
You have been “hired” to work at Panther Products, Inc. a local firm which manufacturers “widgets.” We have been successful in selling our widgets in the United States and are considering entering the international market place. Your first task is to organize a meeting for the Board of Directors where you will present an introduction to the BRIC countries using high-quality documents.

This meeting should answer the following questions:

What are the BRIC countries?

Why are they important?

What are at least 5 pieces of information about each of these four countries that would be relevant to a business that is interested in expanding to these countries?

Step 1—Fact finding: Please start with these links to help you answer the bullet point questions below:

  • What countries are the BRIC countries?
  • Although the acronym “BRIC” is used, what order should these countries actually be listed in?
  • Why are they important in our global economy? In other words, why should Panther Products care?

Step 2—Brainstorm: Remembering that our company is considering expanding to these countries for business purposes, what information would be relevant to know about these countries?

Step 3—Create an outlinefrom the information you have collected. Use at least 3 sources including the 2 links above and at least one other source of your choosing.Submit for grading.

Outline Grading:

Title and student name at top / 1
Main headings consist of: introduction, each country listed separately, conclusion, sources (others may be included) / 3
Each country listed as heading has a least 5 sub points of information / 10
Outline format used / 3
Accurate text, proofread / 3
Total / 20

Step 4--Email: Compose an email inviting the Board members to the meeting. Send a copy to Mrs. Winkel. The email is from you and you should decide on the specific arrangements for the meeting.

Email Grading:

Appropriate subject line included / 1
Greeting used / 1
Complete sentences used, accurate text, proofread / 2
Email tells the reader they are invited to a meeting, the topic of the meeting, time, place, and date of meeting, and any other information you feel is pertinent / 4
Closing lines used (pleasant closing, name, title) / 2
Total / 10

Step 5—Brochure: Prepare a tri-fold brochure in Publisher to distribute at the meeting containing the information gathered. It should include a cover panel, one panel devoted to each country, and the back panel should list the sources.

Brochure Grading:

Cover includes title and student name and is attractive / 3
At least 5 points of information is provided about each country / 10
Graphics are appropriate for topic of brochure / 5
Proper use of white space is used, text is accurate, proofread / 5
Sources are included on back panel / 2
Total / 25

Step 6—Presentation: Prepare a presentation for the meeting using the information you have gathered. Use Prezi or PowerPoint.

  1. In addition to the information above, also insert or include a link to a spreadsheet/chart illustrating something about these countries (populations, for example)
  2. Also, insert at least 4 pictures, videos, or images related to each country

Presentation Grading:

Title and student name is included at the beginning / 2
An introduction is provided / 3
Information from outline is included in presentation / 5
Spreadsheet/chart included / 3
Graphics, video, and audio (4 minimum) are appropriate for presentation / 6
Presentation flows and movement through presentation is logical; transitions and animations add to presentation and are not distracting / 4
Text is accurate, proofread / 4
A conclusion is provided / 3
Total / 30

Step 7—Survey: Prepare a survey on Surveymonkey. Each board member will take this survey after the meeting in order to evaluate the meeting.

  1. Brainstorm appropriate questions
  2. Minimum of 5 questions and one “comments” space
  3. Email the link to the survey to Mrs. Winkel and at least 3 other members of the class
  4. Check your survey results

Survey Grading:

Minimum of 5 questions are asked and questions are appropriate / 5
Response areas for questions work properly / 5
Minimum of one comments area is included / 2
Text is accurate, proofread / 3
Total / 15