RESCUE Use Case Shell

Use Case Attributes

Use Case ID / Issued by RequisitePro
Name / A text field defining the name of the use case
Text / A text field describing the use case
Author / A text field containing the name of the creator of the use case. This field has been added as the creator of the use case will not be the user who enters the use case into RequisitePro
Date / The creation date of the use case in a date format. This has been added, as there may be a delay in creating the use case and adding it to RequisitePro
Source / A text field containing the source of the use case
Actors / A text field listing the actors involved in the use case
statement (now) / A text field describing the current problem
Précis / A text field providing an informal description of the use case
Functional requirements / Links are created by tracing the functional requirement to the use case
Requirement / Links are created by tracing the non-functional requirement to the use case
Added Value / A text field describing the benefit that the use case will provide above that of the original system
Justification / A text field describing why the use case is needed in the future system
Triggering event / A text field listing the events that trigger the use case
Preconditions / A text field giving the preconditions for the use case to occur
Assumptions / A text field describing the explicit statement of any assumptions made in writing the use case
Successful end states / The successful outcome(s) of the use case in a textual format
Unsuccessful end states / A text field providing the unsuccessful end outcome(s) of the use case
Different walkthrough contexts / A text field containing the different situations and contexts in which the use case can take place
Normal Course / Links are created by tracing the use case actions to the use case
Links are created by tracing the functional and non-functional requirements to the use case actions
Variations / Links are created by tracing the variations to the use case
Links are created by tracing the use case actions to the variation
Links are created by tracing the functional and non-functional requirements to the variations
Version History / Maintained by Requisite Pro
Satisfaction arguments / An enumerated value identifying satisfaction arguments in which this use case is referred to.
Option / An enumerated value identifying versions of the solution in which this use case is relevant.
Features / An enumerated value identifying features of the solution corresponding to this use case.

Use Case Shell

Use Case ID
Use Case Name
statement (now)
Functional Requirements
Added Value
Triggering event
Successful end states
Unsuccessful end states
Different Walkthrough Contexts
Normal Course
Variation Version History
Satisfaction Arguments