Page 1 Human Physiology Fall 2016



Fall 2016

Course No.: Biology 231 Course Title: Human Physiology Units: 5.0

Section No.: 61028 Class Hours: 5:30 pm – 10:10 pm Days: M/W

Room No.: 31-1Instructor Name: Dr. Harvey, PhD Office No.: 6

Victor Valley College

18422 Bear Valley Road

Victorville, CA 92392

Phone: (760) 245-4271, X 2658


Visit Victor Valley College online at

FALL Term BeginsAugust 29

Labor Day Holiday (college closed)September 5

Veteran’s Day Holiday (college closed)November 11

Thanksgiving Holiday (college closed)November 24-26

FALL Term EndsDecember 17


September 5th, November 11th, 24th, 25th, 26th

STATEMENT OF ACCESS:Students with special needs are encouraged to meet with instructors to discuss the opportunity for academic accommodation and referral to Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) and services per Administrative Procedure (AP 3440)

Course Description

This course is an introduction to general physiology with emphasis on the homeostatic mechanisms of the human body. The topics to be covered are biochemical aspects of cell function, integrated control of organ systems and homeostasis. The laboratory will include demonstrations and experiments to support basic physiological concepts. Included are experiments selected specifically for instruction in interpretation of physiological test and diagnostic testing procedures.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course the student should be able to:

  1. Design and apply the scientific method by stating a question; researching the topic; determining appropriate tests, performing tests; collecting, analyzing and presenting data; and finally proposing new questions about the topic
  2. Apply basic concepts of chemistry and physics to explain physiological functions on a cellular, tissue and organ level within the various organ systems of the human body.
  3. Critically evaluate and synthesize the different homeostatic control mechanisms utilized in the many physiological processes within the human body.


College chemistry (Chemistry 100 or 201), college biology (Biology 201, 202, 100, or 107), college anatomy (Biology 221), all completed with a grade of “C” or better.


Text: Vander's Human Physiology, Widmaier, 14th edition

Needed For Class:

iclicker, (10) Scantrons 815-E, (4) Scantrons 882-E


Attendance is required and is the responsibility of the student. If you do not attend the first class session the instructor will drop you. If you do not plan to continue to attend class you must drop the course to avoid receiving an “F” grade. PLEASE NOTE: Each class session is very important. After missing the equivalent to one lecture and one lab, dismissal from the class will result. This is a very fast pace class and it is highly recommended that you do not miss a class.

(Class attendance is not a measure of performance or proficiency. Whether a student is just physically present in the class is not a valid basis for grading. Reference Title 5 Section 55002 of the California Code of Regulations: (A) Grading Policy. The course provides for measurement of student performance in terms of stated course objectives and culminates in a formal, permanently recorded grade based upon uniform standards in accordance with section 55758 of this Division. The grade is based on demonstrated proficiency in the subject matter and the ability to demonstrate that proficiency, at least in part, by means of written expression that may include essays, or, in courses where the curriculum committee deems them to be appropriate, by problem solving exercises or skills demonstrations by students.)

Withdrawal Policy

It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdrawal from this class. DO NOT simply stop coming to class and expect the professor to drop you. Not withdrawing from class may result in an “F” grade for the class. If you take a “W” for the course, no assignments are carried into the next semester. You must repeat the class


If a student has completed most of the course (75% or more) with a “C” or better average, but is unable to complete the remainder of the semester due to extenuating circumstances (see student handbook), they may elect to take an incomplete (INC) for the course. You are allowed to make up all missing assignments. An incomplete does NOT allow you to repeat completed assignments. All missed assignments and exams must be completed by the following semester or the grade will revert back to the one they would have earned at the end of this semester. It is the student’s responsibility to initiate the request for an incomplete. This must be completed in writing on a special school form and signed by both the instructor and the student before the end of the semester.


Laboratory: Lab attendance is mandatory. If you know that you will miss a lab you need to notify me ahead of time. To account for lab attendance, I will sign your lab write up after each lab. If your lab is not signed after each lab activity, I will assume that you were not present that day and you will get a zero for the write-up. The labs are supplemental means of instruction. They provide hands on experience to the topics we will cover during lecture. Lab activities can be found on the website.

Lab Write-up: There are a total of 15 lab activities; each is worth 10 points for a total of 150 points. I will sign off on your lab before you leave. If you leave without my signature you will not get credit for the lab. If you are absent from lab, you will not be able to turn in the lab assignment for that day. You will lose 2 lab points for each lab you do not attend or leave early, no matter the reason.

Lab Quizzes: There will be weekly quizzes in lab. This will cover what you will be doing in lab. These quizzes will be approximately 10-15 minutes long and will start at the beginning of lab. I do not give make-up lab quizzes. If you are late to lab you will only have whatever time remains to complete the quiz.


Exams are mandatory. There are NO MAKE-UP exams or quizzes. I have given you the dates well ahead of time (see attached schedule) to allow you to make appropriate arrangements. There will be 4 lecture exams, this includes your final exam. The exams are not cumulative and are approximately worth 150 points each. Exams will consist of multiple choice, short answer, and/or essay questions. These exams are concept-oriented and will cover the chapters listed for each.

Cell phones and all electronic devices will be turned off and put away during the exam. If you use your phone/electronic devices during the exam you will receive a zero on the exam as well as possible expulsion from the class.

PLEASE BE ON TIME FOR LECTURE EXAMS. If you are late, you will not get any extra time. You will not be able to take your exam, once the first student turns in their completed exam.

Be aware that I keep all of your exams; however, you may come visit them at any time during this semester by making an appointment with me. One month after the day of your final I will shred all exams. Therefore, if you have any questions over any grade see me immediately! Any course work other than exams that are not picked-up a week after your final is given will be placed in the recycle bin.

PLEASE TAKE CAREFUL NOTE: During an exam there will be no leaving the classroom for any reason, except with a written Doctor’s excuse. If you leave the classroom your exam is over.

Lecture Quizzes

There will be iclicker questions presented throughout the lecture period and added to your grade as quiz points. The student is responsible for having an iclicker app and making sure to have it available for each class session. An iclicker app must be registered by Sept 7, 2016. Without the app you will not be allowed to answer the questions for points. Lecture quizzes will not be announced.

Case studies will be done in class and as homework. Any assignment sent home must be typed, handwritten assignments will NOT be accepted.

Extra Assignments

A power point presentation worth fifty (52) points will be required towards the end of the semester.

You will also be responsible for assignments found at the following web address: These assignments will be counted towards your total grade.

I will send you e-mail updates on your grade throughout the semester. If you have any questions about your grade you must inform the instructor within five days of the grade posting. There will be no change in grades after the five days. This includes the final grade. So make sure you check your grades frequently.

REEF Polling by i>clicker

I will be using REEF Polling by i>clicker in class this term. REEF Polling helps me to understand what you know, gives everyone a chance to participate in class, and allows you to review the material after class.

You will need to create a REEF polling account to vote in class using your laptop, smart phone, or tablet connected to the college’s Wi-Fi.

Creating Your REEF Polling Account

Go to or download the REEF Polling app for iPhone/iPad to sign up for a REEF polling account. You should use your VVC email address and your student ID in the Student ID field. If you need to change your email address, password, or student ID, edit your account profile. Do not create and use more than one REEF polling account as you will only receive credit from a single account.

Unless you will exclusively be using an i>clicker remote, you will need to purchase a subscription to use REEF Polling. You can use a credit card to purchase online, in-app purchase, or buy an access code from the bookstore. Creating a REEF polling account automatically starts a free 14-day trial subscription.

Add a Clicker to Your REEF Polling Account

If you want to use your i>clicker + or i>clicker 2 remote, you must register it with your REEF account. Register your clicker by logging into REEF Polling, navigate to your profile, and then enter your 8-character clicker ID. You may use either your smart device or registered clicker to vote in classroom polls throughout the term and will be able to review your session history no matter which device you use.

Add This Course to Your REEF Polling Account

Search with the following information to find this course and add it to your REEF polling account:

Institution: Victor Valley College

Course: Biol 231_Fall2016_61028


I consider submitting votes for a fellow student to be cheating and a violation of the College Honor Code. If you are caught voting for another student or have votes in a class that you did not attend, you will forfeit all REEF polling point and may face additional disciplinary action.

Grades will be sent out periodically via email so you can see how you’re doing throughout the semester.If you have any questions about your grade you must inform the instructor within five days of receiving the instructor’s email. There will be no change in grades after the five days. This includes the final grade. So make sure you check your grades frequently to make sure everything is all right.

Podcasts and Recordings:

All classroom lectures will be recorded for posterity. All notes along with new class casts are located at

The percentage scale is as follows (No exceptions):

90 – 100% = A

80 – 89.9% = B

70 – 79.9% = C

60 – 69.9% = D

59.9 and below = F

Classroom Policies:

Etiquette and Ethics

Although extenuating circumstances occur and you must be late to class, do your best to arrive to class on time. If for some reason you cannot arrive at the assigned time, then please enter the classroom quietly and have consideration for other students and the instructor. Because we are also in an intimate classroom setting any extraneous talking is not appreciated during lecture because it is very distracting to your fellow students and even the instructor.

Please read the college policy on cheating and plagiarism. Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated, and may result in failure of an exam/assignment, failure of the course or expulsion from the college. If you have any questions regarding dishonesty or are in anyway unclear about the meaning of the college policy, please see me immediately. If Academic Dishonesty is observed in the classroom, the assignment will be given a grade of “F” and the student will be expelled from the class for two days.


It is the policy of Victor Valley College that children NOT attend class with their parents nor be left unattended on campus while parents attend class. If youqualify, there is a day-care center on campus, if not, please make arrangements for a babysitter.

No food or drinks

It is school policy that NO food or drinks be allowed in the classroom. Please do not use

the small sinks and drawers at the desk as trash receptacles. It is also important to leave all open foodstuffs outside of the classroom, we have a tendency to collect a large herd of ants after awhile. It is not pleasant having them crawl up your pant leg!!!

PLEASE NOTE: It is the responsibility of every person at each table to make sure the tabletop is clean after the class session is over. It is also the responsibility of every person at the table to check the sink and drawers to make sure there is not trash in either.

After a laboratory procedure it is also the responsibility of everyone at the table to make sure the floors are swept and mopped. If you do not make sure your table and the area around your table is clean there will be a 10-point deduction from every person sitting at that table after any or all class sessions.

Lecture Schedule

A tentative lecture schedule with approximate dates for lecture topics and examinations is included in this syllabus. Materials may be covered at a faster or slower pace, depending upon the circumstances. It is the responsibility of the student to note any and all changes. The chapters indicated for exams should be read prior to the day of the exam

Tentative Lecture Schedule
DateLecture TopicsChapter

Aug 29Homeostasis 1

Chemical Composition 2

Cellular Structure 3

Movement of Molecules 4

Oct 3Exam 1

Oct 5Neuronal Signaling 6

Sensory Physiology 7

General Adaptation Syndrome Notes

Endocrine System 11

Oct. 24Exam 2

Oct 26Muscles 9

Cardiovascular Physiology12

Respiratory Physiology13

Nov 23Exam 3

Nov 28Digestion15

Kidneys and Regulation14


Dec 14Final Exam

Bloodhound Research at VVC

Tentative Lab Schedule

Date / Topic
Aug 29 / No Lab
Aug 31 / No Lab
Sept 5 / Labor Day – No School
Sept 7 / Stoichiometry
Sept 12 / Stoichiometry
Sept 14 / Enzyme Lab
Sept 19 / The Cell- Transport Mechanism /
Diffusion of Dye Through Agar
Diffusion of Dye Through Water
Diffusion Through Nonliving Membrane
Sept 21 / Cell Transport
Diffusion Through Living Membrane
Sept 26 / Fat Head Video
Sept 28 / Guest Speaker
Oct 3 / Exam 1/No Lab
Oct 5 / General Sensation
Plotting Relative Density
Two Point Threshold
Tactile Localization
Adaptation to Touch
Temperature Receptors
Referred Pain
Stretch Reflexes
Cross-Extensor Reflex
Plantar and Babinski Reflex
Pupillary reflex
Ciliospinal reflex
Oct 10 / Video - Stress
Oct 12 / Special Senses: Olfaction and Taste / 22
Stimulating Taste Buds
Plotting Taste Bud Distribution
Examining Combined Effects of Smell, Texture
And Temperature on Taste
Olfactory Adaptation
Oct 17 / Special Senses: Vision / 26
Blind Spot
Near Point Accommodation
Visual Acuity
Color Blindness Test (Ishihara Test)
Mapping the Rods and Cones
Binocular Vision
Reflex activity of the eye muscles
Optics of Vision (ophthalmoscope)
Oct 19 / Special Senses: Hearing / 24
Acuity Test
Sound Localization
Frequency Range
Weber Test
Rinne Test
Equilibrium Testing
Oct 24 / Exam/No Lab
Oct 26 / Blood / 25
Blood Typing- ABO and Rh Groups
Determining Hematocrit
Determining Hemoglobin
Oct 31 / Human Cardiovascular Function / 29
Auscultation of Heart Sounds
Palpating Pulse Points
Apical Pulse
Using a Sphygmomanometer
Estimating Venous Pressure
Effect of Various Factors on Blood Pressure
Effect of Local Chemical and Physical
Factors on Skin Color
Nov 2 / Case Study
Nov 7 / Respiratory System Physiology
Measuring Respiratory Volumes Using BioPac
Nov 9 / Galvanic Skin Response
Nov 14 / Special Guest
Nov 16 / Glucose Testing
Nov 21 / Case Study
Nov 23 / Exam 3/No Lab
Nov 28 / Food Inc Video
Nov 30 / Renal Physiology
Kidney Regulation of Osmolarity
Dec 5 / Presentations
Dec 7 / Presentations
Dec 12 / Presentations
Dec 14 / Final Exam/No Lab


You will compile a notebook of articles from professional journals relating to 10 different topics as presented in the table of contents of the text. That is ten different chapters.

Each article is to be followed by a two page typed summary/analysis of the article. The analysis should compare the article to the materials presented in the chapter.

There also must be a table of contents page specifying which chapter is related to which article

Your summary should be written as a comprehensive, objective summary of the scientific study; including who did the study, the purpose of the study, the method of the study, details about the subject population, statistical results, and researcher’s conclusions. The summary should also compare and contrast the materials found in the article with the materials found in the coinciding chapter in the book.