Rubric for Facebook Project

Explanation of the creation of Apartheid and how it came to an end (SS7H1) / The student can explain in detail what apartheid is and how this practice came to an end
25 points / The student can explain what apartheid is and how this practice came to an end
22 points / The students can somewhat explain what the practice of apartheid is and how this practice came to an end
19 points / The student did not or cannot explain apartheid and how this practice came to an end
16 points
Nelson Mandela and F.W. de Klerk / The student can explain in full detail what role F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela’s role in the anti-apartheid movement
25 points / The student can explain what role F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela’s role in the anti-apartheid movement
22 points / The student can somewhat explain what role F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela’s role in the anti-apartheid movement
19 points / The student does not address of cannot explain what role F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela’s role in the anti-apartheid movement
16 points
Elements / All required elements are included in the project
25 points / Most elements required were included in the project
22 points / Key elements were left out of the project
19 points / Project is missing most required elements
16 points
Layout / Project is very neatly designed and all objects are were they should be located
10 points / Project is neat and most objects are where they should be placed
8 points / Project is somewhat disorganized and several objects are not in the appropriate place
6 points / Project is very disorganized and most objects are not where they should be. Many elements are missing and cannot be found
4 points
Pictures / All required photos are placed on the poster and labeled so the reader understands their importance
10 points / Most photos required are included and labeled so the readers can gain an understanding of their importance
8 points / Project is missing photos and/ or labels. Readers are somewhat confused about why these photos are important
6 points / Project has little to no photos and does not explain their importance.
4 points
Spelling/ Grammar / Project is free of spelling and/ or grammar errors
5 points / Project has several small grammar/ spelling errors
4 points / Project has quite a few spelling/ and or grammar errors
3 points / Project has many errors in grammar and/ or spellings
2 points

Grade ______

Facebook Project

For this project you will be creating a fake facebook page for either Nelson Mandela or F.W. de Klerk. You will not be utilizing the facebook website rather you will create a fake layout on a white sheet of paper to show your work. For those of you unfamiliar with facebook it is basically a self created profile that typically allows you to upload photos, tell people what you are currently doing at the moment, answer questions about yourself, become friends with people, and displays other pieces of information about yourself. Basically on this piece of white paper you will follow the layout below and insert the information requested into each of the spaces created.

Welcome- (Person’s Name will go here)

Website below is a link to Facebook templates…