The Continuous Tenses


Choose the right form of the verb:

It ... raining now.

A) is

B) are

C) were not

D) were

E) was


Choose the right form of the verb:

I ... reading when you rang me up.

A) will

B) are

C) were

D) was

E) shall


Choose the right form of the verb:

That man … up and down the street now.

A) has been walking

B) walks

C) have been walking

D) has walked

E) is walking


Choose the right form of the verb:

Stanley … a sandwich in the kitchen now.

A) Is eating

B) Eats

C) Eating

D) Ate

E) Am eating


Choose the right form of the verb:

Mary can’t come to the phone now. She …(do) her homework.

A) Am doing

B) Is doing

C) Is done

D) Does

E) Doesn’t


Choose the right form of the verb:

I … at the blackboard at the moment.

A) was standing

B) is standing

C) am standing

D) are standing

E) were standing


Choose the right form of the verb:

Look! The house …!

A) is burning

B) are burning
C) were burning
D) have burning
E) has burning


Choose the right form of the verb:

It … at 6 o’clock yesterday.

A) was raining

B) were raining

C) rain

D) has raining

E) had raining


Choose the right form of the verb:

I … down the street when it began to rain.

A) are walking

B) was walking

C) is walking

D) were walking

E) am walking


Choose the right form of the verb:

Henry saw that the child … at that time.

A) was crying

B) cries

C) had cry

D) cried

E) has cried


Choose the right form of the verb:

Listen! Who ( to play) the piano in the next room?

A) to listen

B) is playing

C) are playing

D) have played

E) had playing


Choose the right form of the verb:

Who that man ( to be) who ( to stand) in the doorway?

A) is \ is standing
B) were \ standing

C) is \ stood

D) to be \ standing

E) was \ stand


Choose the right form of the verb:

Where …Tom and Nick ( to be ) now? – They… (to have) a smoke in the garden.

A) are \ are having

B) is \ is having

C) was \ had

D) were \ having

E) is \ having


Choose the right form of the verb:

Look! The kitten … with its tail.

A) to play

B) is played

C) are playing

D) is playing

E) was playing


Choose the right form of the verb:

We … to the theatre to-night.

A) is going

B) was going

C) is gone

D) has gone

E) are going


Choose the right form of the verb:

It … when I left the house.

A) is raining

B) were raining

C) have raining

D) was raining

E) is rain


Choose the right form of the verb:

What … he … when you called on him?

A) was doing

B) is doing

C) are doing

D) were doing

E) has doing


Choose the right form of the verb:

He … a letter when I entered the room.

A) were writing

B) is writing

C) are writing

D) wrote

E) was writing


Choose the right form of the verb:

We … the newspaper when you rang me up.

A) were reading

B) was reading

C) is reading

D) has reading

E) have reading


Choose the right form of the verb:

At that time they … the river.

A) is approaching

B) are approaching

C) am approaching

D) were approaching

E) has approaching

Verb «to be», «to have»


Choose the right variant:

My brother … an engineer last year.

A) was

B) are

C) is

D) were

E) am


Choose the right variant:

There … a sports center in Moscow.

A) Are

B) Were

C) Been

D) Be

E) Is


Choose the right variant:

Mag and her sister … in Rome last summer.

A) were

B) am

C) is

D) are

E) was


Choose the right variant:

Once upon a time there … three little pigs.

A) Was

B) Were

C) Are

D) Be

E) Is


Choose the right variant:

She … in the fifth form.

A) am

B) is

C) been

D) were

E) are


Choose the right variant:

Here ... money.

A) Be

B) Are

C) Is

D) Am

E) Been


Choose the right variant:

There … nobody in the room.

A) Been

B) Am

C) Be

D) Are

E) Is


Choose the right variant:

You ... soup for breakfast last week.

A) have

B) will have

C) has

D) had

E) hasn’t


Choose the right variant:

The children … sometimes absolutely naughty.

A) am

B) are

C) is

D) was

E) does


Choose the right variant:

There … some big trees in the garden.

A) Is

B) Was

C) Are

D) Am

E) Been


Choose the right variant:

... the pupіls playіng when you came?

A) Were

B) Do

C) Are

D) Dіd

E) Was


Choose the right variant:

Тhese books ... interesting.

A) Is

B) Am

C) Be

D) Are

E) Been


Choose the right variant:

There … three lamps in the room.

A) Was

B) Am

C) Is

D) Be

E) Are


Choose the right variant:

There … someone at the door.

A) Were

B) Be

C) Are

D) Am

E) Is


Choose the right variant:

Knowledge … power.

A) Were

B) Am

C) Been

D) Is

E) Are


Choose the right variant:

There … telephones in every room.

A) Am

B) Be

C) Is

D) Are

E) Was


Choose the right variant:

My glasses ... on the table.

A) AreB) Been

C) Be

D) Am

E) Is


Choose the right variant:

There … some oranges and apples on the table.

A) Be

B) –

C) Am

D) Are

E) Is


Choose the right variant:

My sister ... a clever girl.

A) Be

B) Is

C) Been

D) Am

E) Are


Choose the right variant:

There … a lot of sugar on the floor.

A) Been

B) Are

C) Am

D) Be

E) Is


Choose the right variant:

There … several beautiful parks in this city.

A) Are

B) Was

C) Is

D) Be

E) Been


Choose the right variant:

There … a comfortable chair in the room.

A) Were

B) Am

C) Be

D) Is

E) Are


Choose the right variant:

I … at home yesterday.

A. were

B. was

C. am

D. have

E. has


Choose the right variant:

We … at the theatre now.

A. was

B. weren’t

C. are

D. has

C. have


Choose the right variant:

My grandmother … a pianist.

A. am

B. was

C. were

D. are

E. weren’t


Choose the right variant:

… you at work yesterday?

A. were

B. was

C. are

D. wasn’t

E. is


Choose the right variant:

Where … he last month?

A. is

B. were

C. was

D. isn’t

E. aren’t


Choose the right variant:

We … … at school yesterday.

A. was not

B. were not

C. are not

D. isn’t

E. am not


Choose the right variant:

… they late?

A. were

B. was

C. is

D. has

E. wasn’t


Choose the right variant:

Mary … … a piano.

A. have

B. have not

C. has not

D. does

E. did


Choose the right variant:

… they any relatives?

A. have

B. hasen’t

C. has

D. hasn’t

E. does


Choose the right variant:

… we an English lesson yesterday?

A. have

B. had

C. has

D. hasn’t

E. haven’t


Choose the right variant:

They … a comfortable flat last year.

A. has

B. have

C. had

D. haven’t

E. do


Choose the right variant:

He … a good library.

A. have

B. has

C. haven’t

D. does

E. did


Choose the right variant:

Vera … a cat

A. haven’t

B. has

C. have

D. is

E. does


Choose the right variant:

The students … new dictionaries.

A. have

B. do

C. has

D. doesn’t

E. hasn’t


Choose the right variant:

I … many stamps.

A. has

B. have

C. do

D. doesn’t

E. hasn’t


Choose the right variant:

You … a bicycle.

A. has been

B. have

C. has

D. haden’t

E. hasn’t


Choose the right variant:

Misha … … a brother.

A. has not

B. have not

C. do not

D. didn’t

E. doesn’t


Choose the right variant:

French wine … the best in the world.

A. is

B. are

C. does

D. were

E. has

@@@ The Perfect Tenses

$ $ $ 1

Put the verb into the Present Perfect tense:

I ... his film several times.

A) has seen

B) are seen

C) had seen

D) have seen

E) is seen

$ $ $ 2

Choose the right form of the verb:

I … never … the Queen .

A) Have / seen.

B) Didn’t / see.

C) Do / see.

D) Don’t / see.

E) Am / seen.

$$$ 3

Put the verbs into the Future Perfect tense:

I ... the book by the end of the week.

A) wouldn’t had read

B) shall not had read

C) shouldn’t had read

D) shall not have read

E) will not had read


Choose the right form of the verb:

Two criminals … from high security prison.

A) are escaped

B) have escaped

C) has escaped

D) were escaping

E) escapes

$$$ 5

Choose the right form of the verb:

After his father …… to John’s teacher, he took the belt.

A) had speaking

B) has spoken

C) have spoken

D) would spoke

E) had spoken

$$$ 6

Put the verb into the Present Perfect tense:

They ______the lesson.

A) has not understood

B) have not understood

C) have not understand

D) has not understand

E) has not understanding

$$$ 7

Choose the right form of the verb:

After everybody … a chance to say what they though, we took a vote.

A) had had

B) has

C) has had

D) have had

E) would have

$$$ 8

Choose the right form of the verb:

When she came home, her mother … already …a tasty dinner.

A) is/cooking

B) cooked/ -

C) had/cook

D) has/cooked

E) had/cooked

$$$ 9

Choose the right form of the verb:

She said she … just … lunch.

A) is/having

B) has/had

C) has/ –

D) had/had

E) have/ –

$$$ 10

Choose the right form of the verb:

He … the oil for a long time, so the bus broke down.

A) didn’t changed

B) hasn’t changed

C) hasn’t been changing

D) hadn’t changed

E) doesn’t changed

$$$ 11

Choose the right form of the verb:

By the time I came she ... a cake.

A) cooked

B) cooks

C) will cook

D) had cooked

E) have cooked


Choose the right form of the verb:

All the people we ……… came, and some that we haven’t invited.

A) have invited

B) inviting

C) had invited

D) invite

E) were inviting

$$$ 13

Choose the right form of the verb:

By this time tomorrow we ... the meeting.
A) will have
B) will have had
C) are having
D) will had had

E)shall have had

$$$ 14

Choose the right form of the verb:

We ... from her since May.

A) have heard

B) haven't heard

C) had heard

D) weren't hearing

E) hasn’t heard

$$$ 15

Choose the right form of the verb:

They ... yet.

A) didn't arrive

B) haven't arrived

C) hasn't arrived

D) don't arrive

E) won’t arrive

$$$ 16

Choose the right form of the verb:

Betty ... her sister since last year.

A) did not see

B) does not see

C) saw

D) has not seen

E) have not seen

$$$ 17

Choose the right form of the verb:

They ... this article by 5 p.m. yesterday.

A) have translated

B) translated

C) had translated

D) had been translated

E) has translated

$$$ 18

Choose the right form of the verb:

The police thought that he ... it because he needed money.

A) did

B) was doing

C) had done

D) has done

E) have been done


Choose the right form of the verb:

Kanat ……… the work of two people.

A) done
B) doing
C) have done
D) do
E) has done


Choose the right form of the verb:

Mike ………. the news before he went out.

A) reading
B) was reading
C) has read
D) has been reading
E) had read

$$$ 21

Find the right English equivalent for the following sentence:

Я знаю его два года.

A) I have been know him for 2 years.
B) I had been know him for 2 years.
C) I have known him for 2 years.
D) I know him for 2 years.
E) I knew him for 2 years.

$$$ 22

Choose the right form of the verb:

This is the most capturing novel I ….

A) read

B) was reading

C) to read

D) have read

E) have ever read

$$$ 23

Put the verb into the Past Perfect tense:

We ______the text by six o/ clock.

A) have readed

B) will have read

C) had read

D) reading

E) is reading

$$$ 24

Put the verb into the Past Perfect tense:

I ___already___ the exercise by 4 o/clock.

A) had written

B) have wrote

C) had write

D) will write

E) is writing

$$$ 25

Put the verb into the Past Perfect tense:

They ___ the house be the end of the year.

A) had builded

B) have build

C) had built

D) has been building

E) is building

$$$ 26

Put the verb into the Past Perfect tense:

Mary ____ the article by that time.

A) had translated

B) has translated

C) have translated

D) has been translated

E) are translating

$$$ 27

Put the verb into the Past Perfect tense:

They ___ home by that time.

A) have not returned

B) has not returned

C) is not returning

D) had not returned

E) had not return

$$$ 28

Put the verb into the Past Perfect tense:

We ____ to speak English by the end of the year.

A) are learning

B) is learning

C) had learning

D) had learned

E) have learnt

$$$ 29

Put the verb into the Past Perfect tense:

His parents ______a flat by that time.

A) are bought

B) are buying

C) had buyed

D) had bought

E) have buy

$$$ 30

Put the verb into the Past Perfect tense:

He _____ the museum by three o/clock.

A) have been visited

B) have visited

C) will have visit

D) had visited

E) is visiting

$$$ 31

Put the verb into the Past Perfect tense:

___he___his book by the end of the month?

A) had _ published

B) had _ publish

C) have_ published

D) has_ publish

E) will have _ publish

$$$ 32

Put the verb into the Past Perfect tense:

What _ she _ by that time?

A) _ have _ doed

B) _ had _d one

C) _ had_ did

D) _has_ doing

E) _will _doing

$$$ 33

Put the verb into the Past Perfect tense:

Who ___ his work by 7 o’clock?

A) had finished

B) have finished

C) had finish

D) is finishing

E) is being finished


Put the verb into the Past Perfect tense:

They __ home by that time.

A) had not came

B) had not come

C) have not comed

D) has not come

E) is not coming


Put the verb into the Past Perfect tense:

__he__ his hands when his mother called him to supper?

A) had _ washed

B) had_ wash

C) have_ washed

D) is _washing

E) have _ been washed

$$$ 36

Put the verb into the Past Perfect tense:

We ______the house by the fifteenth of June.

A) had not paint

B) had not painting

C) have not paint

D) had not painted

E) have not painted

$$$ 37

Put the verb into the Past Perfect tense:

We _____ by Sunday.

A) had not arrived

B) have not arrived

C) had not arrive

D) is not arriving

E) have not been arrived

$$$ 38

Put the verb into the Future Perfect :

Mary ___ the book by the end of the week.

A) will have readed

B) shall have read

C) will have read

D) will be reading

E) is read

$$$ 39

Put the verb into the Future Perfect :

They ___ sign the contract by Friday.

A) will had signed

B) shall have sign

C) will have signed

D) will be signing

E) is signed

$$$ 40

Put the verb into the Future Perfect :

Henry_____ shower by 4 o/clock.

A) will have taken

B) shall have take

C) will have took

D) will be taking

E) will take


Put the verb into the Future Perfect :

He ____ his car by the end of the year.

A) will have sold

B) will sell

C) shall have sold

D) will be sending

E) will be sending

$$$ 42

Put the verb into the Future Perfect :

Mary ___ her third book by the end of the month.

A) will have wrote

B) will have written

C) shall have written

D) will be writing

E) will have writing

$$$ 43

Put the verb into the Future Perfect :

____ you___ home by six o’clock.

A) will_ have come

B) will _ come

C) shall _ have came

D) will _ be coming

E) will _ having come

$$$ 44

Put the verb into the Present Perfect :

Ann __ __ to enter the university.

A) have decided

B) has decide

C) has decided

D) is decide

E)have been decided

$$$ 45

Put the verb into the Future Perfect :

They ___ to the seaside by the end of the summer.

A) will not have went

B) won’t be going

C) shan’t have gone

D) will not have go

E) will be not going

$$$ 46

Put the verb into the Future Perfect:

We ___our work by Monday.

A) shall not have finished

B) will not have finish

C) shall not had finished

D) will be not finished

E) will had not finish

$$$ 47

Put the verb into the Future Perfect:

Ben ___a new computer by that time.

A) will be bought

B) shall had bought

C) will had bought

D) will have bought

E) will be having bought

$$$ 48

Put the verb into the Future Perfect:

__the farmers __ the harvest by the end of the August?

A) will__ had gathered

B) will __ have gathered

C) shall __ have gather

D) shall had gathered

E) will be having gathering

$$$ 49

Put the verb into the Future Perfect :

My father __ his car by Friday.

A) shall not had repaired

B) will not have repaired

C) will not have repair

D) shall not have repair

E) shall not have repaired

$$$ 50

Put the verb into the Future Perfect :

__ the postman __ newspapers by three o’clock?

A) will _ have bringed

B) shall_ had brought

C) will _ have brought

D) will_ be having brought

E) shall be having brought

$$$ 51

Put the verb into the Future Perfect :

__Vera __ them by Saturday?

A) will__ have visited

B) shall__ have visited

C) will__ had visit

D) will__ having visit

E) shall__ having visit


Put the verb into the Future Perfect :

They__ sightseeing by the end of the week.

A) shall have went

B) will have gone

C) will have goed

D) will have went

E) will be going


Put the verb into the Present Perfect :

I___ the window.

A) have open

B) have opened

C) has opened

D) is opened

E) was opened

$$$ 54

Put the verb into the Present Perfect :

He ______a letter.

A) has written

B) has wrote

C) have write

D) is written

E) had written


Put the verb into the Present Perfect :

She __ __ the magazine.

A) have read

B) has read

C) has readed

D) has reading

E) is reading


Put the verb into the Present Perfect :

The students __ __ the books.

A) has closed

B) are closing

C) has close

D) have closed

E) is closen


Вставьтеглаголв Present Perfect :

John __ __ a mistake.

A) has make

B) have make

C) has made

D) have made

E) has making


Put the verb into the Present Perfect :

The cat __ __ its milk.

A) has drunk

B) has drink

C) have drunk

D) has drank

E) has been drinking


Put the verb into the Present Perfect :

Helen __ __ her key.

A) have lost

B) has lost

C) has lose

D) is loosen

E) have lose


Put the verb into the Present Perfect :