ClearCube RoHS Product Status

Revision: 1. June 2006


RoHS compliance for products shipping into Europebecomes mandatory starting 1st July 2006. All new ClearCube products are compliant, or will become RoHS compliant in the near future. This document summarizes the current status of both old and new ClearCube products with respect to RoHS compliance.

RoHS Compliant Products

The following table summarizes the ClearCube products that are already RoHS compliant or will be compliant in the near term. Those products that are not already compliant are currently in the certification process. Once the process is completed they will be available for shipment into Europe. The estimated dates provided in the table are expected but not guaranteed.

Product Model / Estimated RoHS Compliance Date
User Ports:
C7130 C/Port / Already compliant
I8020 I/Port / Already compliant
I8820 I/Port / Already compliant
EON e100 I/Port / Already compliant
C7530 Multi-Video eXpander (MVX) / 7. September 2006
PC Blades:
R1300 Single Processor PC Blade / 28. July 2006
R2200 Dual Processor PC Blade / 18. July 2006
PCI Express NVIDIA Quadro Graphics card for R1300 and R2200 / Already compliant
R4302 Chassis / 14. August 2006
R4345 Remote Management Module / 17. July 2006
R4362 16 Port Network Module / 17. July 2006
R4385 User Connect Module / 24. August 2006
R4380 Administrator Connect Module / 31. August 2006
R4387 8x8 (Switching) Connect Module / 24. August 2006

Products that are not RoHS Compliant and will reach “End of Life”

The following ClearCube products are not compliant with RoHS and can no longer be shipped into Europe after 30th June 2006. All products listed are effectively end of life due to non-compliance and/or because they are being replaced by newer products.

Product Model / Last Date to
Ship to Europe / Replacement Product(s)
(See above Table)
User Ports:
C7120 C/Port / 30. June, 2006 / C7130
C7510 Multi-Video eXpander (MVX) / 30. June, 2006 / C7530
Capio One I/Port / 30. June, 2006 / I8020
PC Blades:
R1200 Single Processor PC Blade / 30. June, 2006 / R1300
NVIDIA Graphics Card for R1200 / 30. June, 2006 / PCI Express card for
R1300 and R2200
R2100 Dual Processor PC Blade / 30. June, 2006 / R2200
NVIDIA Graphics Cards for R2100 / 30. June, 2006 / PCI Express card for
R1300 and R2200
Cage with Switching Backpack / 30. June, 2006 / R4302 + R4345 + R4362 + [R4385 or R4387]
Cage with Switching Backpack and RMC / 30. June, 2006 / R4302 + R4345 + R4362 + [R4385 or R4387]
Cage with Direct Connect Backpack / 30. June, 2006 / R4302 + R4345 + R4362 + R4380
Cage with Direct Connect Backpack and RMC / 30. June, 2006 / R4302 + R4345 + R4362 + R4380
R4360 8 Port Network Module / 30. June, 2006 / R4362
Fiber Products:
F6100 Fiber Transceiver / 30. June, 2006 / Not Available in 2006
C7450 Fiber C/Port / 30. June, 2006 / Not Available in 2006

RMA and Spares Information

Exemption from RoHS regulations is given for spares and complete product replacements under warranty. This means ClearCube can ship non-RoHS compliant products to Europe for warranty/spare replacements.

Action you need to take with your ClearCube customers and prospects:

If you know of any situations where customers or prospects require ClearCube products that are in the ‘in process’ stage of RoHS approval or will go EOL, you will be able to avoid delays caused by RoHS if you can close the business and have the shipment delivered by 30th June 2006. Please ensure you work closely with your ClearCube account executive to identify these opportunities and develop a plan.