Audit and Governance Committee – Independent Member
The Liverpool City Region is governed by the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCR CA) and its constituent councils.
The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority was originally established on 1 April 2014 and the membership now includes the Liverpool City Region elected Mayor (the Metro Mayor), five local authority leaders of Halton, Knowsley, Sefton, St Helens and Wirral Councils, the elected Mayor of Liverpool City Council and the Chair of the Local Enterprise Partnership. Warrington and West Lancashire Councils are Associate Members of the Combined Authority.
The Combined Authority works with the Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (the LEP) to promote and deliver economic growth. The LEP also ensures that the views of businesses are represented in strategic decision making.
Merseytravel is the Executive body that provides professional, strategic and operational transport advice to the Combined Authority to enable it to make informed decisions. It is also the delivery arm, making transport happen. It delivers transport projects that support the economic growth of the Liverpool City Region. The focus is on improving connectivity within the region and beyond, improving the customer experience from ticket buying to journey planning and maintaining the integrated transport network, including the Mersey Ferries and Mersey Tunnels, to ensure it is fit for the future, accessible and safe.
The Combined Authority recognises the need to ensure good governance in delivering public services and having an Independent Member on its Audit and Governance Committee (the Committee) will provide assurance to these arrangements. The terms of reference for the Committee are set out in the attached appendix. We are now looking to appoint a new Independent Member to join the Committee to contribute to this important role.
The Independent Member will need to have appropriate skills, experiences and competencies to meet the key responsibilities and commitments set out below:-
Key Responsibilities and Commitments
- Committing to attend and constructively participate in planned and ad hoc meetings.
- Thorough preparation for meetings through carefulconsideration of all agenda reports and documents.
- Questioning senior management on issues arising from Committee papers with due regard to the role of the Committee.
- Adopting and demonstrating a politically neutral perspective in questions asked and the general contribution to the work of the Committee.
- Applying relevant skills and experiences to add value and depth to the work of the Committee.
- Committing to personal development in the role.
- Committing to attend training sessions in accordance with agreed development.
- Sign and abide by the appropriate Code of Conduct for Co-opted Members.
- Conduct yourself adopting the highest levels of personal integrity, openness and honesty.
The attributes that we are looking for are listed overleaf. Applicants for the role should complete the application form to express their interest and explain how they meet the desirablerequirements.
There are restrictions in applying for this role, and if you meet any of the following criteria your application will not be considered. They are:-
(i)If you are or have been in the last five years, a Member, co-opted member or officer of the Combined Authority;
(ii)If you are a relative or close friend of a person in (i)
(iii)If you have criminal convictions.
(iv)If you are an undischarged bankrupt.
(v)If you have significant business dealings with the Combined Authority.
Desirable RequirementsRelevant Experience / Experienceofworking in a complex/large organisation at a senior level
Experience of audit committee work or representation within the private or public sectors
Education and Training / Higher or Further education or equivalent experience in a suitable environment
Undertaken training relevant to the committee’s remit
General and Specialist Knowledge / Knowledge of the following:
- Local government
- Corporate governance arrangements in either public or private sectors
- Role of Internal Audit
- Financial management
- Risk management
Skills and Abilities / The ability to:
- Understand complex issues and demonstrate judgment in dealing with them.
- Embrace and acknowledge the importance of accountability and probity in public life
- Interpret information and come to a rational conclusion
- Demonstrate objectivity, integrity, discretion, good communication skillsand effective interpersonal skills
Other / You must not be a Councillor or Officer of the Combined Authority or have been so in the preceding five years prior to appointment.
You must not have criminal convictions.
You must not be an undischarged bankrupt.
You should have no significant business dealings with the Combined Authority.
You should have no connection with any political group
You should have respect for confidentiality
Reimbursement for travelling subsistence and expenses will be paid. The independent person may be asked to chair the Committee in the absence of the Chair.
Appendix 1
Audit and Governance Committee
Terms of Reference
The Audit and Governance Committee will be composed of 7 Members as follows:
(i)6 elected Members which consist from the voting members of the Combined Authority and the Overview and Scrutiny Committee; and
(ii)1 Independent Member.
There will be no more than two Members of the Combined Authority on the Committee.
Chairing the Committee
The Chair shall be appointed annually from amongst the voting membership of the Committee at its first meeting following the Annual Meeting and before proceeding to other business.
Statement of Purpose
The Audit and Governance Committee is a key component in the Combined Authority’s Corporate Governance Arrangements. Its main objectives are to:
- provide assurance of the adequacy of the risk management framework and the associated control environment, including the Annual Governance Statement and other assurance statements;
- ensure that it properly reflects the risk environment and considers any actions required to improve it and to demonstrate how good governance supports the achievements of the Combined Authority’s objectives; and
- promote and maintain high standards of conduct by Combined Authority Members.
The Combined Authority has delegated to the Audit and Governance Committee the following roles in order to advise the Combined Authority:
(a)to satisfy itself that the Combined Authority’s assurance statements, including the Annual Governance Statement, properly reflect the risk environment and any actions required to improve it, and demonstrate how governance supports the achievements of the Combined Authority’s objectives;
(b)in relation to the Combined Authority’s internal audit functions:
- approve the Internal Audit Charter, Quality Assurance & Improvement Programme and Code of Ethics for Internal Audit;
- approve the risk-based internal audit plan, including any significant interim changes to the plan;
- monitor compliance with the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards;
- consider the Head of Internal Audit’s Annual Report;
- oversee its independence, objectivity, performance and professionalism;
- support the effectiveness of the internal audit process; and
- promote the effective use of internal audit within the assurance framework;
(c)to consider the effectiveness of the Combined Authority’s risk management arrangements and the control environment. Review the risk profile of the organisation and assurances that action is being taken on risk-related issues, including partnerships with other organisations;
(d)to monitor the effectiveness of the control environment, including arrangements for ensuring value for money and for managing the Combined Authority’s exposure to the risks of fraud and corruption;
(e)to consider the reports and recommendations of external audit and inspection agencies and their implications for governance, risk management or control;
(f)to support effective relationships between external audit and internal audit, inspection agencies and other relevant bodies, and encourage the active promotion of the value of the audit process;
(g)to review the accounting policies, financial statements, external auditor’s opinion and reports to members, and monitor management action in response to the issues raised by external audit;
(h)to promote and maintain high standards of conduct by Members;
(i)to assist Combined Authority Members to observe the Combined Authority’sCode of Conduct for Members;
(j)to advise the Combined Authorityon the adoption, revision or replacement of the Combined Authority’sCode of Conduct for Members and the Combined Authority’sArrangements for Dealing with Complaints that Combined AuthorityMembers have failed to comply with the Combined Authority’sCode of Conduct for Members (“the Authority’s Arrangements”);
(k)to monitor the operation of the Combined Authority’sCode of Conduct for Members and the Authority‘s Arrangements;
(i)to advise, train or arrange to train Combined AuthorityMembers to observe the Combined Authority’sCode of Conduct for Members;
(m)to determine, in accordance with the Authority’s Arrangements, whether a Member has failed to comply with the Combined Authority’sCode of Conduct for Members and, if so, to determinewhat action (if any) to take in respect of the Combined AuthorityMember, such actions to include:–
•publication of the findings of the Combined Authority’sStandards Committee in respect of the Subject Member’s conduct;
•reporting the findings of the Combined Authority’s Standards Committee to the Combined Authorityfor information;
•recommendation to the Combined Authority that the Subject Member should be censured;
•instructing the Combined Authority’s Monitoring Officer to arrange training for the Subject Member; or
•recommendation to the Combined Authority that the Subject Member should be removed from all appointments to which the Subject Member has been appointed or nominated by the Combined Authority;
(n)to determine appeals against the Monitoring Officer’s decision on the grant of dispensations;
(o) to report to the Combined Authority on the Committee’s findings conclusions and recommendations concerning the adequacy and effectiveness of the Authority’s governance, risk management and internal control frameworks; financial reporting arrangements, and internal and external auditfunctions; and
(p) to report to the Combined Authority on theperformance of the Committee in relation to its Terms ofReference and the effectiveness of the Committee in meeting its purpose.