BIRTH PLACE: Meru, Kenya

BIRTH DATE: 12th September 1945

HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION: Meru School 1961 – 1964

Alliance High School 165 – 1966


1972  M.B.Ch.B. University of Nairobi

1976  M.Med (Paed) University of Nairobi

1988  F.A.A.P. The American Academy of Paediatrics


Kenya Shell Prize Best Final Year student, Faculty of Medicine 1971/72

Gadhi-Siranak Ndhi Trust Fund Best Final Student, Faculty of Medicine 1971/72

Kamala Memorial Gold Medal Best Final Year Student, Faculty of Medicine 1971/72

Montreal Children’s Hospital Scholarship to McGill University, for Best Student in Paediatrics 1970/71


1972-1973 Intern Paediatrics and Surgery, Kenyatta National Hospital.

Apr-Oct 1973 Research Fellow, Child Development, Research unit, University of Nairobi.

1973-1976 House Officer, KNH. Post-graduate student, paediatrics, University of Nairobi.

1976 Master of Medicine in Paediatrics.

Jul-Dec 1977 Clinical Research Fellow in Haematology Montreal Children’s Hospital and Royal Victoria Hospital McGill University, Canada.

May-Jun 1982 Visiting Physician U.C.L.A. Medical Centre, Los Angeles U.S.A.

June 1982 Visiting Physician University of California Berkely U.S.A

July 1982 Visiting Physician Children’s Hospital Medical Centre, Harvard University Medical School, Boston.

1989  Fellow World Health Organisation (WHO) Travelling Seminar in Sweden and Thailand.


1972-1973 Intern, Kenyatta National Hospital

1973-1976 Senior House Office and Chief Resident in Paediatrics, Kenyatta National Hospital.

1976-1977 Provincial Paediatrician, Nyeri, Central Province.

1977 Clinical and Research Fellow, Montreal Children’s Hospital, Canada.

1978-1987  Honorary consultant Paediatrician, Kenyatta National Hospital.

1980-1990 Attending Consultant, Aga Khan Hosiptal, Nairobi. Visiting Paediatrician – Nairobi Hospital, Gertrude Garden Children’s Hospital, M.P. Shah hospital.


1977-1980 Lecturer, Department of Paediatrics, University of Nairobi

1977 Assistant Professor of Paediatrics, McGill University, Canada.

1980-1987  Senior Lecturer, Department of Paediatrics, University of Nairobi.

1987-date Associate Professor in Paediatrics, University of Nairobi.


1988-1989  Chairman, Department of Paediatrics, University of Nairobi.

1987-date Coordinator, University Community linkage Project for child survival and development.

1983-date Member Board of Management, College of Health Sciences.

1984-1989  Senate Representative, Bookshop Committee, Housing Committee.

1983-1989  Member of the University of Nairobi Senate.

1984  Member – Senate sub-committee reviewing transfer of students registered in University of Nairobi of Nairobi for transfer to Kenyatta University.

1985 -1989 Member Infectious Disease Control committee Kenyatta National Hospital.

1987 – 1989 Chairman College of Health Sciences 8-4-4 Advisory committee.


1984 – 1986 University of Dar-es-salam, Tanzania.

1987 – 1989 University of Zambia, Zambia.

1988 – 1990 Makerere University, Uganda.

1979 – date Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentist Board.

1987 – date University of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


1987 – date: UNICEF Consultant, National Capacity Building for Child Survival and Development Programme.

1986 – date: WHO advisor, global Accident and Injury Prevention Programme.


Fellow American Academy of Paediatrics (FAAP)

Union of African Paediatrics Societies and Associations.

Association of Physicians of East and Central Africa.

Kenya Medical Association.

Kenya Paediatrics Association.


1991: / Elected / Chief Rapporteur Forum on “Essential National
Health Research” in Kenya.
1990: / Appointed / Vice-chancellor, Kenya Medical Practitioner and Dentist Board.
1987-1990 / Elected / Chairman, Evaluation and Registration Committee, Kenya Medical Practitioner and Dentist Board.
1979-1991 / Elected / Executive Committee member, Kenya Paediatrics Association.
1987-date / Appointed / Coordinator UNICEF/University/Government of Kenya National Taskforce for Child Survival and Development.
1983 – 1986 / Appointed / Member, Drug Registration Board, Technical Committee, Ministry of Health, Kenya.
1980 – date / Appointed / Reviewer, East African Medical Journal.
1984 – date / Appointed / Facilitator – UNICEF/Ministry of Health. Growth Monitoring Programme.
1984 – 1989 / Elected / African Representative; International Committee for Prevention of Drug Abuse.
1985 – 1986 / Appointed Paediatrics Consultant (Clinical) AMREF
1987 / Appointed / Chairman, Drug Tender, Technical Evaluation Committee, Kenyatta National Hospital.


v  Community based epidemiology of Injuries and Accidents.

v  Community based Injury Prevention.

v  Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome in Paediatric Age Group.

v  Vitamin A and Iodine Deficiency Community.

v  Modalities for University Community Linkage for Child Health.

v  Various aspect of Child Survival and Development. Problems and Intervention strategies at Community Level.


1. / 1970 / Meme J.S.
Carcinoma of Thyroid
Nairobi Journal of Medicine 1: 23, 1970.
2. / 1971 / Meme J.S., Mwangemi P.M., Manguyu A.M.
Boils and Abscesses survey at the outpatient
Department of Kenyatta Hospital, Nairobi.
Journal of Medicine 2: 11, 1971.
3. / 1975 / Meme J.S., Oduori M.L., Gripenberg, Fanconi’s Aplastic Anaemia, case report and review of the Literature. E. Afr. Med. J. 54: 44, 1975.
4. / 1977 / Meme J.S., Clogg D.K., Gatei D. Lewis C.
Cryptogenic Fibrosing Alvelitis.
E. Afr. Med. J. 54: 44. 1977.
5. / 1977 / Meme J.S., Hillman D.
Infacts of low birth weight seen at the Kenyatta National Hospital.
E. Afr. Med. J. 54, 28, 1977.
6. / 1978 / Meme J.S.
A prospective study of Neonatal deaths in Nairobi,
Kenya E. Afr. Med. J. 55: 264, 1978.
7. / 1978 / Meme J.S., Kimemia S.G., Oduori M.L.
Hutchison-Gilford Progeria Syndrome.
8. / 1979 / Otieno L.S., Kasili E.G., Amolo J.G.C. Meme J.S.
Hemolytic Uraemic Sydrome.
9. / 1980 / Meme J.S., Otieno L.S., Njai D.
Fanconi Anaemia Chromosome breakages in a large African Family.
Hereditas 93, 225 1980.
10. / 1981 / Meme, J.S.
Sickle Cell Disease: The first ten years Medicom 3: 31, 1981.
11. / 1982 / Brown J.D., Meme J.S., Mbithi T.
Epidemiological Aspect of Mercury Poisoning in Kenya.
E. Afr. Med. J. 58: 98, 1982.
12. / 1982 / Meme J.S., Njai D., Kyambi, Kungu A.
Antral Mucosal Diaphragm. An obstructing lesion of the stomach.
E. Afr. Med. J. 59: 161, 1982.
13. / 1982 / S.N. Kinoti, Meme J.S., Bwibo N.O., Dawa B.
The effect of DL – Tocopherol Acetate on the sickling status of children suffering from sickle cell.
Medicom 4: 69, 1982.
14. / 1985 / Bryceson A, Chullay J., May H.O., Mugambi J., Were J., Meme J.S. and Anabani G.
Visceral Leishmaniasis unresponsive to antimonial drugs. Clinical and Immunological studies.
Trans. Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. 79, 700, 1985.
15. / 1985 / Bryceson A., chulay J. May H.O. Mugambi J.
Response of Leishmaniasis to High Dosage Sodium stiboglucante and prolonged treatment with pentamidine.
Trans. Roy. Soc. Trop. Med 79, 705 1985.
16. / 1986 / Meme J.S., Hillman D., Hillman e., Macleod S., Bwibo N.O.
University of Nairobi of Nairobi, Department of Paediatrics:
The McGill Legacy
Clin. Invest. Med. 9: 14, 1986.
17. / 1987 / Meme J.S.
Diarrhoea disease and oral rehydration therapy in Kenya.
Bulletin Inter. Paed. Assoc. 8: 223, 1987.
18. / 1987 / Meme J.S.
Schistosomiasis in Kenya.
Bulletin Intern. Paed. Assoc. 8: 383, 1987
19. / 1987 / Meme J.S.
Kenya Expanded Programme on Immunization.
Bulletin Intern. Paed. Assoc. 8: 4: 428, 1987.
20. / 1988 / Meme J.S.
Acute respiratory infections in Kenya.
Bulletin Intern. Paed. Assoc. 9: 96, 1988.
21. / 1988 / Opinya G., Kaimenyi., J.T., Meme J.S.
Oral Findings in Faconi’s Anaemia.
J. Periodontol. 59: 473, 1988.
22. / 1988 / Orinda D.A.O., Braddick C.K., Meme J.S.
Concentration of Thyroidhormone in maternal and cord blood from normal Kenya population.
Clin. Chem. 34, 23711, 1988.
23. / 1990 / Institutional capacity building for CSD in Kenya.
Intern. Child Health. 1: 1, 19.


1. Meme J.S., Yuko A., Oloo M.K.

Accidents and Injuries in persons under the age of 20 years in Kenya.

Bulletin of WHO.

2. Meme J.S., Yuko A., Oloo M.K.

Epidemiology of Burn Injuries in Nairobi City Hospitals.

Inter. J. Burn Injuries.


1. 1978 Gripenberg U., Meme J.S., Kahkonen., F. Fanconi Anaemia; Increases chromosome breakage in carriers. XIV International Congress of Genetics. Moscow, Abstracts: 013, 1978.

2. 1986 Meme J.S., Brown J.D., Mbithi T., Clinical and Epidemiological; Aspect of mercury poisoning in Kenya children. XVIII International congress of Paediatrics, Honolulu 73, 1986.

3. 1986 House M., Hillman D., Hillman E., Kenough E., MacLeod S., McCullough N., Meme J., Turner P., Wafula E.

Telemedicine in Africa.

Clin. Invest. Med. 1986: 9: 101.

4. 1989 Meme J.S.

A developing country’s (Kenya) experience with child injury control strategies.

XIX International Congress of Paediatrics 58: 29, 1989.


1. / 1986 / Meme J.S., Ndombi I.O., Wambani V., Waithaka., P.W. mativo., E.N., Alnwick D.
Improving young child growth.
Ministry of Health/UNICEF publication, May 1986.
2. / 1988 / Institutional Strengthening of National Capacity Building. The Kenya protype. UNICEF/FINNIDA PUBLICATION
3. / 1989 / Consultant: Facts for life.
4. / 1989 / New approaches to improve road safety, report of WHO study Group; Tech. Report Series 781, 1989.
5. / 1989 / Formulating Guidelines for sage communities WHO, Travelling Seminar.
WHO/Sarolinska Institute Publication
6. / 1991 / UNICEF publication of child health development centre on “NATIONAL Capacity for CSD in Africa”.


1. / 1978 / Gripenberg V., Meme J.S., Kahkonen M., Fanconi Anaemia.
XIV International Cogress of Genetics. Moscow, U.S.S.R
2. / 1980 / Meme J.S., Brown J.D.
Mercury Poisoning in Children
Congress of Association of Physicians in East and Central African, Mombasa, Kenya.
3. / 1982 / Meme J.S. Njai D.
Poisoning as a Cause of Physical Handicap. World Congress of International Leagues of Societies for persons with mental handicap November, Nairobi.
4. / 1982 / Meme J.S. Njai D.
Pulmonary Hemosideroiss
Second Congress of Union of National African Paediatrics Societies and Associations, January Kaduna, Nigeria.
5. / 1984 / Onyango F., Meme J.S., Bwibo N.O.
Osteomyelitis in children
Annual Scientifc Conference of Association of Physicians in East and Central Africa, Harare, Zibwabwe, June.
6. / 1984 / Meme J.S., Bwibo N.O., Onyango F. Ketotifen in Childhood Asthma.
3rd Congress of Union of National African Paediatric Societies and Associations.
Abijan, Ivory Coast, February
7. / 1986 / Meme J.S. Kinuthia D.W., Bwibo N.O.
Precocious puberty
Annual Scientific Conference of Kenya Paediatric Association, Nairobi, April.
8. / 1987 / Meme J.S. Mirza N.M.
B-Hemolytic streptoccal carriage in mothers and their neonates.
Royal Society of Medicine (Section of Paediatrics) London, June.
9. / 1986 / Meme J.S.
Clinical and Epidemiological aspects of Mercury Poisoning in Kenyan Children.
VIII International Congress of Paediatrics, Honolulu, Hawaii.
10. / 1986 / Meme J.S.
Childhood Accidents and Injury at the Kenyatta National Hospital.
Pan-American World Health Organization, Workshop;
Sao Paulo, Brazil 11-12 Dec.
1986 / Meme J.S.
Malaria in Kenya.
Cairo, Egypt. Dec. 15th
1986 / Meme J.S.
Expanded Programme in Immunization
Cairo, Egypt Dec. 14th.
1987 / Nganyi P.O., Meme J.S.
Childhood Accidental Injury, Garrisa Provincial Hospital. Kenya Paediatrics Association, Nairobi March 28th.
1987 / Meme J.S.
The role of Infectious diseases in causation of Mental handicap.
The common wealth association for mental handicap and developmental disabilities workshop.
Nairobi May 19.
1987 / Meme J.S.
Road Traffic Accidents in Kenya.
W.H.O. Study Group on New Approaches to improve road safety.
Geneva, November.
1988 / Meme J.S., Oiseman T.O
Appropriate Health Message in Primary Schools.
Rockefeller Foundation Seminar on Scientific
Development knowledge in Schools.
London, January.
1989 / Meme J.S.
Establishing a National Injury Prevention Programme:
Experience from a Developing Country.
XVIV International Congress of Paediatric, Paris July.
1989 / Meme J.S. Epidemiological surveillance of Accidental Injuries at Community Level.
W.H.O. consultative Group on Injury prevention, Paris, July.
1990 / Meme J.S.
Sexually transmitted Disease: Annual Meeting of the Finnish Medical Association; Helsinki, Finland; January.
1990 / Meme J.S. Health in rural areas in Kenya; Annual meeting of the Finnish Medical Association: Helsinki, Finland, January.
1990 / Meme J.S.
Early Childhood Care and development: UNESCO seminar on early Childhook care and education.
United Nations Offices.
1990 / Meme J.S.
Institutional capacity Building for Child Survival and Development.
UNICEF/ WHO/IPA Seminar, Nairobi, March.
1990 / Brady J.P., Meme J.S. et al.
AIDS – Can Perinatal transition be prevented? Attitudes and believes towards future pregnancies in Seropositive and seronegative mothers.
5thUNAPSA/ISOTOP International Scientific Congress: March, Nairobi.
1990 / Yuko A., Njeru N., Mbogori.
Epidemiology of Burn Injuries in Nairobi Hospitals:
5thUNAPSA/ISOTOP International Scientific Congress: March, Nairobi.
1990 / Meme J.S.
Essential National Health Research in Kenya.
International Workshop of Commission on Health Research for Development.
Pattya, Thailand, November.
1991 / Meme J.S., Namazi M.B.
Kenya situation of Capacity Building programme for Child Health.
UNICEF consultative meeting, Florence Italy, April