ADFIAP Asia-Pacific Institute of Development Finance


International Seminar-Workshop on

Sustainable Enterprise Innovation Program (SEIP)

July 8-12, 2013 > Manila, Philippines


ADFIAP’s Asia-Pacific Institute of Development Finance (IDF) is offering an innovative and results- oriented program, the Sustainable Enterprise Innovation Program (SEIP), that will enable the participants to complete within the training period sustainable project proposal frameworks that their respective institutions/enterprises can adopt in launching new products, services or any new initiative.


  1. Innovation - A workshop that will bring out the creativity of the participants in actualizing new initiatives that their institution would like to pursue through one-on-one mentoring, coaching and advisory by seasoned facilitators/trainers.
  1. Results-Oriented - An integrated process aimed at assisting enterprises in creating sustainable and innovative products, services and operational enhancements via a hand-holding workshop that would enable the participants to actualize projects they would like to undertake through the completion of project proposal frameworks and sustainability reporting roadmaps that they can implement as their Back Home Action Program.
  1. Holistic Approach – Covers 3 building-block modules that facilitate the fruition of the project proposal frameworks and ensure the sustainability of said projects by institutionalizing the practices of benchmarking, measuring, monitoring, and reporting.


1. Strategic Business Planning



Business Model



2. Core Business Operations

Branding Process People


3. Sustainable Management Action

System Sustenance Support and Sustainability Reporting


Strategic Business Planning Module / DAY 2
Core Business Operations Module / DAY 3
Sustainable Management Action Module / DAY 4
Sustainability Reporting
Workshop / DAY 5
Back-Home Action Program
Business Strategy
Articulation of the direction the enterprise/institution will pursue in relation to the new project (new product, service or any initiative or enhancements) it will launch and the activities that will be taken to achieve the goals set for said project.
Integrating and communicating CSR / Branding
Communication of the new product, service or initiative in a unique and recognizable way to its defined market by creating an impressive distinct name and slogan for getting the message across and for brand recall / Systems Sustenance and Support
Management of the new project’s system thru manualization and continuous skills upgrading for sustainability / KPI Assessment
Review of existing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and recommend enhancements and/or amendments / Coaching/Advisory
Coaching on the formulation of a detailed sustainable
strategic plan anchored on
the new project proposal
framework crafted during
the workshop
Business Model
Formulation of the income strategy taking into account the cost strategy product differentiation and market niche of the new project / Process
Formulation of systematic series of activities, tasks, policies, and procedures directed towards the smooth and sustainable implementation of the new product, service or initiative / Sustainable Approach to Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Reporting
Introduction to sustainability reporting; framework and standards in quality assurance and management / Application
Mapping and matching initiatives of the enterprise/institution vis-à-vis the GRI KPI criteria and subjecting these to the process of materiality testing, completeness of principle, and sustainability context principle / Framework for Organizational Excellence
Formulation of
a sustainability roadmap framework
Definition of the appropriate structure, development of staff job description and ideal qualities of the manpower complement that will undertake the new project / Technology
Identification of the appropriate sustainable system that would support the process and people, covering among others, market and industry information, and management information system / Global Reporting Initiative
Walk-thru with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) KPIs on economic, environment, social and governance. / Presentation
Reporting of workshop output
Review of existing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and setting of relevant KPIs for new project, taking into account the cost-benefit thereof / People
Building the skills and character of the manpower complement that will undertake the project by assessing competencies and gaps


By the end of the training course, participants would be able to;

  1. Understand the value of stakeholders’ engagement
  2. Evaluate internal processes and systems and identify opportunities to utilize technology and human capital for organizational excellence
  3. Formulate a comprehensive business development plan in a way that is easily translatable into action plans.
  4. Develop a sustainability roadmap for the institution towards the goal of sustainable development


1. Highly interactive lectures

2. Action-oriented workshops

3. Hands-on practical activities

4. Personalized coaching and mentoring


  1. Senior level, mid-level officers of Financial Institutions, Enterprises or any organization;
  2. Members of Industry Associations, Chambers of Commerce and similar organizations;
  3. Entrepreneurs responsible for conceptualizing, creating, developing, launching and implementing new initiatives, such as new products and services or setting up new business units to undertake specialized activities such as SME lending in the case of Financial Institution and new product line in the case of enterprises.