Crafts 2016-17

7th block, full semester

Instructor: Mrs. Aune

When you arrive to class each day read the board. Leave personal electronic device in your cubby, in bag or on table top; all sounds off. Exceptions will be made when we need it for research. See attachment for Personal Device Policy.

What are the GOALS of Art I?

  1. One of the goals of this crafts class is to make various crafts inspired from different cultures and or artists. While creating the craft you will learn about the culture/artist.
  2. A second goal is for you to learn how to learn. Does that sound funny? Maybe so, but that’s what your k-12 education is all about; learning to learn. When you get out into the ‘real world’ you will need to learn how to survive and believe me that comes in a million different ways; adapting, persevering, acclimating, changing, adjusting, etc. That very trait of resilience(being flexible and tough) will make the world of difference in how happy you are and how well you succeed out of high school.It all starts with these baby steps you’ll take in class.

What kinds of projects will we be doing this semester?

  • Public Art; Kandinsky style
  • Sculpture; Picasso
  • Felting, Quilting and stitching; North American Folk Artrt
  • Batik; Indonesia
  • Clay mug
  • Modern First Nations Art

Full block

2nd quarter

A 93-100

A- 90-92

B+ 87-89

B 83-86

B- 80-82

C+ 77-79

C 73-76

C- 70-72

D+ 67-69

D 63-66

D- 60-62

F 0-59

90% projects

10% knowledge in the form of written words

Over please….

Personal Electronic Device Policy

Be Productive and Responsible with Personal Electronic Devices

School is like your workplace, so use electronic devices the same way adults do in the workplace.

All devices (iPads, notebook computers, Kindles, iPods, phones, etc.) must be in plain view of the teacher, preferably on a desk or tabletop.

All screens must be covered or closed until the teacher directs students to work.

Generally speaking, we will not be using any Electronic Devices in art Classes. An exception would be researching ideas or looking up historical matters. That said, LEAVE YOUR DEVISE IN BAG, IN CUBBY OR ON TOP OF TABLE; SOUNDS OFF.

If you infringe on my rules I will follow the schools handbook procedures.

48. PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICES POLICY: Taken directly from student handbook:

Personal electronic devices such as e-readers, phones, MP3 players, notebook computers and other tools will sometimes be used during learning activities. Students are expected to follow each teacher’s rules about when and how electronic devices will be used in the classroom. Unapproved use will result in confiscation.

1st offense: Confiscated items will be returned to parent at the end of the day.

2nd offense: Confiscated items will be held in school office for 5 school days.

3rd offense: Confiscated items will be held in school office for 8 school days.

Student signature______date______