adj) bright, filled with light, glowing, beautiful <lum=light, ous= full of and

makes it and adj>