Rubric for Take Home Tessellation Project

Each student will be responsible for completing a project using tessellations. The final grade will be given using the attached rubric.

******DUE DATE: May 2nd and May3rd ******

Part One

Students will draw/create a tessellation using at least 2 regular polygons. Patterns are available for students who want to draw their tessellation. A computer cannot be used.

Part Two

Once students have created their tessellation, they will be required to complete a written portion, which discusses the tessellation, interior angles, etc. Questions are provided below for what should be included.

Written portion should be in paragraph form and complete sentences.

Students may choose to write an essay, a short story, or a letter. No matter what format is chosen, all ELA rules must be followed. If you have another idea on how to present the written portion, talk to me and I may approve it.

Questions to be answered in written portion.

a.  What is a regular polygon?

b.  What polygons are used in the tessellation?

c.  What are the interior angles of each polygon used in the tessellation?

d.  What is the best method for finding the interior angles of a regular polygon?

e.  What is the relationship of polygons/angles that will tessellate?

f.  Where might you see the tessellation in the “real world?”

Tessellation Picture

Criteria / Pts. Possible / Pts. earned

Size: Tessellation must be at least

8 ½” X 11” (normal copy paper)

/ 5
Used at least 2 polygons / 5
Used Regular polygons / 5
Must be able to see repetitive pattern. / 10
No gaps or overlapping polygons / 10
Each different polygon has a specific design/color. The pattern should match not only in shapes but in colors and designs as well. / 7
Neatly completed/colored / 8
Total / 50

Tessellation Written Portion

Criteria / Pts. possible / Pts. Earned
Written in paragraph form using complete sentences / 10
Questions answered
a.  Regular polygon
b.  Polygons used
c.  Interior angles
d.  Best method to find interior angles
e.  Relationship of polygons/angles in tessellation
f.  Place to find tessellation / 30
Details: (typing recommended)
Neatly completed/ name/ font, etc / 10
Total / 50