Revised 1-15-12

Controversial Issue Paper Components

Ø  Paper must be at least 6 paragraphs long (see outline below).

Ø  Each body paragraph must be in the Schaffer format (which means at least 8 sentences)

Ø  All parts of the paper must follow MLA format

Ø  Paper must have ONE block quote (no more, no less)

Ø  Sources listed in your Works Cited must be used in your paper.

Ø  You must use at least 3 sources.

Ø  Paper must be turned in in the following order from top to bottom:

ü  Final draft typed, double-spaced, size 12 Times font (including Works Cited)

ü  All other components in folder, including the rubric

All parts of the research essay should include direct quotations and paraphrasing from your sources. You must use at least 3 sources in your paper. Only internet sources approved by WHS will be accepted. These can be reached from the library home page (Infotrac). Plagiarism will earn a grade of zero on the assignment and a cheating referral. Plagiarism includes paraphrasing someone else’s ideas and not citing them.

Proper MLA format must be followed including the first page of the paper, citations, page numbering, margins, and the Works Cited page. Mechanics, i.e. punctuation, spelling, and grammar should be perfect. Sentence variety and vocabulary should demonstrate studied revisions and effort. All rough drafts with revisions shown must be turned in with the final copy. The final copy must be typed and double-spaced. Final copy must be submitted to You will lose 5 points per day that your paper is submitted to Turnitin late.

Outline Format (Each roman numeral represents a paragraph.)


(This is the title for your outline, though your paper will have a creative title.)

I. Thesis statement (This will be the last statement in your introductory paragraph.)

II. Explain/define topic (keep in mind the audience) (topic sent)

A.  One component of topic

B.  Second component of topic

C.  Talk about why society should be concerned with this issue

III. One reason that supports your side (topic sent)

A.  First quote/paraphrase supporting topic sent. (cite correctly)

B.  Second quote/paraphrase supporting topic sent. (cite correctly)

IV. Second reason that supports your side (topic sent)

A.  First quote/paraphrase supporting topic sent. (cite correctly)

B.  Second quote/paraphrase supporting topic sent. (cite correctly)

V. Solutions (topic sent)

A.  First quote/paraphrase supporting topic sent. (cite correctly)

B.  Second quote/paraphrase supporting topic sent. (cite correctly)

VI. Conclusion: Summarize (What was determined? How does the future look on this topic?)