Director’s Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, February 7, 2012, 6:30pm Greene Court

Quorum:It was agreed that a quorum was present for the SCYSA Board.Linda Iverson opened the meeting at 6:37pm. Linda Iverson, Nadine Slingerland, Cam Ellison, Dave Milligan, Kerry Milligan, Al Blattler,and Ken Campbell were present.Rod Hamilton was absent.

Minutes:It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to accept the minutes from the previous meeting of January 17, 2012.


Executive Director:Norm forwarded his report to the Directors. Norm recommends that we use Source for equipment. Linda will go there to review different uniforms and their quality. SCARFS are submitting its first Board of Directors to the Province. Linda will ask the law office of Lois Potter about returning our deposit. Norm relayed he is waiting for information from the District of Sechelt to complete a proposal for further lighting.

Treasurer: Nadine reported there is $2,402.63 in the chequing account, $27,681.82 in the gaming and $93,301.78 in the investment savings which earned us $96.00 this month. She has received a $1,500 donation from the Rotary for the concession stand they did at the Whitecaps camp. Dana is working on the tax receipts and they will be emailed by January 31, 2012. This month she has paid for paint and the website annual hosting.

Coaching: Ken reported that he received everything regarding the coaching system from BC Soccer and CSA. The Board asked him to put together a budget for a Technical Director and bring to the next meeting.

House:Cam reported that there are 3 more games left. The tournaments will be the weekends of the 3/4 and 10/11.

Treasurer: Nadine reported that there is $1,164 in the chequing account, $26,324 in the Gaming account and $93,396 in the savings account. She will move the funds from Field for Everyone in to the savings account.

Rep: Al reported that the games will all be done by the end of February. Tryouts will be in April.


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Sunshine Coast Youth Soccer Association

Director’s Meeting Minutes

Fields: Rod was absent.

Old Business

Website: Cam reported that he has narrowed his choice down to two website carriers. He will contact the references for both companies.

New Business

Goal Posts: Norm had requested that we put Dundee’s logo on the goal posts at Chat. It was decided that the logo should go where there is more exposure, like KnickKnick. Nadine will look in to what our obligations were to Dundee and what we have fulfilled.

Adjournment:It was MOVED, SECONDED and CARRIED to adjourn until the next meeting, which will be March 13, 2012 at 6:30pm at Greene Court. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.